Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Design Desk Inc.

Magnetic Levitation Solenoid

The following design system is a magnetic lift jacking system to then use electromagnetism to cause rise.

The design system operates upon a fuel less generator to then cause electro-magnetics with great intensity to then in tandem with the solenoid jacking system at high rate of switching velocity cause lift  of a sealed object.

Parts List

1. pivot arm slide hoop guide

2. solenoid core

3. apex frame

4. lift pivot rest carriage

5. apex jack

6. pivot hinge

7. pivot hinge

8. apex center lock

9. apex center solenoid

10.  primary lift solenoid

11.  secondary solenoid ( top exit also contains rod guide system )

12. apex lift rod ( lifts number 5 and connect assembly)

13. travel slide guide hoop

14. pivot hinge

15. support frame

16. slide union

17. hinge pivot

18. apex adjustment rod ( raises the apex, number 5)

19. main carriage frame

20. slide union

21. guide hoop

22. electrical contact  electricity transference

23. support frame

24. lift  rod guide retainer

25. first stage electro-magnetics

26. second stage electro-magnetics

27. third stage electro-magnetics

28. fuel less power systems and circuit  "bay"

29. interior support frame

30. pneumatic dampener piston assembly with expansion spring

31. main travel solenoid lift rod  "solenoid core"

32. solenoid outer fixed assembly ( top exit also contains rod guide system )

33. pivot hinge

34. interior brace ( top deck )

35. interior brace ( lower deck )

36. mirror line ( both sides of the schematic the same upon both sides of the schematic)

37. main jack rod

38. secondary jack rod

39. horizontal jack rod connecting rod

40. rod guide port

41. rod guide port allows for full lateral  travel when repellent electro-magnetics  between the

      second and third stage ( south poles ) are repulsing

42. frame support connectors.

43. base electromagnetics with magnetic field focus unit ( ie. greater force smaller area in effect )

44. base electromagnetics

45. connection piston rod

46. current transference ( for the apex solenoid jack)

47. apex connecting rod

48. main apex solenoid

49. electric servo electric motor

*Note - the solenoid system the with polar array about the center point of the top view ( side view depicted ) with the sum of 12 solenoid per magnetic lift system  total of 24 units then with the two concentric polar circles having 12 per application. The solenoids are also connected to numbers 25, 26, and 27 respectively. The core jack rods then lifting the apex , number 5, then offset by 15 degrees not to hinder the operation of the apex solenoid system.

* Note - The total system the mated to itself in the inverse position within a spherical mobile then with the concentric "rings" motivated by electric servo motors and  pneumatic "ring" positional pneumatics the assembly then called a "tumbler". The tumbler the arrayed about 360 degrees with the center of the circle then the starcraft's command centers with the required amenities for sustain life support at high velocity. Static compressor for long range travel and hover motors for re entry redundant control system the as a "static compressor tumbler" ( ie within a spherical positional mobile) also then the hover motors with in a spherical positional mobile called a"hover tumbler" ( ice as a  shielding system also used for algae production and rate of velocity shielding..)  The lift then ocurring due to the displacement of the solenoid core rods downward with the "stop" then a suspended electromagnetic , number 26 at full lower travel at ( weight of vessel + weight gravity) then with high electro-magnetic fielding between 25 also with the opposite side of number 25 then with repellent fielding from number 43 also aiding in control of the magnet , number 25. The solenoids then are pushing the rod cores downward  ( with greater displacement surface area by total magnetisim  then to yield lift that will "reset it's base" *ie.  altitude/ elevation) a lift force by an attracting lift base.

* Note - The system requires magnetic insulation to control magnetic fielding between the  different  "tumblers" also aids in particle  "gain" ocuring while in flight within the engine systems.

* Note number 26 has maximum downward travel and number 27 has maximum upward travel

* Note - successive directional pulse waves the upon the solenoid core rods will cause an average

          lift with redundancy in the " pulse wave"  instigation electronics then within a faraday cage.

The premise within this design is that electro-magnetisim does not know it's height. The  design then to cause the staged magnetics to vibrate in sequence to cause the rods to raise and also hold position using the system as an electromagnetic "ladder" to then allow the assembly to climb by solenoid upward.

Vertical flight is then by "lever" and correct applied electromagnetics electrified by fuel less generators..


Within this design the compression of similar magnetic poles then to exceed the basal weight of the total system plus the gravity of the sphere to launch from. ie the magnetic pressure out force then of repellent fields to then exceed  gravity measurement ie the weight of the mechanism.  so say the unit weigh 200lbs then the magnetic pressure that the design system must be engineered for is then exceeding 200 lbs equvalent of out force pressure unto magnetics numbers 26, and 27.  The climb magnetism then to cause greater lift with greater intensity an the "magnetic bubble is squished and produces a horizontal oblong oval then the up magnetic force then by attractence  from the basal magnetic  number 44 in tandem with repeating wave production within the solenoids while the rods then constantly adjust their height in reference to the base ( number 28 ) level of the system.

One viewing this design system may say to themselves the opposite force then of reaction ie. motion in one direction then causes a counter force in the other...   relaxing the north pole between numbers 25 and 43 will allow for a climb of electrical magnetism then within the systems solenoids.... separate units of measures.. just cause higher magnetic  pressure on the rods 12 ( rods per polar array)x 250lbs = total of polar array ( one circumference) then of 3 tons ( 6000lbs)

The stagard climb the by the readjustment of the rods ie inner circumference system and outer  rod system system  allows for the hull of the mechanism to be lifted while the total interior assembly set is then also adjusted by electricity level change in sequence.