Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Design Desk Inc.

Acorn Engine System

The "Acorn Engine System" is a sealed engine system implementing high pneumatic pressure and vacuum upon an electric compound hyper jet.

The design is intended for use in the MedEvac Search & Rescue ambulance located at

In critical situations or inclement weather current transit methods are limited in duration of function then bound by fuel and or are not designed for extreme weather conditions.

Parts List

1. pneumatic pressure sphere- contains manifold pressure sensors upon each discharge manifold reports

    to the systems logic electronics to then safety the system to limit the engines systems not to

    exceed mechanical tolerances of the components material selection.

2. sold engine cap ( contains electrical inductance  "cage" )

3. oil fill plug

4. core drive shaft locking nut assembly

5. final balance " fly wheel" bearings

6. oil filled torque converter and generator Permanent Magnet type generator

7. torque converter electricity generator

8. torque converter roller ball "brushes" commutator contacts

9. core electric jet intake manifold

10.  bi-directional pneumatic compressor

11. electric motor  impeller transonic jet fan  accelerates upon pneumatic displacement of number 50

12.  pneumatic flow venturi ( focus of thrust  "cone" )

13. pneumatic pressure storage toroid / torus

14. primary vacuum jets

15. lamp housing "search light"

16. fuel less generator "bay" contains fuel less generator system listed

      at  redundant also casing contains inductance

      "cage" as stray electrical voltage control system. The start venting upon the cross pump generator

       schematic , number 32, then union port connected  vent piping to the vacuum chamber number 17 upon

       the Acorn Engine design. The intake to then "re-pressurize" the cross pump generator then an

      additional pneumatic feed "air pressure" pipe from the pressure storage tank upon the Acorn Engine

      design , number 18.

17. Main vacuum chamber

18. diameter of pneumatic pressure storage toroid / torus

19. baffle - allows for the force vector high velocity pressure to then have low pressure effect close to the final

      containment casing , contains bore holes to control the outer chamber "pressure keeping the system within

      the material selection mechanical tolerance

20. circumference thrust tubes negative pressure toroid / torus connects to the main vacuum chamber

21. 1:10 ratio gear set aligned so that the input torque is by the electric motor transonic and the out put rotational

      torque is then advancing number 10 at ten times the velocity. This allows the fixed yet adjustable electricity

      flow powering number 11 to then ride atop the compounding velocity rate of rotation.

22. throttle assembly  - air flow valve

23. pneumatic flow valve actuator polar array upon the unit redundant total of four times

24. hydraulic flow valve actuator polar array upon the unit redundant total of four times

25. vent tumbler height position

26. pneumatic pressure sensor  ( valve pressure sensor - measures the internal pneumatic pressure

      of the chamber)

27. focus venturi air flow port inverse open ended funnel cone

28. pneumatic guide ports

29. re-tension spring keeps the valve closed in it's natural position array about the polar center point eight times

30. system circumference thrust tube control valves electric positioning with pneumatic feed pressure

      as redundant back up actuation by manual sheathed steel cord.

31. bearing race

32. commutator for the electric motor , number 88 roller ball "brush contacts"

33. commutator for the electric motor , number 88 roller ball "brush contacts" - stagger hour use life of

      the  "brush" circuit as fault safety to indicate brush failure

34. primary horizontal electric compound jets ( detailed component same as number 79 )

35. core electric jet R.P.M. ( revolutions per minute ) sensor reports to engine system electronic circuit
      system "mapping" control board

36. commutator - redundant  "brushes" roller ball type brushes

37. pneumatic discharge tube internal baffle contains multiple ports to allow a low pressure between the

      baffle and the chamber wall

38. lower pneumatic pressure manifold - feeds air pressure controlled to the independent internal electric

      jets "Air Drive" system so that if electric component fails the system will still produce rotation upon

      pneumatic pressure. A back up flight system.. may be automatically instigated by the system

      logic / mapping electronics

39. center electric jet vacuum manifold - pulls air pressure from between the baffle and the chamber wall

40. pneumatic flow valve hydraulic flow pipes / hoses

41. pneumatic pressure injection valve - electric - adjust the  "pressure bubble in the venturi

42. electric air compressor connected to components as illustrated by flow pipes sum of six

      about the circumference

43. air compressor control valve

44. multi wire  "ribbon wire" electrical wire control circuits

45. main pneumatic pressure  "static force canceling" pneumatic return coil flow pipe / tube

46. inner pneumatic pressure  return coil assist in vacuum production to aid the system in obtaining

      pressurization differentiation within the engine system - "keeping" the high pneumatic pressure

      toward the top of the system and vacuum upon the discharge low end of the design as depicted.

47. electronics  "bay" mapping logic circuits

48. fuel less generator electrical power supply listed at

49. vacuum assist  "up draft " flow fan blade tilt pneumatic compressor

50. transonic propeller air compressor " down vector discharge

51. hyper jet compressor pressurizes the core electric jet faster than the discharge to then keep the

      pressure atop while producing sealed lift as effect same schematic as total system listed as number 79

52. electric motor

53. union point bolt plates -   rivet joined

54. pneumatic centrifugal impeller

55. 1:50 ratio gear set high side rotation tandem to number 53 and subsequent assembly

56. pneumatic  counter tilt impeller - reduces the mechanical resistance of the ratio gear set

57. pneumatic impeller mounting system

58. fly wheel

59. lock washer

60. lock nut threaded

61. hyper jet mounting  casing

62. pneumatic draft impeller

63. R.P.M. sensor

64. Hyper jet transonic generator and propeller

65. hyper jet core system mounting bracket

66. aero flow stabilizer guides the internal air flow to assist in directional stability - prevents excessive

      helical motion of the air flow multiple units within the system from end point center point polar array

      sum of four vanes

67. generator stator / field coil with variable intensity electric coils around the permanent magnets

      to then increase the electromagnetic field of the stator within the engine system yielding more electricity

      out put volt and current intensity level controlled by volt regulator and potentiometer.

68. volt regulation

69. redundant volt regulator

70. venturi maximum pressure sensor one way flow valve ( vents via pipe pressure from the venturi

      into the vacuum chamber and reporting pressure sensor - contains fault indicator is the pressure

     sensor has failed

71. hyper jet feed pipe pressure couplings

72. vacuum tank pipe coupling allows the air pressure from the hyper jet's internal impeller system to

      then vent into negative pressure

73. vacuum level sensor upon the pneumatic feed flow pipe to the air compressor valve control

74. hyper jet manifold feed pipe from the air compressor , number 42 and or air pressure storage tank number 18

75. flow pipe union via coupling to the vacuum chamber - negative pressure tank

76. full encasement " electrical inductance cage" acts to prevent engine disruption by lightning strike

      and or electromagnetic pulse

77. plasma box - control discharges any static electricity - contains actuation sensor and as a

      safety feature a fault indication circuit

78.  multi wire "bus" connector

79. hyper jet

80. electricity generator commutator

81. roller ball  contact "brush" for electricity transference

82. roller ball  contact "brush" for electricity transference

83. electric motor circumference and diameter pneumatic draft impeller

84. hyper jet engine core mounting bracket

85. internal static electricity control  - static electricity is collected upon the outer casing of number 21

86. external casing of number 36 is a multiple resistor electric resistance heater and cooling grid with

      the refrigeration system then in the air compressor valve control bay , number 47, cooling system

      by pneumatic flow as a sealed transfer medium so that the flow can be recovered should rupture

      or leak occur  also placement of refrigeration condenser connects to number 47

87. core thrust chamber

88. torque converter rotation balance weight places where required to stable any wobble within

      the system - there are multiple  the weight retainer is circular atop the torque converter

89. electricity generating transonic jet fan impeller causes number 50 to higher rates of rotation via

      the ratio gear set number 21

90.  refrigerated venturi via refrigeration system in number 47 connects via flow pipes

91. pneumatic flow pipes actuates the pneumatic piston opening valve ,number 23 allowing air flow

92. solid engine cap mounting bolts about the circumference contains inductance cage and carriage

      mount system  that attaches to the mobile servo electric position system to control final force vector

      of the internal displacement

93. engine mount

94. mounting bolt plate - rivet plate

95. strut - shock absorption - shock absorber

96. mount union link - pivots to also dampen excessive load or discharge of the engine system when

      heavy acceleration is occurring

97. strut - shock absorption - shock absorber

98. hydraulic shock absorption piston

99.  mobile mount engine link mount engine system to the mobile

100.  mobile carriage

101. rotating servo contains current transfer thru bore slip ring to allow the engine system to

        connect - communicate to the ships cockpit multi track also allows for the manual cable system

        function to then be actuate via hydraulic interface upon the servo - hydraulic system then

        moving the sectional manual flight system.

102. multi wire bus "ribbon wire" electric circuit control ribbon wire connects to the multi track thru bore

        electrical transference slip ring . The other half of the thru bore electricity transference slip ring

        then connects to adjacent mounting thru bore electricity slip ring repeating until the current is able

        to be directed to the cockpit control systems hydraulic slip rings then transfer mechanical motion

        with sheathed cables to then manually adjust the system as redundant flight controls.

* Note - The design system then can be used for commercial air craft to then act as a gentle hover

             landing system multiple  Acorn Engines ( mounted within the hull and or upon the exterior)

             to forever prevent jet liner air craft crashes due to engine failure.