Home Water Power System
The Home Water Power System uses sealed generators and electric motors to prevent any Ozone from forming due to electrical production. The design intention is then to cause electricity production from the water pressure in house hold pipes then forcing the water back uphill then causing the water to cycle some what then by the force produced to cause the stable generation of electrical current Ac ( alternating current) or Dc ( direct current models) .
This system also replaces Hydro Electric dams to maintain aquatic wild life.The design is able to scale to Utility size power production with out water loss then being able to add water to a reservoir.
Also the system is able to distill ocean water with a flash boiler.....
This system can power water harvesting via de-humidification also then to cause electricity in emergency conditions. The design can be used to then as the power source for exterior applications such as the Mulch decomposition heater.. ( ie to then power the blower fans / pumps etc....) and or vice versa as the Pv ( photovoltaic ) upon the mulch decomposition heater then able to be the source of the " start " current then required to begin the Home Water Power System start cycle by energizing the electric motor number 5 or then by using the foot pedal pneumatic discharge device to cause the required start current. Air injection will act as the lubrication for the crankshaft .
The preceding design system then is intended to cause unlimited availability of electricity with a zero carbon foot print. The design works upon water and air pressure then to increase rotational torque to yield constant rotation of the generator. The two piston system ( with expansion rings ) then cause the constant flow of water and with an increased cylinder diameter cause an incline "suction" effect as the cylinder is larger than the water pipe diameter.
The valves ( intake and exhaust ) then are assemblies consisting of expansion springs ( holds the valves closed ) and expansion spring "tappet" with vent holes toward the surface ( upon the cylinder ), that the lobes upon the cam will depress.
Within the design slight water accumulation will occur then getting past the valves... This is corrected with a an additional vacuum system ( inter-mitten actuation referencing a vacuum - negative pressure sensor upon the chamber then with the cam chamber ) The vacuum system then causing a negative "wick" via wet vacuum system, with additional water pump then injecting the humidity collection into the to the combined component pressure tank via pressure tube with a one way valve upon the flow tube.
The one way valve is then also as an indication system that the valve chamber ventilation is occurring reporting to the systems electronics and causing an indication lamp to illuminate upon the control panel.
Parts List
1. Solenoid connecting rod ( actuates the air pump )
2. High Voltage generator
3. 1:10 ratio gear set ( high side to number 15 and number 2 ).
4. water wheel ( impeller )
5. electric drive motor
6. water pipe ( house hold plumbing )
7. Automatic pneumatic air pump system
8. one way valve
9. electronics / system control circuits / electricity voltage regulation - high voltage Ac output
10. electric motor
11. water exhaust flow tube
12. interlocked / mesh gears - large gear ( tandem with number 4 then input gear of a 1:4 ratio gear
set ) large gear tandem with number 24 then a 4:1 ratio, with the " 1" then driven by the electric motor.
13. air pump piston type air compressor
14. solenoid ( electric air pump motivator )
15. ratio gear set "counter tilt" - impeller ( counter acts the resistance within the ratio gear set )
16. air pressure
17. water under air pressure
18. max pressure safety valve ( vents to the exterior )
19. pneumatic pressure sensor ( reports to the logic circuits assist in system regulation )
20. air pump air pressure regulator
21. manual one way air fill valve
22. R.P.M. sensor ( revolutions per minute )
23. connecting drive shaft
24. pulley
25. tension pulley ( via connected coil spring )
26. piston type water compressor camshaft ( operated the valves )
27. valves
28. Flow control valve
29. drive belt
30. piston connecting rod
31. pistons ( ie. the design is a two piston system then having diametrically opposed
positions ie... so that constant flow of water occurs when one piston is expelling water the
other piston then is allowing for water intake... The connecting rod for the second piston
then comes off / extended from the crank "Wheel" just slightly more than the piston depicted
in the view depicted.
The secondary piston then is motivated by a secondary crank wheel
then motivated by the primary crank wheel ( depicted ) then rotating interlocking the
circumference gearing on the depicted wheel, number 32. Both piston assemblies then
are operating on one cam with four lobes 2 intake and 2 exhaust.
An "under-head" cam. :) The intake ports then share a common channel within the intake
manifold before dividing into the intake valves. The water exhaust is the same ie.. then
having a common channel... this causes one water intake connection and one water
out flow connection.
* All channels ( sum of four ) within the water intake and water exhaust then with over pressure safety valves that report when actuated to the electronics to then also cause an system rate reduction ( water flow restriction ) and or an "all stop" function to keep the system within safe operating parameters. The over pressure safety valves also then venting water to the pressure tank , ( numbers 16 and 17 ) via exhaust tubes.
32. main flywheel ( gear upon the circumference ) " Crank Wheel "
33. instrument display ribbon multi wire "bus" connector
34. pneumatic pressure tube
35. P.S.I. safety sensor ( pounds per square inch )
36. water compressor systems casing
* Note - additionally ( added to schematic ) an air compression piston added to the 2 piston water pump ( same crankshaft ) then feeding active run air pressure into the pneumatic pressure tank via tube with one way valve and filtered air intake. This will cause an additional level of air evacuation to the exterior of the dwelling...as the pneumatic pressure tank then vents to the exterior of the dwelling...
* Note - also a percentile of electricity output current from number 2 is then fed to number 10 and to number 5 to increase the overall speed of the generator . The speed of the system then to climb to the max rated rotational rate that is safe for the electronics that meter the high voltage final system output.
* Note - The system will "breathe" pneumatically with fault indication system interrupt ( "all stop" function if fault ) then also venting from the safety valve upon the pressure tank containing numbers 16 and 17 then venting via tube to the exterior of the dwelling to vent any volatile gas ( hydrogen ), then occurring from static electricity.
*Note - The cylinder diameter then with the volume of the piston " stroke" to then be greater than the fluid volume of the centrifugal impeller number 4.The half " stroke" ( 50 % of the piston travel upon fluid
intake ) will then equal the total volume of the centrifugal impeller , number 4.
* Note - The base ( basal ) pneumatic operating pressure in number 16 is then determined by the field resistance in the generator ( magneto and stator ) as well as in addition to the rate incline resistance within the ratio gear set and piston type water compressor, then to yield a "tilt" in direction... allowing for velocity rate of the operating fluid to cause incline yielding sufficient speed of the fluid ( water ) to then cause usable velocity rate of fluid to then converted into rotational motion yielding usable levels of electricity output , high density Ac current.
* Note - The water re-introduction cycle the with an Archimedes screw fluid "pump" working by spiral adhesion then by fluid entering a funnel venturi then causing greater fluid pressure and velocity rate until reaching the operating parameter. When the system has reached sufficient speed the fluid flow rate is then restricted by restriction valve post fluid discharge from number 17.
*Note - The gearing amplification driven by number 4 then also as an incline rotational rate to cause the piston pump to then travel at greater velocity as a 1:4 ratio incline via the meshed gears then motivating the pistons.
*Note - The pulley belt system also the as an incline system with the drive pulley then a larger diameter then the driven pulley to then increase the inertia of the system as well as the pulley act as fly wheels then metered in mass to equate to greater weighted mass than the resistance of injecting the pressurized water into the pneumatic pressure.
* Note - the electronics within the system and systems casing should then be a a "Faraday Cage" then protecting from electromagnetic pulse ( E.M.P. ) and will work also to shield the occupants of the dwelling from magnetic fields produced from the systems operation...
The cam drive via cam end sprocket and chain then with a measured diameter for the valve "timing" to occur correctly...The chain will require lubrication then encased in an encasement with drain plug and
port ( threaded ) and a dipstick to measure the oil level. The encasement filled to correct operating level with a lubrication oil ( non flammable - non electrically conductive / silicone oil ).
Parts List
1. shape of the foot pedal
2. non slip rubber grip surface
3. guide slot
4. connector " roller and push rod " ( actuates the air pump piston )
5. union hinge for the piston rod
6. piston type air pump
7. foot pedal max travel rubber bushing
8. Air discharge actuation button ( pulls cable and allows air to flow across the pneumatic impeller )
9. sheathed cable
10. air pump air intake
11. air flow tube
12. dynamo
13. pneumatic impeller
14. ratio gear set 1:8 with the number 8 side then connected to the dynamo and the input
rotation torque then connected to the 1 side of the ratio gear set.
15. retention spring and discharge valve assembly , retention spring holds the valve closed
16. pneumatic pressure bottle
17. Manual fill valve ( one way valve )
18. Max pressure safety valve ( discharges to the exterior of the pressure bottle to keep the
system within operating parameters
19. Dc ( direct current ) receptacle ( connects to the Dc to Ac ( alternating current
inverter , number 26 via wire)...
20. one way valve ( pneumatic)
21. pneumatic impeller pneumatic exhaust screen filter
22. cable mounting brackets
23. Foot pedal hinge
24. assembly " frame "
25. pedal return coil spring ( holds the pedal " up" )
26 Dc ( direct current ) to Ac ( alternating current) inverter
* Note - upon the air pump piston rod underside is a roller bearing to then not cause excessive
wear upon the cylinder wall of the air pump
* Note - The connecting rod between number 4 and number 5 does hinge upon both
mounting points yet within the "slot" upon the foot pedal the push rod system is anchor
locked with fasteners then being hex bolts with lock washers.
* Note - Material selection follows application requirements as to then not cause a hazard ...
( ie. stainless steel pressure bottle) ...
The preceding design system may also then be used to then cause a reservoir of water via fuel less pumping then powered by the systems excess electricity. Wells then would be dug with the land's water table then filled via multiple installations of the fuel less de-humidification systems that use air pressure to derive water ( via powered or vacuum type de-humidification ), channeled to fill the water table over great distances.
The water well discharge then having mechanical fill systems will be a stable source of water cost effective allowing the Municipal reservoir to remain with it's capacity and keep up with the rate of discharge as per the population then requires. Additional water cleaning before the harvested water enters the municipal water system will then occur... distillation is preferred and with fuel less high density high voltage electricity production then the final product also remains cost effective.
* Note - then inner gear ( inner diameter of the crank shaft "wheel" ), is then as a gear being driven also by a chain sprocket and connecting drive shaft assembly then being motivated from the electric motor number 5 as well as from the water flow...( allows for correct piston travel up and down....)
Home Water Power System C Type
The following generator system is a "compact" type to then be able to fit within a small installation space.
Parts List
1. water pressure flow tube
2. compression venturi ( funnel)
3. pneumatic ( air pressure ) flow tube
4. Dc permanent magnet generator ( dynamo fixed position stator ) ( dry generator ) , water flow compressor center core contains "transference unit" driving the transfer gear ( wet gear ) upon the terminal end of number 4's inner water compressor causing the hydraulic draft effect, by compressor ,with greater speed then by result of suction effect.
5. piston type air compressor with electric clutch ( causes air to purge to the exterior of the dwelling )
6. air filter and air flow tube ( intake of the compressor )
7. drive gear
8. driven gear dual gear wheel inner circumference ( drives "transference unit" - "transference unit" then rotates water jet compressor and outer circumference gear then connected to the dynamo's armature by connecting bracket. electrical output then via brushes directed to the electronics processing / system mapping / to the Dc ( direct current ) to Ac ( alternating current ) electricity inverter / ) "dual gear" "wheel"
9. circumference gear with inner circumference gear driven by the "transference unit" / "transference unit's " rotational input then by inner "wet gear " then driven by hydraulic flow.
10. hydraulic impeller wet interior gear ( drives a "transfer unit" motivating "circumference gear" exterior hydraulic cycle ( "wet gear ") connects to "transfer unit" / causes rotation exterior
11. high pressure water flow tube
12. max pressure regulation and safety valve with safety pressure venting via tube number 13
13. max pressure safety vent tube
14. main water inlet valve ( connects to the house plumbing )
15. valve handle
16. electric valve positional motor ( safety "all stop" fault safety system / shuts the water pressure off )
17. pipe coupling
18. drive shaft
19. circumference gear ( exterior water containment )
20. water jet compressor ( increases system speed )
21. R.P.M. ( revolution per minute ) sensor / connects to main system mapping systems logic circuits
22. drive gear interfacing upon outer circumference
23. drive gear
24. electric regulation valve ( speed regulator ) contains one way valve
25. electronics with Dc to Ac electricity inverter contains system monitoring rate control pressure referencing cross checking systems for safety fault and "all stop" functions / also containing systems voltage regulation for controlled electricity output.
26. dual component pressure tank ( air pressure and water pressure )
27. pneumatic vent tube vents to the house exterior
28. one way valve ( pneumatic )
29. circumference hydraulic impeller ( drives the water jet compressor )
30. 1:20 ratio gear set
The system will "start" by manual air pressure fill, then through a one way valve located on the air compressor out flow tube, to then pressurize the combined component pressure tank , number 26, with the out flow ( hydraulic / water ) valve in the closed position. The valve "D" then is manually opened to allow the system to begin it's cycle.
The house water pressure is then amplified as the water pressure is evacuated from the combined component pressure storage tank causing an increased velocity to then yield water pressure to generate electricity.
The system will be correctly electrically grounded to reduce any static electricity.
* Note - at the gear locking interface between numbers 22 and number 9 an additional gear transference ( "transfer unit" ), component then to allow forward tight rotation transference then consisting to a dual terminated gears upon the terminal ends of a drive shaft with water tight mating housing and the the drive shaft is also water tight.
The unit then transfers rotation from the circumference wet interior gear to the "transfer unit" then causing the meshed inner gear of number 9 to rotate with the outer circumference of number 9 then driving via gear teeth the gear connected to the ratio gear set. Rotational torque from number 23 to number 8, also contains the same " transfer unit" ( the output rotation then rotates the dry dynamo as the water cycle is then separated from the generating system .
* Note - number 9 outer circumference gear may drive other applications as the torque will be high when the system is at full speed.
* Note - the system must purge the air pressure within confinement to the prevent effect of static electricity forming hydrogen..
* Note - system velocity rate controlled by referencing the r.p.m. sensor and the pressure within the combined component pressure storage tank.
*Note - exterior hydraulic cycle gearing then lubricated with silicone oil ( non flammable non electrically conductive )
* Note - system components, drive shafts and gears, then supported by lubricated sealed bearing races of stainless steel construction.
* Note - number 11 vents water pressure from number 26 to then cause the increased water pressure to incline the systems rotational rate yielding a usable level of electricity.
* Note - a negative mold then produced from a push lawn mower ( 5hp ) gasoline type piston motor
( including valve systems of stainless steel ), then with multiple "engine blocks ,of plastic then joined in union direct or by drive chain sprocket system, operating in tandem of plastic material will be sufficient.
The crank shaft then of stainless steel with the bearings systems both crank and piston rod being then of a plastic / ceramic composite ( the crank shaft bearings will then form a ceramic sheen (higher thickness) upon the contact surfaces. The systems "block" then of plastic material with stainless steel pistons, piston rings and stainless steel cylinders sleeve inserts. Air injection will act as the lubrication for the
crankshaft . Main bearings and piston connecting rod bearings are "lubricated" through an end crankshaft pneumatic pressure fitting feeding pressurized air to the bearing race via through bore hollow port system within the crankshaft .
The Home Water Power System " Exciter " ( system start current mechanism )
Design Desk Inc.