Bamboo Hydroponics -  An alternative to "Slash and Burn" agriculture.

The following system may be used for the cultivation of plants in environments where the soil of the out laying area is not suitable for plant growth. The water harvested via passive solar wick is low volume per unit. If the harvested water is used for human or animal consumption the water should first be boiled or distilled prior to consumption.

Analysis of the food products then grown in the bamboo will be required to be  inspected for  altered properties within the food... a check system to prevent unwanted toxicity.. The system must be steam cleaned with hot water steam to prevent any unwanted mold growth within the hydroponic system.

The use of electrolysis to produce hydrogen to use as fuel to heat water by burning the gas is a possibility but we recommend using electricity to produce the steam required as it is a safer method. The stem wrap sponge will insulate the plant as the roots then are in the vertical tube..... the water then traversing horizontally in the bamboo...

If the water stick is placed upon a hill then the out flow of water may then be directed down hill with the "syphon effect" to then water the bamboo hydroponics system via tube  ( with shut off valve ), entering the horizontal hollow bamboo tube ...

  A "solar wick / solar water heater"  for heating the water may then be of assistance then placed upon the top of the water stick to receive sunlight to heat the water flowing to the bamboo hydroponics from the base of the tube...

The "solar wick might be able to distill the water in the process ( contains a max pressure over pressure safety valve to relieve over pressure hazard) . A thermometer will be standard equipment upon the "solar wick / water heater" to then monitor the temperature for correct application ie.. to clean the bamboo or to then trickle feed water to the horizontal bamboo hydroponic system.

The above design system then as a model of business is able to "grow itself"... the technique of growing the supplies for the system then reducing the cost associated with the food production system even in remote or arid climates where water is scarce....

If the water tubes are then placed rising on hill ridges allowing for water accumulation in a passive fashion in the valley below causing the refilling of the water table via passive de-humidification then the strata of the ground must also be taken into consideration ie. what effect will additional water have  .. does it effect buildings... type of soil ( composition) etc.....

The length of the thermally conductive tube from the air intake to the water stick is critical as it is where the system will condense water.... / due to the draft effect the intake air cap system can then also generate electricity to power small chilling refrigeration system top cause greater efficiency of de-humidification.... upon the air intake system post air filter...


Wild fires may also be reduced by these systems is correct types of plants are planted then also remaining "green" even in winter months......

To increase air flow and increase water volume collection the two following design system are also able to be applied to the water stick... the length and thermal conductivity of the connecting tube from the air intake to the actual bamboo stick may be increased to cool the humid air with greater distance to increase volume of water collected as well.. by chilling the tube with the ambient temperature of the earth under depth as the earth under depth is cooler than the air in warm climates in warm weather.

The design system may in fact use multiple "inter linked" water stick system then connected together. With a single intake blower and a single exhaust blower with 100+  vertical water sticks with each stick then also having the syphon effect out flow tube to the hydroponics

In cold weather the solar wick will also assist the collection of humidity with additional tube then warming the air with the earth in the cold weather then cooling it in an additional tube then traveling within the bamboo again exposed to the cold before causing the water droplets to accumulate with in the base of the bamboo. The inter link system then having the top of the water sticks connected  ( into exhaust manifolds also constructed of bamboo) to then have only one intake

( drag generator P.M. - permanent magnetic dynamo) and  one exhaust blower as depicted below. since the system generates electricity it will also work in the dark of night... 24 / 7/ 365 day service.

The electric motor then also as a dynamo... having the ability, being a permanent magnetic device to motor on feed electricity or produce electricity when motivated by the systems air flow. This will allow ample electrical current to then power the cooling system to assist in de-humidification by powered refrigeration system.

In the depiction directly above the "air intake unit", the cooling system then directly under the draft "generator" with the regulating electronics able to also control the evaporator within the tube . The system must have a "steam " injection system to automatically clean the internal evaporator. ( the evaporator is the cold side of the refrigeration system. ),  The nature of the thermally conductive  water stick tube , will allow the ground / earth .. to act as a heat sink... then retaining the cold and causing the distance of the buried tube to chill the earth across the full distance of the buried tubes if connected in multiple assemblies . This then gives the total system large enough "working " cooling area to make the system a viable water collector...

Example of multi tube water stick ; the system will use one horizontal intake manifold to feed 10 sticks and an bamboo exhaust connecting manifold tube to then feed the air into the intake of the next row 's intake manifold .. the  sequence  repeats...  until the total system then having one "powered" exhaust blower.... making a ridge top of a hill a water  fresh water "spring"....  watering the bamboo hydroponics in the valley below... for flat terrain a water pumping system may be used to move the water then powered electrically by the drag generator / dynamo..and or small solar panel system.

The following electric motor then also within the system so that the generated current  may compound " increase to the electric motor and the P.M. permanent magnetic field coil upon the dynamo / generated to yield more electricity.

The design is intended to cause speed incline by the "draft" effect caused by the impeller and propeller then to produce a slightly greater electricity level to then be re-introduced into the system's electric motor with the electrical current derived from the on board permanent magnet dynamo with compound wire windings upon the field coil. The compound wire windings then upon the field coil of the dynamo allows the system to increase the magnetism within the dynamo to yield greater electricity. The increase level of current then at a rate just under the air flow velocity rate to allow continual speed incline of the total system by increasing the electrical current level to the electric motor. This will allow for excess electrical current to power the refrigeration system 24/7 hours a day.

The design is a high speed system so the material selection for the system casing must remain with the operating parameters to compensate for component failure, ie.. the propeller breaking due to age thermal stress  /// also to consider elongation and mechanical creep within the design system to keep the device operating in a safe fashion...the outer casing will then be able to prevent projectile from internal component malfunction as result of manufacturing defect and or excessive speed.... the R.P.M. sensor will also act as a safety fault circuit to prevent dangerous speed by causing the electric motor to shut off and "all stop" safety feature.

Once resource has gained metal tubing ( stainless steel pipe ) and or plastic pipe that is food grade safe plastic may replace the bamboo for more permanent installation.....

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Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Design Desk Inc.