Design Desk Inc.

Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Clean Energy Power Plant

The following  "Clean Energy" power plant uses gravity and vacuum to produce the initial electricity to then electrify a water heating laser to cause steam pressure to then rotate, via impeller steam turbine, a Utility scale High Voltage generator system. The system can be applied to existing coal fired boiler power plant systems for gravity driven steam production to correct CO2 emission!!!! ( with minor adaptation the system can be used as a de-salineation system to obtain clean water from salt water at a cost effective rate of production vs. volume)

The design system is a "flash boiler" type of power plant. ( ie... it injects "preheated" pressurized air as air bubbles into the steam chamber to increase steam production). The design then also makes Uranium obsolete for Utility scale electrical power production if fitted to the  Nuclear Power plant systems already in place. This allows the world to shut the Nuclear Power Plant  reaction chambers down.

A current problem with conversion to alternate forms of alternative energy is the electrical storage capacity. In daylight a solar panel converts light to electricity yet in the night time solar panels (photovoltaic solar cells),  produce zero electricity requiring mass  "energy storage capacity".  Batteries at Utility scale are extremely expensive and have hazard problems.

This design is an "Active" system not operating on an intermittent input method.  For all intensive purpose gravity is constant and can be used to produce "high pressure" water steam to quickly  "upgrade" existing coal fired boilers to correct carbon dioxide emission from power plants.  A "free energy" Utility scale electricity method!

The "gravity drive" then being an inverted siphon causing cycling water flow harvested by de-humidification, to then provide constant water flow head weight to rotate a generator assembly to produce gravity driven electricity. The inverted siphon then is a sealed chamber with vacuum in the cavitation toward the top of the chamber.

The return water  "to the top" of the cycle, then returns at greater rate and volume of water flow than the discharge rate that spins the generating assembly.  The design system implements the "hydraulic draft effect" and gear set incline resistance "counter tilt" by hydraulic pressure along with the forward advancement of magnetic "pressure" within the drive line's electric motor. The design  "cycles" work energy potential in the form of vacuum with out energy potential dissipation allowing perpetuation of work capacity converted into rotation via mechanical interface.

When pumping pressurized fluid in confinement, a "preceding" hydraulic impeller that drives an amplification gear set upon the high rotation end (output rotation) of the gear system, will then cause a "run away effect" in

rotation. ( ie... continual rotational rate incline),  "it" has the ability to then constantly speed up due to the circumference volume of  number 57's internal pump wheel then pulling the volume of water at speed across the water impeller in the same time period... "suction advancement" of a pressurized fluid due to the weight of water.

The water column "head weight" (water weight) then also will be of sufficient volume / mass, to nullify in the math the total generator resistance of number 65 and mechanical resistance of the drive line containing, number 71's mechanical gear resistance this is in addition to the hydraulic impeller / torque converter assembly that also "counter tilts" the ratio gear set number 71. "Counter tilt" defined nullification of mechanical resistance produced from using a ratio gear set.

The system is temperature controlled by the design's cooling system then being used to chill the laser casing and collect water from air via de-humidification. The cooling system also controls the steam cycle temperature to balance the steam flow cycles temperature.

Parts List

1. air craft beacon lamp

2. lightning suppression halo (electrical ground for lightning protection)

3. transmitter receiver antenna

4. de-humidification system air intake filter with wild life protection screen

5. heated surface cap (melts snow or ice forming atop the system via electric resistor heating element)

6. refrigeration evaporator cools humid air to condense water from air

7. water condensate electric water pump

8. electro-magnetic vacuum retaining water valve - the valve is a dampener valve that in the natural position

    is compressing a dampener  "plate" to the valve closed position and operated when the contained

    electromagnet is energized to "open" the valve allowing the water to enter the vacuum chamber. This retains

    the vacuum as the electromagnet within the valve is actuated by timed interval then closed by expansion coil

    spring rated just above the system vacuum level within the vacuum chamber atop number 47.

    The valve also allows air into the vacuum chamber used when the hydrogen purge system is active (mass in

    motion produces static electricity and mild hydrolysis may be induced within the chamber. The hydrogen

    sensor then will allow the vacuum chamber to air "purge" the exchanging the air in the chambers and will

    then re-instigate high vacuum).

9. vacuum chamber water tower tank - vacuum above the water line within number 47

10. chilled laser (heat source - water boiler laser)

11. water boiler laser power feed  wire "bus" connector

12. refrigeration evaporator

13. wire "bus" connector for the  "brush less" electric motor then upon the circumference armature of

      number 19 steam compressor and circumference armature of number 21

14. over pressure safety valve vents over pressure via attached pipe for safety

15. steam flow cycle union pipe fitting contains regulation sensor and limiter valve

16. steam flow pipe manifold "pipe header" (may inject pressurized steam about the circumference of

      number 29 & number 30 with multiple injection ports - injection ports located at center point array

      at 30 degree interval).

17. over pressure safety valve open air vents if critical pressure is encountered

18. opposed steam pump steam velocity accelerator - electric valve variable position allowing variance

      in discharge volume - "bidirectional" flow pipe connection system  (allows for hydrogen purge cycle

      within the unit decompression the high pressure steam drive assembly then "venting" to the vacuum

      chamber atop the gravity drive water column, number 47)

      *note - flow pipe connecting  number 18 to number 22 is  also a bidirectional flow pipe used for the

       purge cycle or at "start up" to cause the  opposed steam pump to begin rotation. Number 18 also has

       selection switching internal valve flow path to cause steam pressure with the laser chamber to cause

       rotation of  "hydraulic impeller, number 22 to cause rotation for the opposed steam compressor pump

       containing numbers, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24

19. steam compressor coupled with circumference  "brush less" electric motor vector discharged toward

      number 21 allows for, when system in cold mode, the vacuum to increase in number 47 to control the

      negative pressure then forming within the laser chamber.  Number 18's vacuum pull mode system contains

      controllable one way flow valve

20. 1:2 ratio gear set high side with electro-magnetic clutch (allows for limited slip). The high side rotation

       then tandem with the steam compression - steam pump "brush less" electric motor number 19.  Rotation

       input from the tandem core drive shaft extending from number 21 - contains system r.p.m. sensor reports

       to the logic circuits in number 67.

21. steam compressor coupled with circumference  "brush less" electric motor vector discharged toward
      number 19. The impeller is also motivated by the steam impeller number 24 causing compound incline

      in rate of rotation increasing steam velocity.

22. steam impeller union tandem to core drive shaft causing the compressors numbers 19 and 21 to rotate

23. 1:10 ratio high side rotation toward number 21 to then "wick" the "steam return pressure from the core

       steam impeller number 30 that impales across number 24, "steam impeller", causing the input rotation to

       the ratio gear set number 23.

24.  steam impeller - steam "compression pump" drive impeller

25. steam pressure pump "pressure dome"

26. main steam flow pipe

27. steam flow dampener sensor and variant able electric valve

28. core steam pressure manifold

29. circumference steam pressure impeller

30. diameter steam compressor causes higher "return" steam pressure

31. return steam pressure flow pipe

32. union bolt plates - union between the steam impeller and the Magneto / electricity generator

33. field coil / Stator

34. generator / magneto armature - not to interact directly with the atmosphere yet allow for thermal

      conductivity to cool the main generator number 33, 34. The system uses sealed windings to prevent

      Ozone formation.

35. commutator - electricity  "pick up"

36. R.P.M. sensor (revolutions per minute sensor)

37. electricity transference "brushes" (may be "roller wheel" type electricity transference "brush for longevity).

38. multi gear automatic gear selection transmission of rotational torque and electric drive motor. The electric

      drive motor then electrified by the electricity output of number 65

39. torque converter

40. cold water bottle (pressure vessel / pressure tank)

41. water blow down water collection tank humidity condensate water collection tank - contains gas

      analyzer reports to the system main logic control circuits to allow for water tank purge via valve if

      unwanted gas levels art detected

42. hot steam pressure dampener decompression tank contains heat exchanger

43. heat exchanger

44. immersion rod hollow contains internal laser target at the lower point to heat the rod from within dry

      core - core material hollow pipe titanium internal outer "water interfacing outer surface" then composed of

      stainless steel. The "outer" water interface heat dissipation fins to then also be made to evenly distribute

      the laser heat.

45. steam production chamber water level sensor float system

46. water level sensor mount and sensor mount and hydrogen sensor - hydrogen sensor reports to  

      logic processing to cause system to air purge then venting via multi stage safety valve , number 109

47. water cycle inverted siphon "gravity drive water tank" contains vacuum atop water of sufficient head

      weight to cause the excitation system to begin the cycle.

48. water return flow pipe - fills the "gravity drive water tank" discharging return water into the vacuum

49. hydrogen sensor - causes the system to purge the vacuum should hydrogen of excessive levels be

      detected within the gravity drive due to mild electrolysis due to static electricity. Initial one way water fill

      one way valve fills number 47 also contains "pre-start" one way vacuum valve ie... the vacuum level is

      incurred prior to starting the total system with number 75 in the closed position.

50. gravity drive water level float sensor

51. air flow filter

52. air flow filter

53. piston type vacuum pump - impeller driven

54. electric actuated mechanical clutch engages the water impeller number 55 to cause rotation of the

      vacuum pump, number 53 when the gravity drive vacuum level or hydrogen sensor required the system

      to increase internal vacuum level or purge the chamber if hydrogen is detected within the chamber

55. water flow impeller drive  motivates the vacuum pump via drive shaft

56.  lubrication oil pump

57.  high speed "hydraulic draft" water pump

58. r.p.m. sensor

59. oil filter

60. drive chain and sprocket lubrication encasement

61. oil flow pipe

62. drive chain

63. drive sprocket

64. oil drain plug

65. high voltage generator- percentile of generated electricity then directed to number 72 deemed

      the "re-introduction circuit causes the inverted siphon system to compound incline rate of rotation

      producing excess electricity levels to electrify the other system components. The electricity

      reintroduction circuit then controlled referencing the system speed, via r.p.m. sensor to extrapolate the

      correct system setting via circuit controlled potentiometer

66. magneto - energizes the field coil stator of number 65

67. main control center / mapping electronics / control circuit / electricity management and system control panel

68. drive chain tension sprocket system - adjustable tension

69. automatic gear selection transmission - changes gear ratio automatically gearing range

      from 0.5:1 ratio through 1:50. The  torque converter is tandem with  input rotation. This induces the

      "hydraulic draft effect" ie... pulling hydraulic fluid in confinement pulls the total system faster due to

      the hydraulic pump's preceding hydraulic impeller, number 73.  Drive line advances upon confined fluid suction.

70. torque converter and oil pressure impeller combined unit contains intake flow pipe over pressure safety

       valve with actuation indication sensor. The over pressure safety valve to then vent oil to the drive chain casing

71. ratio gear set (1:20 ratio) high side tandem with torque converter, number 70 input rotation tandem with

      the armature of electric motor number 72

72. dual shaft electric motor (horsepower rating from 50hp to 100hp using  50Kw - 100Kw of electrical

      current) The electric motor also with the capacity to act as a "drag" generator /

      rotational breaking system to "balance" rotational rate for stable  running. Note - slow incline in

      resistance! ie... the "breaking / slowing effect then attained with gradual increase of

      magnetism / electro-magnetism then to cause the system , with water restriction at valve number 75, to

      control the drive line assembly....

      The produced electricity then directed to number 67 for electrical

      current regulation and on to other system components such as then electric resistance heating elements

      in number 80 ( electric furnace), or  number 77's unit systems...

73. water hydraulic impeller tandem union core drive shaft with number armature of number 72

74. high speed steam impeller also rotates the connect drive assembly containing

      numbers 73, 72, 71, 70, 69, drive chain assembly and associated sprockets, 58, 57, and number 56

75. gravity drive water discharge valve - electric and manual actuation

76. air pressure flow control valve

77. refrigeration system - contains refrigeration system condenser

78. inner heat coil transfers the heat from number 42 to "pre-heat" the bubbler injection air that is injected

      into the steam producing laser chamber

79. heat transference coil pipe  insulated chamber

80. injection air pressure pressure manifold - contains electric resistor heating element an "electric furnace"

81. electric water pump

82. electric water pump

83. electric water pump

84. solenoid valve control mount

85. water level float sensor system

86. union coupling multi exhaust port -intake from 42 to 74 ( 42's intake from opposed wet compressor

      containing number 19 , 22) * this allows any hydrogen collected atop the chamber , number 42 to then

      route through number 74 also then passing through the hydrogen sensor upon the flow pipe coupling from

      number 74 then main to the casing of the main steam impellers system containing number 29 and number 30.

87. max pressure over pressure safety sensor

88. pipe fitting - multi port pressure fitting

89.  pipe fitting - multi port pressure fitting

90. water drain

91. oil flow valve  multi port flow direction valve

92. air intake filter and air filter housing

93. centrifugal type air turbo compressor with internal electric actuation mechanical clutch . The turbo air

      compressor is not required to run all the time. This maintains total over all pressure at operational

      pressure level for system "run" cycle.

94. electric solenoid gear selection control system changes gear parameter for number 69

95. water pump - vents the condensation from the cooling jacket around the laser  or from the

      de-humidification / vacuum tank, number 47

96. steam pressure  "throttle valve"

97. one way valve "oil fill" valve

98. oil level sensor sonic bounce sensor

99. drain tap valve

100. main automatic transmission cooling radiator

101. flow valve

102. solenoid valve control mechanism electric

103. return cycle steam pressure sensor

104. solenoid for max blow down decompression cycle used if critical pressure is detected within the system

        to decompress the cycle pressure to containment in number 108

105. safety "blow down" electric valve - used when excessive pressure level is detected

        within the system as a safety feature - determined by the system control electronic circuits in number 76

106. one way valve

107. steam flow pipe

108. max pressure blow down pressure tank - able to contain system total decompression

109. max pressure safety vent - over pressure dampener valve

110. water tap or steam vent ( may be used to refill ground water table , rebuild glaciers and or to provide

        distilled water to municipalities)

111. voltage regulator - compound type can increase the electricity feed to the field coil stator of

        number 65 by circuit controlled internal potentiometer

112. refrigeration evaporator internal mounted within number 40 to chill the water/ steam

113. main magneto generator armature internal diameter draft fan circular to then draft air through the system

        with the coils sealed from air to prevent formation of low level Ozone formation and yet cool the

        automatic transmission and armature wire of the main magneto

114. wire bus  connector

115. wire bus connector


The system produces excess electricity to "electrify" a laser to heat water causing steam pressure. The steam pressure is then pumped by opposed vector steam driven compound pressure pump. The de-humidification water then contained in a boiler chamber pressure tank and is heated by the laser beam then super heating the base of hollow pipe heating immersion rod then made of titanium. This allows the immersion rod to heat in a even fashion. The immersion rod then is within the water causing steam pressure that is then pumped by the opposed type steam pump increasing the pressure of steam discharge.

The steam pressure then is directed to a dual impeller steam impeller. (ie...  one impeller system then transverse about the circumference and  across the diameter then acting as a compression cycle who's discharge then increases the initial steam pump (opposed steam pump's speed - compounding steam pressure velocity).

The steam turbine then is connected to a torque converter and automatic gear selection transmission to increase the speed of the generator assembly then containing compound permanent magnets (Magneto  Ac - "alternating current" electricity producing generator).

The humidity condensate ( harvested water ) then has sufficient water weight to cause the water driven generator cycle to be able to rotate. The vacuum then atop the column of harvested water then will also cause the water return then with a pull tendency at twice the water weight equivalent above the water equilibrium line. The system has a "pre-start" sequence... The water column head weight then with greater volume than the torque resistance requirement  ie... the water weight is then greater than the associated gear set and magnetic field resistance within the generator, number 65 and 66.

Once full of water the vacuum is manually established prior to the valve , number 75, being opened so that the falling head weight of water under high vacuum then causes water column falling head weight' inertia and produces rotation of the components upon the flow cycles drive line.

The hydraulic pump then pulling water at greater rate than the water discharge will cause the associated drive line to accelerate due to the preceding hydraulic impeller. Simultaneously the "reintroduction circuit" is circuit controlled then directing produced electricity from within number 65, to then be directed to the drive line's electric motor, number 72, to cause the forward advancement of magnetic pressure atop the fluid velocity rate.

This causes compound rotation and produces excess electricity production that is able to then electrify the system additional system components ie..... the electric opposed steam pump ( assembly containing numbers 19, 21, 22 and water heating laser number 10.

The "opposed" steam pump (number 19, 21, 22) then is causing the steam compression then to be directed to the main dual impeller / compressor causing the scale size generator to then rotate via it's connected multi gear automatic gear selection transmission. The "wet cycle" opposed steam pump then also with water steam sealed wire windings not to interact directly with the atmosphere yet allow for thermal conductivity to cool the main generator numbers 33, and 34.

The control of temperature is critical within the system so the flow cycle is then regulated by a cooling system not only to control steam temperature but also to then chill the laser casing to insure correct operating temperature of the water heating laser.

Note - The opposed steam pump system then may be constructed with the compression or impeller "fan blade" to allow pivot along the radius line so that when encountering great rotation be caused to hinge pivot changing the angle of pitch. This addition changes the mechanical performance of the compression system lessening the mechanical "shock" / fatigue upon the opposed system.

The blade pitch then following function as per required.. the impeller under great velocity of steam pressure then would move less steam while the compression fans then would move more steam volume when at great speed. This addition is costly and not required but an addition that provides a bit more control in the steam flow cycle. The system is scalable!

Note - the falling head weight under vacuum is then acting like a syringe pulling the return water at greater

           vacuum in assistance with the system run "pre-set" vacuum.

Note - within the logic circuits the mapping electronics contained within, number 67 are as follows;

           The water float number 85 automatically actuates the electric valve upon the water / vacuum tank

            number 47 to then fill the water tank number 41

            water level float , number 45 then controls the water pump , number 82. This keeps the laser water

            tank at operational water level. Number 46 contains a hydrogen sensor and chamber temperature to

            then extrapolate the lasers activation time and intensity determined by system loading / power requirement.

            the temperature sensor in number 46 also aids in controlling the air injection bubler system also

            controlling the heat exchanger

            The de-humidification system and the intermittent water inlet valve then are controlled by the logic

           circuit referencing the water float level number 50 keeping the water level full within the the

            water / vacuum tank number 47

           The opposed steam pump that cycles the steam then is controlled by the internal r.p.m. sensor in

           number 20 controlling the rotational rate electricity level in number 19 and number 21.

           The gravity drive compounder then with electricity reintroduction circuit, that feeds electricity via

           wire, to number 72 is then being rate of rotation governed by r.p.m. sensor number 58

            System gear selection (for numbers 38 and 69),  then able to be incurred upon the control panel

            upon number 67

            Number 54, vacuum pump mechanical clutch, is then regulated by the system sensor

            number 49 also referencing sensor information from number 50's position. This is done in the

            system's electronics  "mapping" electronic circuit central control unit within number number 67.

Note - the laser "bank" may include multiple laser to then allow for system unit exchange while continual

           operation is then being incurred. The excessive load capacity then from generator number 65 will

           then provide the electricity level required for the laser "bank" to then preform the work as per required

           by the total system design intent. ie... for large desalination systems

Note - all flow pipe are electrically grounded, insulated for electrical conductivity and insulated for

           temperature. This is then protecting the system from environmental conditions or from accidental human

           error as the pipes are hot.

Note - all component extending wires connect to the system control bay number 67 to respective

           function electronic circuits so that the system will operate as intended. ie.... production of High

           Voltage electricity from gravity.

Note - the cycle will work cold and may also be used for water purification as a desalination system if additions

           are made to the laser chamber. Salt water then pumped into the laser chamber and heated to produce

           water steam (harvested as potable water), while the heavy laden salt water is allowed to drain

           from the base of the laser tank not to be returned to the salt water source until correct treated remix to

           bring the salt water back to the original saline level. The remix water may be post treatment plant.

Note - the system uses gas sealed explosion proof generators and motors to prevent interaction causing

           low level Ozone! Advanced "main generator" design systems then will cool the internal armature yet

           uses sealed wire wind to prevent low level Ozone. The main generator is also insulated for

           external Magnetic field fitted with the magnetic field retainer in its final encasement. This is critical

           to prevent exposure to high magnetic field that could effect health due to proximity.

* All electrical components, thermostats, pressure sensor, vacuum sensor and valve control mechanisms then connect to the system logic processing circuits to "govern" the system for correct operation. The logic circuits within number 67 also contain  safety circuits to cause an "all stop" function if component is fault detected.

**  Note - the opposed wet jet, numbers 19 and 22 then designed to insulate the magnetic field as to not

               cause inductance in the actual compressors. This will reduce formation of hydrogen in the main

               steam flow cycle. A hydrogen sensor reporting to number 67 may also be placed upon the casing

               of number 29 and number 30 at flow pipe coupler from number 74.

Final electrical output from number 34 is the regulated and balanced for continuity.

The design system then having the main generator assembly containing the opposed hyper steam pump numbers 19, 21, 22  and numbers 33 and 34 the center point of the array then being the beacon lamp as the center point. The main generator assembly, including the steam impeller system, number 30 and number 29, is then arrayed at the quadrant points about a circle. The system containing sum of four main generators in total each with electrical output producing 1 Gigawatt High Voltage Alternating Current each.

The other system components the in four total assemblies at 45 degrees from the main generators. The hydraulic draft cycle generator then at 500Kw and the water tower height and diameter then providing sufficient water head weight to allow for the system to spin up correctly. Cross plumbing for the hydraulic draft generator system

containing number 65 also including the cooling system, then is arrayed four times at 45 degrees from the circumference quadrant points and will allow for one "start up bank" to then being the flow system for all Gigawatt generators.  The same "cross" flow plumbing then for all hydraulic draft "start up" cooling and laser systems.

The laser "bank" then arrayed in the same fashion.
