Design Desk Inc.
Flying Car
This design is a "sealed" pneumatic lifting system that is fed pressure by a compounding vacuum system that also generates electricity to then power a compounding electric jet engine within the pressure cycle. The cycles vents sustained pneumatic pressure into lower pressure / caused by hyper vacuum. The design will allow for slow atmospheric entry and or exit with fuel not being required.... It could fly to the moon on air pressure.....
In this design the returning air pressure is "coiled" to off set the static of the returning pneumatic pressure.
The upper pneumatic pressure tank will maintain higher pressure that the pneumatic discharge rate of the electric jet engine......... So if venting at Mach 1 then the vacuum is then estimated at Mach 1.1 you get the idea....
The "Static Compressors" for long range travel will require additional shielding... the thought on micro metallic magnetic force deflecting shapes that will magnetically lock to the hull by magnetism with redundant locking system should then provide the required shielding for some rates of high speed travel..but not lightspeed...
Please examine...
* Note - The ratio gear sets do contain two clutch systems within them ...a locked clutch , clutch disk and pressure plate ( through line ) ie. strait across the drive shaft drive line. And then by planetary gear (on each side of the standard clutch ) engaging a drive shaft at 90 degrees then crown gear ( differential gear ) transfer gear and additional drive shaft then at 90 degrees will be installed an electromagnetic clutch. The standard clutch will be engaged in it's natural position and when the solenoid is energized then depressing a hydraulic slave to disengage the pressure plate of the standard clutch. ( solenoid will have locking mechanism ) and then the electromagnetic clutch will then be activated to control the vacuum produced...
* Note - Vacuum greater velocity and rate than lifting electric jet displacement.....
* Note - As an addition an added pneumatic impellers will be installed with in number 20 and number 26 to assist with the "start up " rotation the impellers
are fed pressure from the additional pneumatic pressure storage tank that stored the pressure when pulling the vacuum for start up. The additional impellers within the
ratio gear sets will then be attached to the drive shafts within the ratio gear sets and tandem in rotation to the low side of the ratio gear sets. The intake pressure for
the said addition will be controlled by variable valve and pneumatic pressure post ratio gear set impellers will then vent into the upper pneumatic pressure tank with a
one way valve upon the flow line / tube to the prevent pressure escaping from the pneumatic pressure tank number 6.
* Note - Pneumatic flow from exhaust of number 18 then passes through the valve number 21 and pneumatic pressure velocity then impales number 25.
* Note - Number 24 "drafts " ( pulls) pneumatic pressure through number 21 causing number 19 to accelerate. Flow system becomes compounding pneumatic velocity flow rate.
* Note - Correction to number 9 in the drafting below it should be labeled as multi wire "bus" connector to instrumentation cluster. Power feed and electrical grounding
for anti gravity system.
* Note - The magnetically locking entry door will also have a "hard" lock clamping system.
* Note - The design system will also be able to accept an additional windshield ( crew cab ) canopy that will mount atop the cabin view ports then being
designed for long range space travel...with the correct radiation shielding to operate safely in outer space.
* Note - The compounding electric jet will be able to continue to accelerate it's velocity on a fixed electrical current rating... ( safety system within design system
not to exceed mechanical tolerance / centrifugal warping ) It , the electric jet engine, spins up upon it's pneumatic displacement in addition to the electricity
fed to the engine system.
* Note - Proper shielding is a must for the harsh environment of space...thermal shielding for high temperature navigation computer systems - required !
Also E.M.F. ( electro magnetic field ) pulse shielding upon engine systems.
* Note - Number 2 "generator" feeds current to all required systems within the craft with current management systems within number that its accessible from the
interior of the crew cab..the Navigation / communications in number 55 also allows for access from the crew cab to allow for repair of components if required...
* Note - Addition to design system below "venturi" ( number 12 ) exhaust orifice has a pneumatic gate valve / electric and by steel cord actuation "controlled " by mapping system.
* Note - There as depicted also two number 11's on the upper pressure container number 6 . ( note number 6 is a sealed container..... the copying was weak..) Because this is an air / space craft the vessel must be light weight... for the lifting system the size of a standard fire extinguisher ( about 18 inches ) can be used as the base form to construct the light weight pressure container.....Use fiber glass to wrap the fire extinguisher fully ( sum of two "bottles" ) aprox. 1/16 inch of fiber glass with correct orifice for the hyper winding electric jet assembly. Let the fiber glass with embedded resin cure..... then cut the base off and extract the metal fire extinguisher . Trim off rough edges then place the two pieces as one bottle for each fiber glass sub form...Next layer carbon graphite in a horizontal fashion so that it becomes a laminate....solid piece after enclave ..curing....the fiber glass will melt out unless the resin is rated for the curing temperature of the carbon graphite...... Next alternate base piece and spiral wrap of carbon graphite until the thickness of the composite is correct for the laminates mechanical properties for the pressure rating of the system. final coating can be fiber glass to smooth surface....( don't count the final coating in determining the pressure carbon graphite laminate thickness...just aesthetics.
To Be clear the design system below contains two pressure vessels ( number 6 and number 13 ) that will contain air pressure. There are two flow cycles upon this system and a total of three "pneumatic travel coils" that off set the "static effect" of then pumping air into the top of a sealed container within a circular system. Number 6 will always maintain a greater pneumatic pressure than is vectored into number 13 by the compounding electric jet engine. There are two pneumatic travel "coils" on number 6 and one pneumatic "travel coil " upon number 13. It may be required to modify the air intake system into valve number 17 to increase the air intake volume with a intake manifold with many entry ports originating from the lower part of the pressure bottle , number 13.
( ie. top of one pressure tank number 6, bottom of the other tank number 13 ) so that the pieces will accept pneumatic pressure fittings within metal inserts also then locked into the carbon graphite by secure mounting system that locks the metal insert through he carbon graphite...metal insert interference fit outer diameter ..inner diameter threaded to accept pneumatic pressure fitting.
* Note - As an addition a electrically powered forced pneumatic pressure evacuation pump to produce high vacuum within the lower chamber number 13 will be
required. This function is implemented before shut down of the system so that the vacuum is ready for the next "start" cycle. The additional vacuum pumping system
will send the pneumatic pressure into containment , an additional pneumatic pressure storage tank and then the vacuum pump will reverse direction, becoming an air
pump, then returning the pneumatic pressure to the lifting system through a pneumatic flow tube with a one way valve upon the flow tube then into the upper
pressure storage tank number 6. Power for the additional vacuum pump / return air pump will require independent power supply to cause long enough "run" time
to pull the required vacuum. The Vacuum pump is then as "Z" upon . The sum of two "Z's" one directed into and the
other directed from the additional pneumatic pressure storage tank that stores the pressure when the vacuum is pulled in number 13. An additional redundant
. pipe ( flow cycle ) switching system can be also implemented to compensate for component "Z" possible failure as well as "reverse wiring circuit to then allow
for bi-directional operation..
* Note - For full spherical viewing camera systems will be installed upon the vessel as well as direct non electric optics..... so that phasal computers do not trick the
operators as to what they are seeing...
*Note - The anti gravity ( sealed force vectoring engines ) will also be within the engine bay compartment so that all positional vectoring can be attained for quick
and responsive directional changing the lifting vector will then be fixed to counteract gravity.... and two engine systems are then within a spherical positional mobile
able to cause directional thrust force "upon" all points upon a sphere...behind the mobile within the center compartment are two reverse thrust " static compressors " and
in the aft compartment the same lay out is then installed except the "Static Compressors" are aligned to propel the vehicle forward. Within the system
will also be 8 pressure cycles as displayed for horizontal travel stabilization with variable intensity displacement and 2 systems vectoring outward from the center
of the vehicle upon each outward corner ie. front left, front right, aft left , and aft right.
* Note - In addition to the electrical grounding on the electronics the pneumatic flow tubes will also need an electrical grounding ( air flow produces static electricity ) and
correct insulation ( non electrically conductive ).
* Note - Upon each "bank"" of lifting systems there will also be additional engine system with the opposite vector force direction ...this is so that is component failure
occurs then the lifting square ( 4 bank of systems down ) will then be balanced by a force triangle then balanced ( two systems down one system up ). This
addition is only required if the total quadrant bank fails as the inverted thrust vectoring system is then on different circuits. Horizontal leveling flight stabilization system...
* Note - Low cost yet safe construction of these vehicles is possible opening the avenue for massive implementation........
* Note - This lifting system could also be minaturized as a "personal jet pack " like back pack ....with a wheel that rotates with many pressure cycles upon it with multiple systems
at one's side for horizontal travel.....
* Note - This system may also be useful to add to existing commercial aircraft to hover the aircraft as a safety system also allowing for low speed advantage in icy weather..
* Note - Please no weapon systems upon these craft... It's a big church out there.. :)