Design Desk Inc.

Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Fuel Less DeHumidification System

This design is an emergency system to then provide clean water and sustained fuel less electricity to maintain normal functioning if and when inclement weather disables the Utility grid. A fuel less "stand-by" generator that produces clean water.

Parts List

1. air flow exhaust flow ports sum of 24 about 360 degrees

2. de-humidification chamber (insulated)

3. internal stainless steel cold pipe internal refrigeration evaporator sealed from the environmental air

4. refrigeration evaporator

5. potable water line

6. water "tap" with thermostat

7. hot water system (used for the clean out cycle to keep the de-humidification chamber free of pathogens)

8. timed valve works with the clean out cycle to "allow" the heater cycle to then actuate upon timed interval

    according to the selected system settings

9. drive chain and sprocket system lubrication encasement (vented casing using drive chain oil)

10. piston type air compressor air filter air intake

11. electric actuation mechanical clutch engages the piston type air compressor

12. piston type air compressor

13. permanent magnet magneto

14. high voltage generator

15. high speed hydraulic pump

16. hydraulic impeller

17. voltage regulator

18. dual shaft electric motor and ratio gear set unit. The armature of the electric motor then tandem rotating

      with the high side of a 1:20 ratio gear set with the input of the ratio gear set then driven by the hydraulic

      impeller, number 16

19. 1:20 ratio gear set - out put , high side rotation tandem with the electric motor internal

      armature, number 18 and drive chain and sprocket system end shaft sprocket - causes the hydraulic pump

      to rotates twenty times faster than the hydraulic impeller, number 16. The rotation rate is adjusted by the

      divergence valve, number 40

20. refrigerant pressure tank

21. refrigeration compressor

22. refrigerant pressure meter (dial gauge)

23. refrigerant one way fill valve

24. system control panel and electronic control circuit "box" control / mapping system electronics - contains

      on / off switching / operation level function selection switching / clean out cycle interval timer / electric battery /

      battery recharging circuits used for quick start ... the system may also be manually started even if the battery

      has no charge (requires draining the oil and re-filling the oil with valve number 41 in the closed position)

25. refrigeration "switch block" - controls the refrigeration cycle -  "bus" dock wire connections to wire connector

      number 33

26. refrigeration condenser blower fans

27. refrigeration condenser blower fans

28. refrigeration condenser

29. humid air blower fan

30. 2:1 ratio gear box with magnetic slip clutch for low speed air flow (allows the water to condense)

31. humid air blower drive hydraulic impeller

32. air filter

33. multi wire / ribbon wire "bus" connector docks all system sensors and electric solenoids that control the

      system valves - docks to number 25 (refrigeration switch block) where the system's sensors are then

      wire connected

34. air pressure sensor

35. pneumatic pressure pipe

36. max pressure / over pressure safety valve - vents over pressure - manual fill "operating pressure" level fill

      valve filled prior to the "start sequence"

37. oil filled pipe (silicone oil - non electrically conductive non flammable oil)

38. main fluid weight oil pipe (of sufficient  fluid "head weight"), to cause the operating system fluid pressure

      when added to the level of the connected chamber's pneumatic fill pressure

39. oil flow pipe

40. divergence valve oil exhaust selection valve - electric actuation to regulate the system's "hydraulic draft

      effect" then controlling the level of fluid speed. The final  speed is then factored the by logic circuit adjusting

      the re-introduction circuit changing the level of current to number 18.  A system speed "throttle valve"

41. system electric "Start valve" manual positioning to "start the system" and electric "all stop function" should

      the system detect fault as then determined by the system's electronic "mapping logic" circuits

42. oil fill dip stick (oil level indicator) and casing screw cap

43. oil drain plug screw plug

44. humid air air flow duct

45. refrigerant flow pipes

46. union pipe

47. clean out "style" 90 degree elbow pipe

48. clean out "style" 90 degree elbow pipe

49. clean out "style" 90 degree elbow pipe

50. pipe pressure screw cap "threaded"

51. pipe pressure screw cap "threaded"

52. 90 degree elbow pipe

53. air flow pipe

54. refrigerant flow pipe union fittings

55. R.P.M. sensor (revolutions per minute sensor) used by the system's logic electronics to "govern" the

      system's speed then extrapolating the correct valve positions and level of electricity then directed back to

      the system's electric drive motor, number 18

56. external receptacle circuit breaker switch panel

57. electric resistor heating element


The above fuel less de-humidification system is intended to then act as an emergency water and electrical power source when inclement weather has effected the Utility grid.  The system utilizes multiple facet in applied physics to then yield usable excess levels of electrical current and potable water for human consumption. Water in disaster situations is a major problem for many every year. This unit is self cleaning with a thermal automatic "clean out" cycle to then keep the potable water clean.

The system start up sequence;

The operator will first then trip a utility grid cut off to the home power feed and engage the power switch from the unit to the home's circuit breaker box. Using the unit via direct plug in to the units receptacle is also an option. Number 51 is removed and the system is filled with oil until the operator can see the oil in number 38. Then the operator "manually" pressurizes the pressure pipe number 37. Then the operator re-installs number 51 (pipe cap), pressure tight. This causes an artificial fluid equilibrium "height" allowing the oil flow to re-enter number 38 into low air pressure.

A percentile of generated electricity from number 14 then is re-directed back to the system's electric drive motor, number 18, to "cause" the launch point of magnetic "pressure" to then advance the total system atop the fluid velocity rate caused by the "hydraulic draft effect". This yields excess electricity production able to then be applied to the other system components or to be used for external system use. The system "run" on / off selection switching then is upon the control panel , number 24, along with the "run" selection speed settings and clean out interval selection interval.

The "hydraulic draft effect" then defined as... a "pressurized" oil (silicone oil), then impaling a mechanical drive hydraulic impeller, with a high speed hydraulic pump post (after) the hydraulic impeller with a high speed ratio gear set between the two, will cause system rate of rotation incline. The valve, number 40, is then automatically adjusted by the control electronic circuits to "maintain" system "run" rate of rotation referencing the drive lines r.p.m. sensor causing the oil flow to "by-pass" the hydraulic impeller, number 16. If fault is detected by the system's electronic circuits the logic circuit "board" will incur an "all stop function" shutting the system down.

In physics, you cannot stretch a fluid in confinement of a rigid flow pipe. The "hyper drafting" of a pressurized fluid then causes the system to "speed up"  assisted by the electricity produced from the generator directed to the mechanical system drive electric motor. The "electro-mechanical" resistance then produced from traversing magnetic fields in the main generator and Magneto is then nullified in the force equation by the "fluid head weight" and the level of pneumatic pressurization within the system U-pipe. The oil flow then yielding "continual cycling" producing sustained fluid flow while using the "retained" work potential without "work potential" dissipation.

The excess electricity produced is then voltage regulated and directed to the circuit breaker and receptacle panel upon the control panel face or to the domicile's circuit breaker box.

* Note - electric motors and generators are of sealed type using an inert Noble gas and are explosion proof

* Note - the air compressor is not required to "run" all of the time only to restore or maintain the system's

              pneumatic operating pressure.

* Note - the system is electrically grounded (including the oil flow pipes) to reduce / prevent an electrical shock hazard

* Note - the system is able to scale in size..... from wall mount size units to system the size of a 10 story building.
