Hover Vehicle
The following design system is a hover system demonstrating sealed force vectoring can maintain flight in a heavier than air object.
The design may allow for an aircraft to land vertically in inclement weather and or sustain flight recovery should mechanical or pilot error occur.
The design uses electric air compression jets that are aligned in an opposed fashion to then produce a "pressure bubble" that is then regulated by the design valves upon the system pressure exhaust manifolds to then cause vertical lift of the vehicle with negative pressure at the low end of the vehicle's vertical vector discharge electric compound hyper jets.
The internal "air" (Argon) return velocity / pressure is then slightly greater than the vertical lift discharge.
The system's electric power producing generator is a "hydraulic fluid draft effect generator of electricity", providing unlimited electrical current for sustained flight.
The design's system may be useful to aid in course correction of Earth impacting asteroids. The design then may be used to avoid asteroid impacts!
The system may be used to fight wildfires remotely then dispersing N2 on an active fire suppression system using liquefaction. An air to liquid air for Nitrogen deposition as a fire suppressant ( the design stores the stratified Oxygen in the system to then decompress the harvested O2 at high altitude while in service. The Nitrogen deposition smothers the flames depriving the fire of oxygen).
Parts list
1. "air pressure return" manifold
2. return "electric hyper jet" perpendicular return mating bolt plates and compression gasket
3. one way valve
4. air pressure "start up" flow pipe
5. brush less electricity generator (magneto) compressor
6. brush less electric motor ( ratio gear set input rotation)
7. R.P.M. sensor ( revolutions per minute sensor)
8. vacuum return manifold
9. vertical vector discharge electric hyper jet
10. vertical vector discharge electric hyper jet
11. vertical vector discharge electric hyper jet
12. vertical vector discharge electric hyper jet
13. manual air pressure manifold "throttle valve" (cable actuation) applied upon both manifold "tubes"
14. electric valve air pressure manifold "throttle valve" (electronic circuit controlled valve) applied upon both manifold "tubes"
15. air pressure manifold mating plate with compression gasket
16. air pressure "start pressure air pressure storage tank
17. air pressure "return" coupling with external (initial air fill) air fill one way valve and electric air pressure sensor
18. air pressure tank chassis mounting bore plates
19. "start " electric air pressure valve also connected to manual cable valve actuation
20. air tank refill control valve references the air pressure sensor within number 17
21. perpendicular electric hyper jet exhaust " intake" manifold high pressure return coupling with "manifold" pressure sensor
22. "intake" manifold shutter valve electric valve plate ( within the discharge valve) control gear set contains manual cable actuation
23. shutter valve velocity discharge valve
24. electric motor brush less
25. permanent magnet electricity generator brush less generator ( magneto) draft impeller rotates tandem with the armature of the
electric motor number 24
26. ratio gear set 1:8 ratio (input rotation pneumatic impeller number 25 rotational output tandem with number 28 ) internal sealed lubrication
27. gear set torque converter
28. dual pneumatic impeller ( circumference ) and main air pressure compressor - cause speed incline by "hyper draft" of pressurized
air at velocity
29. opposed main line electric draft jet mating flange - joins the main line electric compression jet to the main high
pressure "bubble" air pressure center tank - contains high pressure gasket between the two parts being joined
30. center high pressure "bubble" high pressure air pressure tank
31. high pressure "bubble" max pressure regulator ( safety valve ) coupling allows over pressure to cycle via connection air flow
pipe "to" the perpendicular air jet manifold
32. "start up" circumference air pressure injection port - causes the air main air impeller fans to begin rotation
33. intake manifold
34. electricity inductance "static electricity control" causes the hull of the engine system not to become electrified - discharges induced
static electricity for safety ( the engine casing is electrically insulated not to cause an electrical shock hazard!)
35. system voltage regulators
36. electricity management control system
37. plasma box inductance discharge system - de-energized the manifolds - controls static electricity
38. multi wire "ribbon wire" bus clip
39. electric motor brush less (transonic compression fan) high side of a 1:20 ratio gear set then driven by number 40 ( the 1:20 ratio
then between number 39 and number 40)
40. electric motor brush less (transonic compression fan) input rotation of the 1:20 ratio gear set
41. venturi valve discharge valve control system electric valve and manual actuation (redundant actuation) valve system contains
venturi pressure sensor that reports to the system's logic electronic circuits also then a safety valve in addition to the main thrust
valve to "control the maximum pressure within the compression venturi. The electric pressure sensor built into the valve unit then will
assist the electronic "mapping" circuits to then adjust the compression rate by automatic adjustment
42. air pressure focus tip
43. air pressure discharge baffle (contains holes to cause low pressure staged allowing for the "lift" effect to fly the vehicle vents to number 2)
44. electrical ground
45. air pressure focus venturi funnel
46. steering flight mobile center air pressure air pressure storage tank
47. electric sealed force vector flight jet mounts to the spherical positional ring mobile controlled (force vector discharge vector determined
by electric servos with redundant electric motors number 74)
48. air pressure flow valve
49. transmitter receiver (encrypted)
50. flight mobile center air pressure tank air pressure return coupling
51. electric compression jet fan
52. electric compressor and electricity generating transonic jet fan impeller causes "run away acceleration" to gain required
lift capacity - induces velocity draft
53. flight sphere venturi funnel
54. low pressure effect " air intake manifold"
55. flight sphere baffle causes low pressure effect in the air pressure discharge chamber
56. low pressure sphere
57. air pressure discharge coupling
58. solenoid flow valve control
59. flow valve
60. super low vacuum
61. flow pipe coupling
62. air (Argon) generator system manifold contains pneumatic / vacuum level pressure sensor reports to the generator's logic
control electronic circuit board
63. start impeller
64. air compressor - air pump
65. ratio gear set 1:10 input rotation tandem with number 64 output rotation tandem with number 66 so that the high volume air pump
number 66 is then rotating faster than the drive impeller number 64
66. vacuum pump high volume
67. vacuum pump
68. r.p.m. sensor ( revolutions per minute sensor)
69. vacuum tank - negative pressure
70. flow line coupling
71. inductance cage directs electrical interference away from system's components
72. thermal insulation - retains air internal pressure
73. impact resistant casing (two hemispheres joined to form a flight sphere contains external chassis mounting bore holes)
74. dual electric servo internal spherical positional flight mobile
75. fixed mobile "ring"
76. mobile ring
77. mobile disk mounts letter "G"
78. pneumatic impeller (contains two intake one from 64 and one from 81), so that the system will accelerate due to the increased
velocity and pressure post number 80.
79. internal magneto
80. over pressure dampener valve - controls flow tube pressure opens to allow the pressurized velocity to be directed to number 47
81. air pump
82. ratio gear set input shaft
83. flow pipe
84. static electricity control - discharges flow system inductance produced by static electricity
85. lamp
86. left front flight sphere
87. right front flight sphere
88. rear left flight sphere
89. left right flight sphere
90. hydraulic fluid drain
91. dual component pressure storage pressure tank contains "non flammable" - "non electrically conductive" silicone oil under air pressure
air pressure causes oil pressure
92. oil fill screw cap with air pressure sensor
93. oil flow control valve manual and electric actuation contains coil spring retention for the manual cable valve position setting
94. hydraulic impeller
95. oil pressure over pressure safety valve vents over pressure
96. high speed hydraulic pump causes perpetual system advancement to produce sustained electrical current to be used in the flight system
97. drive chain and sprocket system lubrication encasement
98. large sprocket
99. small sprocket
100. drive chain tension sprocket
101. ratio gear set 1:10 ratio input to the ratio gear set then tandem drive shaft from number 102 (hydraulic impeller)
102. hydraulic impeller
103. alternator low tension 12v functions light communications etc
104. high voltage electricity generator
105. permanent magnet magneto electricity generator
106. pneumatic impeller
107. oil filter
108. electric motor brush less - a percentile of generated electrical current, (produced in number 104 ), is then directed by wire from
the generator's main high voltage generator, to increase rotation of number 108, speeding the generator system up. A "baug resistant"
power ban is then the resultant effect. Number 108 then causes a compound inclined rate of rotation producing more electricity
spinning number 104 faster with the increased electricity to then be used in the flight system acceleration).
109. turbo air pump
110. oil pump
111. oil pressure sensor coupling
112. electricity control "box" electricity logic / system control electronic circuit box
113. one way pneumatic fill valve
114. top mount hydraulic fluid oil "return" coupling
115. oil "return" coupling
116. pneumatic over pressure safety valve - vents over pressure
117. electric actuated mechanical clutch
118. opposed main engine casing
119. return manifold orifice pattern 4 port
120. shutter valve manual actuation sheathed (lubricated graphite), stain less steel cable
121. ribbon wire" multi wire bus connector
122. flow pipe coupling with initial air pressure fill one way fill valve
123. permanent magnet (magneto) - feeds electrical current to number 24 ( the system speeds up counteracting the gear sets resistance
by the air velocity flow causing the "opposed" electric jet to "draft" itself into rotational acceleration. This produces continual air
pressure feed.
124. circumference pneumatic impeller - the diameter then also containing air compression propeller
125. vacuum bar manifold
126. air compressor
127. air intake air filter (pulls air from the interior of the sealed sphere to repack the electric flight jet)
128. air pressure flow pipe
129. high speed gear set
130. solenoid valve air intake switching so that the air compressor can cause air from the exterior of the sphere or
re-pack air from within the flight sphere
131. exterior air intake port with one way valve upon the port
132. high speed 1:20 ratio gear set high side rotation tandem rotating with number 39 input torque from number 40
The above design system is intended to demonstrate that a heavier than air object can maintain flight without thrust discharged from the craft. The design is a "Mechanical balloon" that will then allow vertical lift without discharge from the vehicle.
The flight system then is powered by "hydraulic draft accelerator" being a pneumatically pressurized fluid "draft effect" generator system. The reason Argon is selected is due to it's non-electrically conductivity properties and the inert nature of the Noble gas.
"Start " cycle;
The design then being correctly pressurized will then by manual actuation allow pressurized pneumatic discharge from the "air" pressure storage pressure tank, number 16 to traverse across the ratio gear set between numbers 5 and number 6. The s"start up" pneumatic discharge then also traversing across the circumference of the opposed compression system number 28 impaling number 124 causing rotation of the blower fan. The "hydraulic draft accelerator" generator of electricity, containing number 104, will be "started" prior to the jet cycle start up. ( note the air flow manifold, number 62 will maintain vacuum allowing for the pneumatic discharge to the cause the generator system to "spin up" correctly.
The "opposed electric main line electric compression jets then cause a "pressure bubble" in number 30 that then vents through the exhaust manifolds. The manifold pressure is regulated by the safety valve upon the top of number 30, being number 31, then discharging over pressure back to the intake of the opposed electric jet fan system. The "pressure bubble" return pressure is also able to be directed to the air pressure storage pressure tank to allow for the system's subsequent system "re-start".
The pressure sensor upon number 31 will also aid in the system's electronic logic control board to automatically adjusting manifold pressure discharge by adjusting the valves to "balance" the system flow discharge while maintaining stable altitude, roll, pitch and yaw. The design's steering system (roll pitch, yaw and lift), is then attained by the "sealed" flight spheres using the spherical positional mobiles, via electric signal. Redundant flight control then by cable to increase speed and pressure for "slow" steering by the "return" electric hyper jets being caused to incline in speed by increased flow discharge and increased electricity feed to the "return" electric jets containing numbers 5 and number 6.
The electricity produced in number 25 is the "re-introduced" back into the system's air compression system allowing for the velocity increase by electrifying number 24 causing compound incline rate of rotation yielding more air pressure within the pressure bubble due to the speed of the draft within the main line compressor system. The "base idle" of the system is then set by the main line electricity re-introduction system along with the shutter valves position the also regulating the main line compressor's internal air speed air flow. The cycle's "run" pressure is then regulated by number 31 venting over pressure to number 21 keeping the pressure in the pressure "bubble pressure tank in safe operational range.
Letter "E" then being the main "lift " hover system will then be the same as depicted upon the drafting. The lift jet , letter "E" is then an electric hyper jet who's function is intended to allow for stable altitude maintaining a correct height then also implementing a ground sensing bounce sensor upon the under side of the craft to automatically adjust the flight height of the vehicle by adjusting the vertical vector discharge with in the hover jets letter "E".
The system flow components are insulated for temperature and encased and are insulated for electrical conductivity and are then electrically grounded to then discharge any unwanted inductance of electrical charge to the de-energize the system flow cycle components for safety using the "plasma box / static electricity control system".
Material selection is a critical factor of the design. The search for strength and low mass factoring for the design parameter, required performance dynamic, and structural analysis across a wide range of scope requires advanced materials. The material selection properties then requires additional description. Weight of the mechanism is critical. Weight "vs." the capacity for the components to perform their intended function is a reductive process. For high speed rotating components a stainless steel mated with engineered carbon graphite embedded in a epoxy (enclave cured) will then cause the total reduction of system weight and still allow for the design's operational range as demanded by the intent of the design.
* Note - a percentile of generated electrical current in number 104 is then directed to number 108 to cause "run away effect for high density
high voltage production of electricity.
* Note - number 105 is voltage regulated and electrifies the field coil of number 104 ( the generator system may be twice upon the design)
* Note - all electrical components the are connected to the system's logic / mapping control circuits to then preform their intended function
* Note - system flight controls and avionics then with redundant analog and digital function
* Note - the shutter valves and venturi exhaust valves will not then fully block the velocity even when in their full low flow position - allows
for air pressure to vent preventing "back pressure effect".
*Note - from number 9 and all other letter "E" the flow pipe "to" number 125 is from the low end of the vertical lift electric jet. This lowers the chamber pressure outside the baffle number 43. When the "opposed "electric jets are in high speed operation this also then produces low pressure in the base of all letter "E" via valve that vents to the "opposed" electric jet system's intake pressure. The "aft" letter "E" then connect to number 125 upon flow pipe upon the underside of the vacuum manifold number 125 with number 125 also connected to then air intake of the "rear" intake manifold of the electric jet. The "aft" ( depicted upon the right of the drafting termed "aft") then also contains regulation flow valves that adjust automatically referencing the system's avionics.
Design Desk Inc.