Automotive Vacuum Drive Accelerator

The Automotive Vacuum Drive Accelerator is an advancement in "zero emission" automotive power plants. The system acts as a fuel less generator for an unlimited range electric vehicle. No battery required.

Parts List

1. Nut

2. pulley

3. drive belt

4. oil drain spout

5. oil drain valve

6. drive chain casing vent with air screen mesh resist water inundation

7. R.P.M. sensor (revolutions per minute sensor)

8. drive sprocket

9. tension sprocket (adjust the drive chain's tension)

10. drive chain

11. large sprocket - tandem rotating with the high side of the ratio gear set

12. hydraulic pump - pump internal  "pump wheel" tandem rotating with the high side of the ratio gear set

      and armature of the magneto

13. union bolt plates

14. pipe coupling

15. union bolt plates

16. torque converter mounting plate (sum of 8 bolts about 360 degrees - from the center point)

17. torque converter

18. Main electric motor (Hp  "horse power" rated for the total weight of the motor vehicle / automobile)

      The electric motor may be Ac or Dc current. The  Dc model then requires additional rectifier in the power

      management  "bay" number 26 to then be able to supply the Dc motor with controlled Dc current

19. Automotive automatic transmission link chain / drive chain tension adjustment bolt with lock nut (to "set

      the screw")

20. transmission drive chain (lubricated via transmission fluid / encased)  tension sprocket

21. transmission drive chain

22. dual shaft electric motor (number 18) output shaft sprocket tandem rotating with the automotive automatic
      transmission sprocket - a three sprocket system

23. automotive automatic transmission gear selector and end shaft retainer (contains sealed bearings) threaded
      bore and bolt sun of two mirror line from the center line

24. automotive automatic transmission mounting assembly non electrically conductive bushing

25. automotive automatic transmission mounting assembly  mounts to the chassis

26. electronics  "bay"  (vented)  power management components...such as  system relays / transformers /

      voltage regulators / automotive  "fuse box" / system electrical relay panel / motor  "logic" system rate control

      electronics with venting high wall intake low above the recess lock dock in number 96 - this keeps the

      electronics cool....   contains "main high voltage regulator", before the  "throttle" assembly / potentiometer. The

      unit then upon the main electricity feed circuit  between the generator, number 42 and the main electric motor

      number 18.

      The unit may be  "forced cooled" by the car's air conditioning evaporator via cooling exchanger electric

      motor and blower fan to then chill the power management circuits and components.  An additional electric

      motor and blower fan and thermostat will also be contained with in the  unit as the main temperature control

      system ie... "cools" the electronics via raised heat dissipation fins (top) and within the cooling exchanger

      base in number 26 a "heat sink" that allows cold from the vehicles air conditioning system to then force chill

      the power management "bay" system electric components. The sealed cooling exchanger then contains an

      noble gas as to not cause condensation from humidity upon the system's electronics.

27. drive chain and sprocket transfer case - contains lubrication oil and is a "vented" casing (front) - percentile

      of the venting over pressure from number 81 will "vent to" via flex hose and fittings then drive chain lubrication

      encasement, number 27 to force air into then encasement - air pressure feed (intake fitting) then mounted

      upon the rear of the encasement - intermittent actuation (the safety over pressure valve, number 81  "multi

      stage safety vent "will upon it's first stage, via internal dampener valve, allow the discharge of air to then be

      directed to the drive chain lubrication encasement as to not cause excessive mechanical wear upon the

      vacuum pump, number 67

28. main electric motor and automotive automatic transmission assembly (bolt union into threaded bore)

29. foot pedal accelerator pedal

30. main electric motor  multi wire  (insulated) wire  "bus" clip electricity "feed"

31. throttle roller gears (positions the potentiometer)

32. dual retention coil springs

33. potentiometer roller gear (positions the potentiometer)

34. roller gear lever and foot pedal linkage

35. torque converter "swell contour" encasement "torque converter outer housing"

36. hydraulic fluid (hydraulic fluid dampener valve) - this valve works in tandem with the system shut

      down sequence and the  "All Stop" emergency function. The natural coil spring contained within the valve

      and valve control solenoid is tension positioned to the closed position yet will allow low flow in the

      closed position

37. pipe coupling

38. hydraulic fluid divergence valve (allows the back pressure from the oil exiting the hydraulic
      pump, number 12 to then vent to the ratio gear set's high side - output rotation, hydraulic impeller,

      number 40 thus reducing the resistance produced when using a ratio gear set. The divergence valve works

      in tandem with the r.p.m. sensor, number 43, to then assist in setting the system  "base idle" r.p.m. rate

      determined within the system electronics circuit control board. The natural coil spring contained within the valve
      and valve control solenoid is tension positioned to the closed position yet will allow low flow in the
      closed position

39. drive chain and sprocket transfer case - contains lubrication oil and is a "vented" casing (rear)

40. ratio gear set's high side tandem rotating hydraulic impeller (the system may also contain a direct hydraulic

      oil pressure feed with electric regulation valve then connected via oil flow pipe to a port coupling upon,

      number 111 post oil filtration to then increase the oil pressure at "start up" and in  "run" mode to assist in the

      rotation of the counter tilt hydraulic impeller. The electric regulation valve upon the additional flow system will

      also monitor oil pressure within the valve and communicate to the systems logic processor, number 26 for

      smooth continuity of function ie... aids in keeping the system stable.

      The hydraulic impeller, number 40 then with an oil injection fitting upon the housing to then increase the

      volume of oil under pressure entering the counter tilt oil impeller rotating in tandem with the high side of the

      ratio gear set. The electric valve upon the  said flow system then operated by solenoid controlled by the

      system's logic electronic circuit's processor that  references system's parameters, "information" from the

      system's sensor upon the hydraulic impellers housing, (detects hydraulic impeller's internal chamber oil 


      The hydraulic impellers encasement will contain a hydraulic pressure safety valve with oil pressure sensor

      that reports to the system logic processor / mapping control electronics, number 26. The hydraulic oil pressure

      “sensor” then assisting in stable operation. The said hydraulic oil pressure safety valve then vents the over

      pressure via tube to the coupling number 79 via pipe.

41. ratio gear set 1:2 ratio  up to or through ratio  "span", 1:40 ratio gear set high side tandem rotating with

      number 12

42. high voltage Ac (alternating current) electricity generator (adjustable magnetic intensity field coil)

43. R.P.M. sensor (revolutions per minute sensor)

44. hydraulic impeller - tandem rotating with the rotational input side of the ratio gear set

45. hydraulic fluid  "back pressure" safety valve - also an electric solenoid controlled divergence flow

      control valve to then allow the re-pressurization of the dual component (hydraulic fluid under air pressure)

      pressure storage tank contains oil pressure sensor reporting to the system's logic processor helps adjust

      the valve. The valve controls the oil flow for subsequent  "re-start" / "re-pressurization" of the system increasing

      the pressure within the dual component pressure storage tank, number 59.

     The valve is positioned by electric solenoid with internal coil spring that,

      in it's natural position will direct the oil flow to the vacuum chamber, number 78. The internal oil pressure

      sensor, number 141, will assist in the systems electronic circuits to set the correct position as required by

      the system status "mode of function". The oil pressure sensor also then works with the internal diaphragm

      valve safety system controlling the oil pressure within the valves housing that vents over pressure to the

      vacuum chamber, number 78.

       The oil pressure sensor, number 141 insures the valves internal  over pressure safety valve is

       operating correctly... and if fault is detected the adjust the valve's position by solenoid accordingly.  ie... "to

       then "direct" the high oil pressure to the vacuum chamber operating with the safety flow pipe "to then" dump

       over pressure to the vacuum chamber, number 78. The electrical signal from the oil pressure sensor,

       number 141 will adjust the valve's electric solenoid also referencing the oil level meter in number 55 to

       maintain the operating oil level within the dual component pressure storage tank, number 59

46. flow union pipe (balance pipe)

47. one way valve

48. start valve with sheathed manual pull cable connects to the automotive ignition (also used when shutting
      the system off then using the electric solenoid (with internal coil spring), to close the valve - natural position

      is closed valve with tension by the solenoid's internal tension coil spring.

     The oil flow is then directed, via control valve, number 45 and number 48

      termed, "reintroduction oil flow rate system" works in tandem with the demand for electrical production

      as determined by the main electric motor and generator "baug" rate... ie... to compensate for "loading" by

      allowing higher oil feed pressure/ velocity of oil  to "impale" the hydraulic impeller number 44. The valve also

      then  working in tandem with oil level meter sensor, number 55 to then maintain the oil level in the in the dual

      component pressure storage tank, number 59. This valve also maintains the oil level within the vacuum

      chamber referencing the r.p.m. sensor, number 43 (extrapolation referencing the oil level meter, number 55

       for "volume of oil" vs. "rate" (r.p.m. of the system).

49. sheathed "pull cable" mounting bracket

50. sheathed braided stain less steel pull cable (graphite lubricated) - requires the ignition key to "unlock" with

      sensor upon the assembly to then check that the vehicle is in "park / neutral" works in tandem "along with"

      foot pedal number 29 and operates valve, number 48

51. electric solenoid with internal coil spring (internal retention coil spring to the valve "causes valve, number 48 

      in the closed position"), clarifies direction  of the solenoid actuation electrified the solenoid opens the valve

      ("idle" for number 18's rotation pre set controlled in, number 26), extends toward the rear  aft of the vehicle.

      The solenoid is also "reactive" during heavy system acceleration via pull cable number 50 then connected to

      number 29. ie... increases pressurized oil flow per unit  of time to "speed up" the generator in tandem with the

      foot pedal, number 29's depression then opening the valve.

     The solenoid actuation electronics references both r.p.m. sensors.  The solenoid and foot pedal assembly then

     also connected by sheathed lubricated (graphite) stainless steel connection cable then attaching to the valves

     control lever to then cause the valve to open when the foot pedal is depressed.

     The retention coil spring within the solenoid then also becomes resistance upon the foot pedal, number 29.

52. oil flow control valve causes the oil flow back pressure to then vent to the vacuum chamber via safety
      pipe, number 130 when the dual component pressure storage tank, number 59 is then at operating

      pressure and oil height (volume) of oil. The solenoid electronics control board then references the signal

      from number 55 (oil level meter) and number 53 to position the valve. The valve then will close forcing the

      oil, oil pressure, via safety dampener valve within number 45 to then cause the oil to then be directed to

      the vacuum chamber via flow pipe, number 130.

      The valve also closes when the electronic circuit logic processor within number 26 has determined that the dual
      component pressure storage pressure tank, number 59, has reached sufficient oil and air pressure for
      the subsequent system  "re-start".

53. oil pressure sensor electric (connects to the logic processor, number 26 for system's correct operation)

54. oil return coupling  then caused by valve position, number 45's position

55. oil fill screw cap (threaded / pressure rated) and oil level sensor (like a fuel send meter) also reporting oil

      level height / volume of oil within the  pressure tank, number 59 to the system's logic electronics processor,

      number 26 - assist in oil level control by assisting the logic processor adjust the system control valves and

      electricity re-introduction level. The meter signal and electronics processor "maintain" oil level height 

      (volume of oil) in the dual component pressure storage tank, number 59 by adjusting the oil flow control

      valves accordingly

56. oil drain

57. one way valve

58. pneumatic pressure return coupling

59. dual component pressure storage tank, hydraulic fluid - non electrically conductive  non flammable
      hydraulic fluid  - (silicone oil) and air pressure pressure storage tank- "contains" hydraulic fluid of 50% (oil)

      50% pneumatic pressure at high air pressure level equating to the work capacity to rotate the system

      depending upon it's scale vs volume (size of the pressure tank).  Air pressure within the pressure tank

      causes oil pressure that is vented via pipe to assist in the start up sequence.

     The pneumatic displacement will only occur during the  "start up" sequence then the electrical reintroduction

     system will carry the load. (ie... the generator then powering the motor, will incur while the system vacuum

     "drafts" itself into continual rotation due to incline vacuum within the vacuum chamber while speeding the

     generator and hydraulic pump assembly forward in addition to increasing the system speed by the high

     velocity hydraulic oil traversing across the hydraulic impeller). This provides unlimited electricity production

     yielding unlimited range of travel for the automobile.

60. one way valve

61. pulley

62. pulley

63. pulley

64. pulley

65. 12v Dc alternator

66. electric clutch

67. vacuum pump (piston type vacuum pump rotary type air compressor causes air pressure

      exhaust pulls vacuum at intake) - contains reduction gearing of 20:1 ratio the  "20" then tandem with the

      input rotation tandem with one half of the electric actuated mechanical clutch - out put rotation tandem with

      the rotary air compressor vacuum pump

68. electric clutch

69. air conditioner compressor

70. power steering and power break pump (a dual pump unit)

71. power steering and power break pump power steering fluid / break fluid reservoir with fluid level

      sensor indicators upon the fluid fill screw caps

72. rigid pipe flex vacuum hose coupling union

73. one way vacuum valve

74. oil return coupling

75. vacuum chamber collapse dampener expansion coil spring (the two halves of the vacuum chamber
      are interference fit)

76. oil drain (oil under high vacuum out flow coupling / pipe fitting)

77. vacuum level safety exterior air inlet dampener valve

78. vacuum chamber "contains" hydraulic fluid of 50% (oil) 50% pneumatic vacuum. The oil is affected by

      the vacuum. Yet with a small diameter oil exhaust via the oil drain vs. the surface area of the vacuum

      the effect is different in suction... ie... the oil flow to the hydraulic pump, number 12.

79. high pressure oil flow return coupling

80. main line oil return coupling / pipe fitting

81. pneumatic over pressure pressure relief safety vent valve / multi stage mechanical dampener valve

      (vents over pressure to the exterior of the system) multi stage over pressure venting - contains electric sensor

      actuation indicator reporting to the system logic processor, number 26. The safety valve then with the first

      stage venting to the drive chain encasement to vent the encasement, number 27 (intermittent air discharge

      actuation). The second stage of the safety valve  then venting to the exterior of the system to open

      air ( constant air discharge when required ).

82. pneumatic pressure sensor - reports to the system's logic processor number 26

83. pneumatic one way fill valve mounts to the oil fill screw cap

84. safety rod retains the oil fill screw cap as a safety measure hinged mounting to the dual component

      pressure storage tank

85. drive chain casing mounting assembly mounts the system to the "fire wall" of the vehicle

86. drive chain casing mounts the assembly to forward part (front cross member) of the chassis

87. drive chain casing mounts directly to the drive chain casing rectangular bolt pattern threaded bore
      upon the drive chain casing

88. high voltage generator mounting bore

89. high voltage generator mounting bore

90. Magneto  (permanent magnet Ac - alternating current electricity  "generator" - (feeds electricity to the stator

      field coil of the main high voltage generator) contains commutator and roller wheel contact brushes - the

      electricity output is voltage regulated before the stator of the main high voltage generator is electrified upon

      the circuit ( stator = field coil)

91. multi wire  "ribbon wire" instrumentation (to the dashboard) wire "bus clip"

92. multi wire  "ribbon wire"  - wire "bus clip" docks the drive belt driven electrical components

93. multi wire  "ribbon wire" - wire "bus clip" docks sensors of the system also docks valve control solenoid
      wires with hinged weather proof  "lid" and  12v Dc automotive "fuse block" for the automobiles
      amenities (horn , lights,  radio, power windows, etc...)

94. weather safe fuse block  "lid"

95. inlet air vent also as a protrusion to then dock into the recess of number 96 for stable mounting with
      push / release safety tabs

96. docking recess for the base of number 26 electronics bay

97. multi wire  "ribbon wire" main electrical power "feed wires "to" the main electric motor, number 18 docks

      multi wire / ribbon wire  "bus" clip, number 30

98. vacuum level sensor - reports to the system electronic control circuits in number 26

99. drive chain housing mounting bolts (with  lock washer) into threaded bore upon the component
      number 28 - sum of 8 bolts total in a rectangular pattern

100. oil pressure sensor threaded mounting bore

101. high voltage generator armature roller track and stabilizer sealed bearings (high heat tolerant
        lubrication) stabilizes the armature's rotation about the core drive shaft

102. voltage regulator unit  (contains rectifier) - The regulator unit is really two voltage regulators a secondary

        (from the magneto) and a primary voltage regulator then controlling the  "run mode" electrical current level.

        The primary regulator  contains potentiometer and potentiometer setting control unit to increase electricity

         feed current level to the field coil  / stator of the high voltage generator, number  42 (causes the generator

        higher electricity output levels). The regulator is also connected via wire to the main logic processing

        electronic circuit board, number 26 to be monitored for fault also then to control the electric motor and gear

        assembly that positions the current control potentiometer adjusting the field coil stator feed electrical current.

        The out put level of the main generator, number 42 also then via  "hot wire"

        send ( + ) and return ( - )  can be directed to the electromagnets wound around the permanent magnets in

        the field coil stator of number 42. This increases the magnetic intensity of the field coil producing high

        density high voltage also voltage regulated in the system voltage regulator.

        The rectifier then acts as a  "back up" Dc power circuit to then be able to electrify the system's 12v Dc

        functions should the automotive belt driven alternator fail. The circuit also contains 12v voltage regulator

103. electrically non conductive bushing

104. nut and lock washer assembly

105. system mounting bolt

106. Number 87's mounting bolt

107. hinged fitting contains non electrically conductive "bushing" same format as number 24 & 25

108. drive chain housing mounting hinged fitting contains non electrically conductive "bushing" same format
        as number 24 & 25 - mounts to the fire wall

109. mounting bolt and nut assembly contains lock washers nut side and flat washer bolt side

110. magneto commutator and  "roller" contact brush contact electrical current transference contact points

111. oil filter and oil filter mounting "block" - the oil filter then a dampener valve type oil filter "so that" under high

       oil pressure  rate of oil flow the oil filter dampener valve then allows the rate of flow not to become

       encumbered by the filter. The high speed flow then by passes the filter. The dampener valve circular

       diaphragm part of the cylinder with the dampener valve then located upon the opposite side of the filter that

       then mounts via screw thread unto the oil filter mounting block

112. ratio gear set lubrication oil fill and drain plug

113. compression pipe fitting

114. main high voltage generator commutator and "roller wheel" contact brushes

115. main high voltage generator armature

116. permanent magnet and electromagnet (main high voltage generator stator / field coil), variable

        intensity (variable current level) electricity feed from the magneto then able to be adjusted so that at start

        up less resistance from the field coil stator will allow the system to begin it's rotation. The electricity then

        controlled  in the voltage regulator - contains potentiometer and potentiometer setting control unit

117. pipe coupling

118. union bolt plates contains sum of six bolt - flat washer - lock washer and nut assembly

119. oil fill screws cap with oil level dip stick and oil level indents

120. main electric motor mounting bores

121. main electric motor armature

122. main electric motor commutator

123.  magneto "roller wheel" electrical contact points

124. power steering power steering fluid flow pipes

125. power break  break fluid flow pipes

126. air conditioner refrigerant flow tubes

127. start cycle oil flow pipe

128. oil flow pipe refills the dual component pressure tank for subsequent system re-start

129. main line oil return pipe (to high vacuum)

130. high pressure oil return oil flow pipe - safety pressure relief pipe

131. high vacuum vacuum flex hose

132. ratio gear set's "counter tilt" oil return oil flow pipe

133. main oil flow pipe

134. pneumatic pressure fill pipe

135. mounting bore

136. mounting bore with electrical ground

137. mounting bore

138. main high voltage generator commutator

139. drive shaft receiving cup then upon both sides of the automotive automatic transmission out put

         of the automotive automatic transmission

140. oil fill (vacuum level rated) screw cap

141. oil pressure sensor

* Note - The automatic automotive transmission may contain a slip clutch and or an electromagnetic locking interface as an electromagnetic clutch to then assist in safety - part of the "all stop" function when disengaged.

* Note - The system will avoid "run away effect" due to the flow valve, number 45's design. The final "base idle" of the main electric motor, number 18, then is set by the electronics control board's potentiometer upon the main power feed circuit to the "throttle" potentiometer assembly, number 33 and on to the automotive main electric

motor  number 18 that is able to rotate the automotive automatic (or manual) automotive transmission.


The above design system causes the wick of hydraulic fluid under ("exposed to" ) high vacuum causing the electricity producing magneto and generator to yield high density high voltage electricity. The high density high voltage electricity is then applied to a dual shaft electric motor that rotates an automotive automatic transmission then being able to rotate the wheels of an automobile.

The system effectively will "diesel" (continue to  "run"), on vacuum then using pneumatically pressurized hydraulic oil (silicone oil) to begin it's rotation. The "on board" vacuum chamber then, after the vacuum chamber is at operating range, will allow air in to then be compressed by the exhaust of the vacuum pump to re-pressurize the dual component air pressure  hydraulic fluid pressure tank causing oil pressure to allow the system to begin it's rotation.

The hydraulic pump, number 12 then is rotating faster than the hydraulic impeller, number 44 and with the hydraulic pump number 12 pulling oil from under high vacuum cause higher vacuum in the vacuum chamber, number  78.


The velocity of oil exiting the hydraulic pump, number 12, then impales the counter tilt hydraulic impeller, number 40 with the oil "back pressure" controlled by the flow valves number 38 and  number 45. The "counter tilt" hydraulic impeller, number 40 is tandem rotating with the high side of the ratio gear set causing the nullification of mechanical resistance produced while using a ratio gear set.

This increases the velocity of displaced oil traveling to the hydraulic impeller, number 44. The rate of the oil velocity then causes the system to speed up producing more electricity. The  oil "back pressure" then is controlled by the flow control valve, number 45 referencing the system's sensors to extrapolate the correct setting for the flow control valves by positioning the electric solenoids automatically.

The system's rotation then producing electricity to then be reintroduced to the system main electric motor keeping the motor system at stable "idle" with available electrical current to then accelerate the system producing more electricity.

Stainless steel is the material selection of choice for the system.

The system's electronics board, number 26, "governs" the system for correct operation referencing the system's parameters.

The design is electrically insulated from the chassis of the vehicle implements an artificial electrical ground to prevent electrical shock hazard.

The automotive motor / generator system does not electrically ground to the chassis of the vehicle. The design uses a plasma box to then act as an artificial electrical ground still serving the same function as an electrical ground. The plasma box is then preventing unwanted electricity from causing an electrical shock hazard. The plasma box is a critical component.  The system motor mounts are also "non electrically conductive" and the system is encased for water safety to not be become a hazard if the vehicle should encounter high water.

The final system casing then is two part encasement resisting water inundation. the two part encasement then encasing the power management  "bay" numbers 26 containing an electrical inductance  "cage" within the encasement. The main motor / generator encasement encasement will also resist water inundation with an air filter mounted atop. The main casing then with water float level sensor that will communicate with the system's logic to cause "all stop" function to prevent electrical shock hazard should the automobile become submerged in flood water. The main encasement for the motor / generator casing will also contain an electrical inductance  "cage" within the material of the encasement. Both inductance  "cages" will dissipate any induced stray voltage to the system artificial electrical ground (plasma box) to then also control any stray static electricity. The system encasement is also insulated for magnetic field within the two encasement's material.

The design is an electric automobile that does not require an electrical storage battery and will

provide "on-demand" service 24 / 7. The motor system then being a suitable replacement for the duty / service requirement of current internal combustion engine systems and will be able to replace fossil fuels for transportation correcting the environmental atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2) / Climate Change / Global Warming problem.

The design is a zero emission electric car! (no electrical storage battery or fuel required!)

Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Design Desk Inc.