Agricultural Field Cooler ( A free energy "pressure driven" dehumidification system -"sky well" )
(copyright cc creative commons "open source" "free to use")
The "Agricultural Field Cooler " is a tool to reverse field water evaporation or can be used for polar ice cap repair if placed on a flotation ring. By using the ambient temperature of the Earth at sufficient depth, the system is able to then produce low temperatures using vacuum as a part of the system compounding flow cycle. (ie... injecting ambient subterranean temperature into vacuum "lower barometric pressure causing cooling). The design also produces excess electrical current to pump the water or electrify a domicile.
This design system is NOT a standard type de-humidification system. It is completely different in it's function and service parameter!!!
The compounding effect producing water, then being able to drop the final out put air temperature to cause the field itself to act as a dehumidifier "plate". This also is then condensing surrounding environmental humidity and producing sufficient water for crops in a lower temperature environment. The field then surrounded by a wind break fence (landscaping fabric), to assist in retaining the lower temperature. The design will produce excess electricity, able to be used in other application like irrigation pumping via electric water pump or heat producing system to then protect crops from frost / freeze...
Parts List
1. water (rain) catch bowl
2. Photovoltaic (Solar Panel)
3. electric water pump
4. structural support "rib" air intake system
5. external air intake "shutter valve" electric motor - adjust the air intake circular shutter
6. field coil (brush less electric motor), transonic air compressor electricity generator "magneto circumference" air
compressor propeller upon the diameter
7. vacuum rated pipe compression fitting
8. electronic logic / system electronic circuit "mapping" control "bay" "contains electrically controlled air flow valve that
adjust automatically. The air flow valve setting then adjust automatically determined by the system's settings - external
receptacle for remote electrical power feed (weather safe receptacle)
9. R.P.M. sensor (revolutions per minute sensor)
10. vacuum chamber
11. 1:150 ratio gear set (sealed lubrication and electrically grounded - the aerodynamic (dual parabola ), outer "casing" controls
unwanted inductance)
A = one way valve
B = 1:150 sealed lubrication gear set
C = high speed hydraulic fluid pump
D = output rotation drive shaft
E = sealed lubrication bearing race
F = compression fitting / flow pipe fitting
G = one way valve for hydraulic fluid and pneumatic pressure
H = one way valve
I = dual component pressure "capsule" pressure tank
J = hydraulic fluid oil discharge compression fitting
K = speed limiter "unit" contains reduction gearing (from the unit's internal hydraulic impeller to the valve 150:1 ratio), and a hydraulic
fluid "fluid draft" impeller operating a flow valve that causes the "re-routing" of hydraulic
fluid if the velocity becomes excessive (causes the hydraulic fluid to "by-pass" the hydraulic impeller letter "R")
L = over pressure max pressure safety valve vents over pressure to the exterior of the unit
M = valve lever connects to resistance coil spring adjusting the actuation resistance level
N = retention coil spring
O = pivoting coil spring mounting system
P = oil filter
Q = input rotation drive shaft
R = hydraulic fluid "hydraulic draft impeller"
S = oil flow pipe
T = compression pipe fitting
U = oil flow pipe
V = coil spring retention fine tune adjustment screw
W = oil filter rubber gasket
X = valve lever travel distance
Y = one way flow valve
Z = oil return pipe
12. high speed electric motor - compound hyper air flow jet impeller input torque to the ratio gear set transonic impeller electric
brush less electric motor
13. rib wall lighting
14. shutter air intake system (uses electric motor to open the shutter - uses air filter)
15. rubber bushing "gasket" ( "head unit" interference fit ) rain drain holes in field water "mode"
16. outer system casing "cylinder" - internal surface then a de-humidification surface "condensing" environmental humidity)
17. electronics power management "bay" weather safe access panel
18. power management "bay" access "door"
19. vacuum level sensor and safety valve (prevents chamber implosion redundant sensor activated by solenoid and a mechanical
air inlet valve dampener valve that is depressed by coil spring)
20. electrical power management "bay" contains battery bank Start up charging via solar panel and by the system in operation
(vented battery chamber), required electrical components to "control the hyper jets" external on / off and system setting / mode
selection panel - internal work lamp - illuminated control panel
21. "pre-set" air flow restriction valve causes lower pressure upon high "air flow draft"
22. internal air intake and air filtration "sponge filter"
23. external mounting bore about the circumference (nut / bolt and spacer) 24 times - external of the center core
chamber "ring" / toroid shape air intake acts as cold surface water condenser to condense environmental humidity
24. mounting plates - joins the base "cone" (skirt) to the vertical cylinder "system casing"
25. base "cone" (skirt)
26. rubber pipe bushing
27. water flow tube (operating placement coiled around the cylinder)
28. water out flow pipe to well or sub surface "under field cistern"
29. rubber bushing
30. water flow pipe - fills the base water "well" under 2' of earth
31. system anchor nut and bolt foundation (concrete) anchor bolt fum of four "upon" the circular quadrant points
32. cone foot
33. water inlet tube
34. condensation drip / water "catch pan"
35. air intake system (air filter and air filter housing)
36. main venturi exhaust flow pipe
37. air compression venturi (electrically grounded - to "control" any static electricity produced by mass "air" in motion)
38. air flow temperature sensor (secondary air flow coil) - submersible sensor wiring encased water proof
39. thermally conductive air flow pipe
40. system casing thermally conductive
41. field coil
42. transonic impeller electric brush less electric motor
43. primary air flow pipe
44. structural support fillets sum of 36 about the circumference of the base
45. primary air flow coil air flow pipe
46. air flow pipe internal water temperature sensor
47. wildlife protection screen
48. electric water pump ( sealed gas type electric motor drives the water pump) water pump intake extends to the internal base
of the water tank with a water level send unit that actuates the water pump to "not" over fill - sends water
to or water well.....
The design is a fuel less out door air conditioner also able to be used in many applications. If fitted atop a flotation ring, suitable for the open ocean, the design could be used to reduce the surface temperature of the water then reducing hurricane / typhoon intensity by reversing the humidity updraft that increases the size of the storms (additional maritime marker lamps and communications system for remote "start up" / "shut down", then added to the design). The design may also be able to mechanically freeze the permafrost to prevent the unwanted Methane emission discharge (CH4 is a greenhouse gas). The design can also be used to rebuild mountain glaciers that provide water for billions of people.....
* Note - internal system components held in place by brackets....
* Note - rotating components use sealed lubrication bearing races
* Note - the ratio gear set, number 11, then has upon it's internal assembly a hydraulic fluid pressurized cycle
(by pneumatic pressure), in a dual component pressure capsule.
The system then has a hydraulic fluid impeller tandem rotating with the input rotation and a hydraulic pump then tandem with
the high speed output rotation. Between the hydraulic impeller and hydraulic fluid pump is placed a speed limiter valve that
directs the oil back to the dual component internal pressure bottle under excessive suction. This also limits system speed
to prevent a "run away effect" - also assisted by the magneto magnetic field resistance (electrical generator's field
coil resistance).
The oil discharges from the dual component pressure bottle then traveling to the speed limiter, via flow pipe, containing a
velocity actuated (hydraulic impeller), bypass flow valve also "re-routing" the oil flow from the pressure bottle. The speed
regulator valve system, also containing an oil intake from the dual component pressure bottle will allow for stable r.p.m. rate.
The dual component pressure bottle is then filled with silicon oil (a "non electrically conductive", "non flammable" hydraulic
The hydraulic fluid cycle contained within the ratio gear set allows for nullification of resistance
produced when using a mechanical gear set to produce inclined out put rotation rates. It also counter acts the magnetic
field resistance encountered when generating electricity.
The regulated oil flow from the speed limiter valve then traverses across the hydraulic impellers by higher fluid suction
caused by the high speed hydraulic pump. The hydraulic pump's fluid discharge is then directed back to the pressure
bottle via flow pipe with one way valve upon the flow pipe.
This limits speed and prevents pipe implosion. The hydraulic fluid traverses across the hydraulic impeller by higher fluid
suction caused by the high speed hydraulic pump. The hydraulic pump's fluid discharge then is directed back to the pressure
bottle slightly faster than it's discharge rate. This cycles potential energy by the pneumatic pressurization of hydraulic fluid
in the dual component pressure bottle without "work potential loss". This effectively recycles the "work" potential without loss
of potential.
*Note - the system components are then composed of stain less steel to prevent corrosion hazard due to humidity
*Note - the casing (vertical cylinder) then of sufficient impact strength to prevent projectile hazard due to manufacturing defect
* Note - a percentile of generated electrical current, produced by number 6, then is able to be reintroduced back into the system
electric drive motors to cause inclined air flow velocity. The r.p.m. sensor, number 9, then allows the logic electronic circuit
board to adjust the electricity reintroduction level to "control" the internal air flow speed and exhaust air temperature.
* Note - additional pneumatically driven attachments can be added to the vertical vector air flow discharge.. air heater
(electric resistance plugs into he control panel) water pump (pneumatic and electric).... distillation unit if used for
human water consumption....etc
* Note - magneto and electric motor wire surfaces are sealed from external air to prevent low level ozone formation
* Note - flow pipes coils , number 39 and 45), are thermally conductive, electrically grounded and electrically insulated by
plastic coating to prevent electrolysis as result of air flow or static electrical charge capacitance....
* Note - the flow pipe between number 34 and 35 (labeled "internal air in" ), are then multiple pipes placed in a circular array to
allow the volume of air flow sum of 12 about 360 degrees (diameter of flow pipe varies upon final scale of the system)
* Note - care must be taken regarding crops as setting upon the design must match the plant type also factoring the way in
which the crops are planted ie. not to cause mold or fungus growth upon the farm crop...
* Note - the design may also be used to fill water for the under field cistern design system for water storage
* Below please find an "add on" attachment to be used with the Agricultural Field Cooler .. a distillation system driven by the excess electrical output then from the weather safe receptacle located upon number 8. When using this design for potable water for human consumption the air intake system will use a capping cover to prevent wildlife fecal matter from entering the system. The "potable water capping system" will "cap" number 47 allowing horizontal air intake below number 15 with the air then going up into the system "head unit". The electric hot plate then heats the water to condense the steam via the cold air exhaust making it potable. The water heater "plate disk" then slightly oval and is able to be extracted like a drawer. The water tank has also an over spill to drain excess water. Regular cleaning is required for the slide out "hot plate" and periodic water filter exchange is also required. The water filter can be made to indicate upon the exterior of the filter contaminates ( heavy metals / toxins etc... ).
Design Desk Inc.