Farm Fuel Unit
Currently most large industrial farm equipment then operates upon diesel fuel. Oil , for the most part, then being a finite resource... with the exception of "grown" oil then extracted via algae bio reactors, is essential for the Agriculture Sector's functioning. Bio-diesel may be extracted with additional processing from the growth of algae.
Since most industrial farms are then " locked in " financially ....,then having purchased harvesting equipment that requires diesel fuel, a micro production system to produce " Bio-Diesel " on the farm itself would be advantageous for the farms financial stability. Peak oil's economics effects all products price that use petroleum and currently the food cost are already inflated due to the system of production. This is not safe for civility and a security issue. We are presenting a solve.
Most Bio-Diesel reactors are large and cumbersome ... also only then using sunlight for the growth of algae... to reduce the cost of operation, to then cause the algae's growth, we have designed an alternative pathway. The situation cost vs. volume production ( ie. energy input vs. yield ) with a fuel less draft cycle generator system to power the bio diesel bio-reactor )
Parts List
1. Smoke stack rain flap
2. smoke stack exhaust pipe
3. generator systems ( fuel less de-humidification system for water harvesting from air / feeds water to the
system / reservoir and pumping bay
4. algae coil pumping and valve selection system also fed water from the de-humidification reservoir controlled by
valve system and water level indication float valve fed by electric water pump.
5. roof growth coil enclosure ( transparent / and heated via electric filament resistor )
7. transparent tube ( growth coil )
8. electronics systems control center
9. power bus ( connects to the electronics ) controlling the internal plant grow light system
10. Algae "dark coil " / opaque ( night time cycle for the algae )
11. Algae "growth coil "/ transparent ( growth cycle coil )
12. Grow lamp systems
13. Bio diesel holding tank / combined with 17 in production unit. see additional schematic below).
14. bio diesel conversion from extracted algae oil
15. algae "cracking" system oil extraction
16. methane burner unit
17. methane digester ( arobic ) self (re-seeding)
18. husk dryer and feed pumping system
19. ash fermentation ( char the " husk " shell of the algae / partial burn ) producing " wood" alcohol / methanol ,
then added to glycerine to increase volume.....glycerine produced from bio diesel production from algae oil to
bio diesel ) additional separate distillation ( heating ) may be required producing a different "octane" for use
in internal combustion ( gasoline type engines systems ).
20. glycerine control system / reservoir / outlet for methanol glycerine mix.
21. methane control unit ( connection via tubes )
22. Bio-diesel out flow to containment ( buried reservoir / pumping system [ electrically grounded ]
23. algae re-seed flow system
*Note - the system is also electrically grounded.......
*Note - The algae coil's water temperature is maintained by two systems one electric on demand hot water
heater , the second then by heating exchanger with electric pumping then with heat derived from the
burn unit , number 16.
The design system also then cooled by the de-humidification system via cooling exchanger and electric
pumping system .The water temperature then controlled by temperature sensor thermostats sending
signal to the systems mapping control electronics.
* Note - "Dumb Coils" ( depicted upon ), are then
added to increase the total oil out put volume to then also cause an excess of bio diesel that the farmer
may sell ( off setting the cost of the Farm Fuel Units installation ), selling bio diesel to the trucking industry
for continual operation of semi trucks until conversion can be attained.
Additional "Dumb Coils" ( may take multiples according to the tubes selected diameter ), then will allow
for interval bio diesel processing ( ie. every 72hrs+ the operator will then run a "full cycle" activating the bio
diesel extraction process then also dumping the "dumb coils"). As an estimate 5 gallons bio diesel
oil will be the daily target yield of bio diesel per 100 acres of farm .
* Note - The ash fermentation system connection port system the depicted.. the rest of the fermentation system then
should be buried under ground in a storm proof chamber with adequate ventilation.
* Note - Additional Methane Gas storage system and valve then also under the ground with in the storm proof chamber
with injection flow tubes and control systems then route via tubes and valves to the burner unit.
The depiction directly above is the stratification system for the production of bio diesel. The core chamber then is a methane digester. The numbers the correspond to the above parts list components. Due to space constraints the incorporation of the separate functions required for this system to operate, have been designed as a single unit.
The algae growth coil then is also at 42" dia. ( diameter) to then fit in the total encasement space of 10' x 8' x 10' tall.
Due to the stratification of fractured algae within the digester the oil will float atop the water algae "bloom" mix so that the intake for the pump into the intake of "D" then will have two inlets , first, incorporating the "return oil" flow tube and the digester oil level at strata height, ( intake by additional tube at correct height determined by total production rate of the system.
The out flow of "D" 's oil pump then to travel up coil.. causing pressure increase pushing oil past the filter and optical sensor. Additionally the temperature sensor then contains air injection feed tube to allow the system to use oxygen as Aerobic bacteria then require air...
The reason for Aerobic bacteria in stead of anaerobic bacteria is that the higher sustained temperatures for Aerobic bacteria will assist in its control... less of an environmental problem should the bacteria escape.... The mixes gas extraction CH4 plus air and CO2 will then be sent to a gas stratification system to produce the synthetic glucose for use in the fermentation of the "char" / , slightly burnt algae sludge to produce a wood alcohol "Methanol " then able to be blended with some of the excess glycerine then produced from the bio diesel process.
Design Desk Inc.