Bucket Generator

The compound pneumatic compressors / impellers are as simple as a small bicycle wheel with the tire removed...and fins welded into the groove where the tire was once mounted then the spokes are then wrapped with a fiber glass cloth and coated with an epoxy resin to make the propeller hard....

The bucket may require full wrapping with fiber glass and epoxy resin  to increase pressure level that can be contained.

The casings for the pneumatic compressors / impellers can be fashioned out of household kitchen wares...pots and pans... pneumatic hose fittings cut from the bike frames or purchased your choice....please add max pressure safety pressure relief valves upon the pneumatic compressor / impeller casings. Also the smaller  clearances between the bike wheel compressor / impeller than depicted upon the schematic.

To not restrict exhaust flow from the pneumatic compressor / impeller on the generator side a multi point array of orifice ports will then allow for less resistance of pneumatic velocity exiting the compressor. ie. many exhaust ports...to allow for easy pneumatic flow into the bucket... Multiple air intake ports may also be an additional option....as to not restrict the air flow...

The (% to cause "tilt" ) of  re introduction "re- dump" of generated electrical current by number 2 then converted If applicable ( Ac to Dc current or vise versa )  and fed to number 14 will allow for correct operational rate of rotation to then produce stable electricity out put  controlled within the electronics / logic circuits.. ( voltage regulator / circuit breaker system ). The re- dump" of current from number 2 to number 14  still allows of excess electricity production in number 2  to then be fed to the external application.

System may also contain battery charging system.....as well as R.P.M. ( revolutions per minute ) "hall effect sensor" to then set the correct rotational rate of velocity by controlling the electrical current into number 14 / current level set by variable resistor and or potentiometer.

Chain and sprocket system may also be then as a drive belt and pulley system....drive chains require oil and venting ( non conductive non flammable silicone oil ).

Before number 8 one the flow tube will also be installed a pressure sensor ( with all stop function if component fault ) to monitor the air pressure with the sensor then reporting to the logic circuit and causing more resistance in number 14 and also then closing air intake at number 1 by restricting the valve.

An R.P.M. sensor can be added to the drive shaft then going into the generator number 2 to control rate of the mechanism by then restricting the air flow into the pneumatic compound compressor / impeller at valve number 5 ( automatically if electric actuation of valve )  as well as manually reducing the electricity into number 14 until the generator reaches correct rate of rotation for stable output. R.P.M. then displayed on led or lcd display.

The bucket will pressurize at greater rate than then the pneumatic discharge rate and discharge at the pneumatic valve max pressure safety pressure relief valve.

If you like a 12v battery connected to an Dc to Ac current power inverter can then be used to excite the system then feeding electricity to number 14 until number 2 can over take the current requirement and then switch the battery feed off to then receive charging from the generator number 2  . ( Please place system outdoors if using a battery and also make sure the correct type of battery charging system is used ie. contains safety shut off when the battery is charged... Note the generator can also then be a direct current dynamo...then converting to Ac current by the Dc to Ac power inverter for 120v  or 240v Ac household use... Number 2 as shown is a high voltage generator with permanent magnetic magneto.....internal voltage regulators.. ( 12v car alternator can be used if field coil / stator then fed current by the battery in the system and the Dc current output then fed to the Dc to Ac power inverter.)

Number 14 should also contain a circuit to cause breaking slowing of the system  by loading to then generate electricity... ie. balance motor / generator...when the R.P.M. sensor by electric circuit indicates
to much increased rotation. In addition the air intake at air filter  number 1 can be then closed  by solenoid and intake valve to restrict pneumatic intake to level the system pneumatic pressure references hall effect R.P.M. sensor safety circuit. R.P.M. sensor will also cause all stop if component fault..

If system is used with a battery it may start to perpetuate when number 2 is then feeding number 14 soon enough..... An increased air pressure level may be required as well as a higher pneumatic tank pressure rating and max pressure safety valve then venting at higher P.S.I. ( pounds per square inch ) level.

If used indoors exterior venting of ozone produced while generating will also be required... generators produce ozone when generating so power vent the generating system to the exterior by additional small blower fans that will also contain fault to cause all stop function should blower fail.

* Note - As an added safety measure the flow tubes will be wrapped with  fiber glass insulation  ( 1 1/2 " ) then   wrapped in spiral fashion with Fiber glass cloth plus
              epoxy resin to the thickness to prevent  ( projectile from flow pipe rupture ) Aprox 1/2" of fiber glass cloth plus epoxy resin ( outer pipe shell  ie.  wrap full pneumatic system...  ).
              Do allow for pneumatic pressure venting  when wrapping the outer system "shell".... Additionally a band of carbon graphite  ( thermally cured in enclave )
              around the outer most shell container to prevent projectile of impeller vane should component failure occur. the carbon graphite ring.. will be then placed around the
             circumference of the compound wheel and secured in place by adhesive. Also note when securing the base of impeller vanes use correct type of epoxy and rivet twice..first
             round to secure washer spacers also glued then let the epoxy semi cure then full stress the first set rivets...breaking the rivet  ..then knock out the stressed rivet pin and pin head
             out and insert another pin with epoxy coating to then be set into the compression ( set rivet casing ) securely but do not stretch the pin... then let the epoxy cure fully and cut
            the remainder of the rivet  off then cap seal with epoxy. This will reduce the chance of the impeller vane becoming detached from the wheel....

* Note - Also flow tubes will be glass lined and or insulated with inflatable rubber bicycle inner tubes then glued to the inner liner of the flow tubes to insulate the flow tubes from
              static electricity  and flow system will still require electrical grounding even with lined tubes.... :) An  electrically conductive metal grid within the air flow then also connected to
              the electrical ground will be required...make sure to use heavy wire for the grounding....  the "grid" should gradually collect and ground the static electricity ..how ever be aware
              the air can produce capacitance....  ( holds electricity at high intensity ) so use heavy wire to hold the charge level that will be encountered....  start with 240v level wire like for
              a house hold range / oven..

* Caution * Please do research all metal shop safety practices as for safety...metal fragments , shavings, cutting debris and   metal powders can cause a hazard if not
                    suspended  ( sealed ) correctly.  I use a latex enamel paint...

These system can be built.....for the cost of  1 or 2  months electric bill....released to all  free to use.... Merry Christmas 2015...

Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Design Desk Inc.