Bio Tank Generator
In the current state of the ecology desertification has become a compounding problem for people across the world...yet water is available in the atmosphere every where.
The problem the becomes how to obtain the energy density cost effective to extract the humidity and or de- salt the water effectively. The system depicted below is able to use a compounding pressure cycle to then gather the water from the air then also product the electrical current required to pump and or purify the harvested water.

This system is perfect for greenhouse applications as the energy requirement required for the greenhouse to operate (currently ) then can become cost prohibitive compared to the food cost the greenhouse produces. This system corrects the cycle allowing for excess electricity to light / heat and water a food producing system even in inhospitable climates.  The system is also suitable for Aquaculture.....

( fish farming )....

Ever had a power outage in the winter / summer.....and the fish tank  pumps / filters/ heaters  stops working with your investment of exotic pets without what their required...? This design is self powered..and is a superior fish tank design.

Query? Ever been to busy to clean the aquarium? This tank design can be set up to be self cleaning...changing the water gradually so not to disturb the Ph to quickly while keeping the water cloud use of the water collected via dehumidification then fed into the fish tank with a controlled discharge tube at number 19 then slowly venting any fish excrement into a drain tube then going into the sewer get the idea...Will require minimal action to keep the tank clean there after......

This design is also suitable for agricultural applications.....cost effective by connecting the humidifier dump "bucket" to the water tube for the field and crop that it is producing. may also be used to re - fill a   reservoir for municipal water sources in remote of arid locations. This design can also be applied to off shore applications in natural fisheries to clean , inject air via aerator pump into "dead zones" reversing the effect produced from agricultural "run off " ...Nitrates in the waters can also then be filtered and collected cost effective with this system modified for application as a buoy .

In some respects this system is a "gravity" powered generator yet once the compounding syphon has been pressurized gravity is not then required if fluid systems are within containment.

This system is easy to "start". first begin by filling the base channel up with water with valve number 19 closed and allow all the air bubbles to ( because dynamos can also convert to electric motors....just by current directional switching then directing it's (number 8 ) current from electrical current storage batteries ( rechargeable )with in the battery charger unit within number 29. Then "prime" the air /water pressure bottle by injecting the correct amount of water  then add the correct amount of air pressure with the water discharge valve closed.  In "run mode" one number 10 is motoring then pumping by water pressure and electrical current  the other is generating charging the batteries and being motivated by hydraulic flow.. Option both number 10's can then motor pumping increasing the rate of flow. To begin the start cycle when requirements have been met open valve number 1 after start flow system button has been depressed on the logic board.

Might sound strange but how about a self filling toilet ( addition of small electrical pump from the dehumidifier "bucket"  into the water tank of the toilet ) with 120v output for the hair dryer while the system heats the bathroom...well....".Mr. Potty" .....hahaha the system can or could also fill a cistern for domestic water source and power filtration and  water pumping for water pressurization. The excess electrical current then to storage batteries and or inverted for "active" 120v Ac (alternating current applications....) for domicile use.

*notes - Number 28 can scale... ie. can be larger generator systems 120v Ac or 240v Ac. The generators  then driven by water flow impaling an impeller connect to a 1: 1.5 thru 1:10 ratio gear set ( with the high side of the gear set being connected to the compounding dynamo with wound Stator..(ability to increase magnetic field by increasing current intensity ) plus Magneto as an option for Ac ( alternating current electricity output at high intensity of voltage 120v Ac or 240v Ac ).

* note - Because this is a compounding system addition will be required a bypass flow tube on  tube number 12 to allow for fluid bypass into number 10 at intake to each impeller. The bypass flow tube will also have a pressure regulator to act as a "max" pressure safety valve allowing the fluid to then bypass number 10 and discharge the fluid into the fish tank. This prevents a fountain post pneumatic discharge of the air water pressure bottle. The max pressure safety valve is also an adjustable flow rate dampener / flow restriction by adjustable screw...this regulated system velocity.....also to note the by pass tube will be of larger diameter.

* number 23 may also require an electromagnetic clutch as well as a slip disk pressure clutch that starts the transference of increased velocity that will then dis- engage (pressure clutch) by solenoid and locking retainer system (also electric ) and the rotational transference will then be by electromagnetic clutch also allowing variable field pressures to then also allow for slippage to maintain the system speed in a correct fashion. The clutch will disengage by the electric solenoid activated and the shaft "thru shaft" in the solenoid will then be locked by another solenoid to then lock the solenoid depressing the pressure plate springs atop the clutch disk so that it ( the clutch ) is dis-engaged. At that point the electromagnetic clutch will take over and it's assembly will be allowed to slip transference between the two drive lines within the electromagnetic clutch to allow for non run away effect with in the hydraulic flow cycle.

*note - number 21 compounding venturi "funnel" has two water streams that combine to increase water pressure and velocity. The inner "coil" has also open slot track that will also cause adhesion  with in the fluid flow to then increase mass in motion to yield greater water pressure  also the inner " coil" has an open orifice at coil exhaust then combining with the vertical water injected. Material selection is critical for the compounding venturi..It may be required, (due to cost of mfg  ) to install a max pressure safety relief valve with reporting sensor into the base of number 21 reporting  to the logic board so that the system rate can be reduced. This will regulate the system by then allowing an increased slip rate in number 23 within the electromagnetic clutch by reducing the current level to the electromagnetic clutch. The max pressure safety valve will then discharge the water into the fish tank via exhaust flow tube.

* note -  This same system may also be applied to mount atop a five gallon bucket as the tank.... then to produce clean water from dehumidification remotely...this will reduce
               manufacturing cost greatly....may even be able to use only one pressurized syphon system ....

The "Water Cleaner" design system acts for a fish tank to then reduce the cost of operation and maintenance for a fish tank. We all know when changing the water an additive to counteract the tap water chlorine must be used to keep the fish safe when changing the water. This design reduces the cost of having to continue to purchase the water additive at greater rates as it is expensive...

The system is a distillation system to then remove the ph in the water via micro distillation . The system is motivated by a pressurized syphon to then also generate electricity to then heat the water using a small heating element system.

Parts List

1. Fish Tank

2. Condensation sphere

3. Drip tube

4. Steam Tube

5. Syphon tube

6. Steam chamber

7. water line / tube filter and flow adjustment valve

8. 12v heating element and additional receptacle 12v dc to power an air pump / heater if the power goes out due to inclement weather.

9. Archimedes Fluid screw

10. Water impeller connected to a 1:4 ratio gear set then attaching to a permanent magnet 12v dynamo

11. High pressure tube angles injection into the main syphon to cause fluid pressure acceleration and more head weight in the pressure sphere , number 14.

12. water valve  variable setting / variable flow rate( also with connecting tube to number 13 to then cause water flow merge )

13. air pressure (one way fill valve for water and air ) and water under air pressure pressure containment vessel with pressure safety system  ( max pressure safety valve  dumps ( via tube ), " over pressure"   to the exterior of the system ... ie. back into the tank ) .

14. Pressure retaining water sphere

15. Water flow tube

16. System instrument control and display panel on/ off temperature volt reading

17. Syphon intake ports with water filter intake sponge

18. Water flow valve ( used to start the syphon )also as a max pressure safety valve that will cause the valve opening to relieve the water through a tube then directed back into the tank.Number 18 is also connected to number 12 to then control fluid rate velocity acting as a flow restriction system.

*Note - the air pressure in number 13 will be 1/2 the water head weight pressure in number 14.

* Note - To " Start "  the system a hand held water and air  injection pump with the intake emenating  from the water discharge tube post number 18 will connect to the valve upon number 13  and the air pressure one way valve then injecting air as well...

Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Design Desk Inc.