Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Design Desk Inc.

Oceanic Anoxic Reversal Buoy

The "Oceanic Anoxic Reversal Buoy" is a design system to then, "cost effectively", remove the Carbon Dioxide from ocean water. The design then also ( if equipped ) filters deep water fisheries and, at depth, oxygenates the water. Granted the shear size of the problem is in deed massive for a system like this to correct as the number of units would be great to obtain the required objective.. within the Anoxic Reversal Buoy system is also a method for the design to pay for itself then to cause more of the design systems.

The area of the ocean vs. the volume / capacity of the mechanism also then a factor to consider .... so the buoy would then be placed in the most effected regions and in locations that ocean gryes effected by high concentrations of carbon dioxide saturation and placed to use the ocean's natural circulation to assist in the volume of water area able to be processed with lower numbers of units.

The self sustained Ph correction buoy then adjust the acidity level powered by a fuel less generator system.  The buoy then implements distillation and liquefaction to then obtain carbon dioxide mitigation via an electrostatic ionizer to then produce (2) O2

The conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) to O2 then also causes the reversal of dead zones by having the capacity to enrich the ocean water with oxygen.

The buoy is also a flight system containing wave height adjustable level via ballast tanks. The system can be made to be submersible.

Parts List

1. Maritime marker lamp

2.  engine carriage servo ( contains thru bore electricity transfer slip ring)

3. dual propulsion system ( air flight or water jet )

4. super cooler refrigeration system condenser ( multiple units about the horizontal circumference)

5. assembly connection bolt

6. communications antenna ( transmitter / receiver )

7. system lift tow hoop

8. air inlet air filter ( allows also for CO2 [carbon dioxide] extraction from the atmosphere when the top of

    the buoy is above the ocean surface)

9. bi-directional valve

10. air tight water tight electronics  "dome"

11. internal structural frame

12. air pressure toroid ( air pressure distributor ) vents to a pressure  "sphere" that vents to number 34, electric lift jet

13. steam blow down vent

14. screened drain - also acts as  "sealed lift jet" decompression - over pressure safety vent.

15. shock casing engine outer hull

16. thru bore electricity transfer slip ring

17. electric motor positions the horizontal vector discharge of the electric jet engine

18. Main chassis "fork"

19. steam heater ( causes the "gasification" of the "distillation water" also containing CO2 - exhaust flow feeds

      the liquefaction process for gas stratification)

20. High temperature ( H.T.F. heat transference fluid pipe ) to then  vaporize the product of ocean water laden

      with CO2

21. electric steam pump contains temperature and flow pipe pressure sensor - reports to the system

      logic / mapping control electronics

22. cooling exchanger - evaporator then knocks the vapor's temperature down

23. super cooler refrigeration control  "bay" contains electric master valve switch "block"

24.  liquefaction injection tube ( fills the gas stratification pressure tank )

25. electric furnace

26. electrostatic ionizer

27. air pump ( draws temperature from the H.T.F. chamber  number 112 within the heat exchanger )

28. ozone pump - contains gas analyzer and prevents CO ( carbon Monoxide ) from entering the

      system ( unit number 28 also will include an arc unit to then use arc destruction to ash the Carbon

      Monoxide if it occurs in the flow system post ionizer.The ash then channeled to the magnetized aguer

29. vacuum electric jet  - same mechanical / electrical format as number 34 yet venting exhaust to number 33

30. vacuum electric jet  - same mechanical / electrical format as number 34 yet venting exhaust to number 95 and 33

31. water intake "ring" the vertical hard filter then preventing debris from entering the water intake system

32. vapor heater gas discharge valve contains pressure sensor

33. flight system off set "cancels" the "force static" in the electric jet's air flow by coiled air return within a tube

      to then keep high pressure atop the engine by "perpendicular return vector"

34. compound electric  "lift jet" ( a sealed force vectoring flight system )

35. steam intake valve discharges steam to the super heater

36. distillation  "chamber" water distilled by hot air injection

37. hot air injection manifold

38. insulated liquefaction tank

39. super cooler evaporator

40. gas analyzers and electric valves to then determine and adjust total gas flow to then allow the gas

      stratification to then enter the correct system function ie... isolates the CO2 vents the hydrogen and sends

      the O3 ( ozone), to the "remix box", number 62, to then convert O3 ( ozone) to (2) O2. The gas analyzers will

      also contain a mix manifold to then vent to the air pump  27 and subsequently to 59 via flow pipe when

      in atmospheric cycle mode. When this is occurring only the CO2 will enter the ionizer.

41.  water pump

42.  ballast water / air pumping system  "electric motors redundant"

43. toroid ballast tank ( causes the system to submerge self rectify and or surface also adjust the system height

      in the water due to ocean conditions ( wave swell height )

44. stabilizer foot

45. air pressure air tank

46.  liquefaction compressor  "bay" redundant compression systems

47. generator power source "bay" redundant power systems fuel less generators - listed


48. about the circumference upon the exterior of the final outer hull then are 12 hydraulic piston stabilizers to

      then stable the vertical position of the mechanism. (connects deep water  filtration / deep water oxygenation 

      injection equipment attachment if desired).

49. refrigeration systems - super cooler refrigeration system - contains master valve switch block that directs

      the refrigerant flow and refrigeration compressors driven by electric motors

50. liquefaction tank main CO2 ( carbon dioxide ) gas analyzer and flow system discharges to the electrostatic

51. electric heat element keeps the liquefaction tank's base warm enough to prevent icing

52.  Hydrogen burner ( also able to warm the base of the liquefaction tank )

53.  water drain "contains" dampener valve and one way valve only actuates under  a specific level

       of vacuum / suction produced by the water pumps actuation- valve system mechanical pressurization

      may be assisted to open the dampener valve plate by electric solenoid and or hydraulic piston assembly.

54. ballast switch valve  "block"

55. toroid ballast pressure tank

56. electrostatic "grid" ionizer

57. heat exchanger - heated by the electric furnace, number 25

58. vertical stabilizer hydraulic piston pumping system - redundant

59. air intake filter

60.  human safety cabin heat air conditioner (H.V.A.C system with ventilation and Co2 monitor automatically

       flushes cabin compartment with fresh air) with fuel less distillation and medical

       kit communications equipment- contains floor water drain - lavatory


       to then use the carbon. Additional Allotrope processing under the dome in number 11's structural frame. The

       buoy may also contain algae bioreactor for hydrocarbon production for carbon encapsulation plastic

61. water tight hatch

62. O3 ( ozone ) conversion "box" causes O3 and O2 to become (2)O. The unit will also be able to then form

      H20 obtaining the Hydrogen from  the liquefaction tank's gas stratifier manifold ( containing gas

      analyzers), to assist in correct Ph re entry water that then mixes with the salt laden * salt heavy ) water

      exiting the distillation unit , number 36.

63. horizontal flight electric engine carriage "ring"  engine base support allows the electric jet to rotate 360 degrees

64. gauss magnet ( permanent magnet and electromagnet  / induces higher magnetism upon the permanent

      magnet embedded in the circumference of the draft accelerator transonic  then acting as a draft impeller)

65. 1:20 ratio gear set sealed lubrication contains thru shaft drive shaft where as the out put rotation of

      letter "A" is the input rotation to the 1:20 ratio gear set number 65 who's output rotation then

      causes 20 times the rate of input causing letter "B" to then produce pneumatic "draft incline rate of rotation".

66. stator circumference permanent magnet upon the circumference for the draft transonic

      propeller "electricity generator"

67. high velocity transonic air compression  jet fan ( jet fan = transonic propeller) also an electric motor

68. 10 :1 ratio gear set gear set input rotation by letter "C" thru shaft design to then increase rotation rate

      of velocity to letter " A" contains R.P.M. sensor

69. transonic impeller ( jet fan ) also as an electric motor

70. pneumatic impeller

71. focus venturi

72. throttle exhaust "gate valve"

73. hydraulic and pneumatic valve control pistons

74. vacuum manifold pipes

75. vacuum sphere exhaust tube

76. vacuum sphere exhaust tube

77. air jet baffle

78. vacuum sphere ( negative pneumatic pressure )

79. out put shaft driven by number 68 motivated by letter "C"

80.  electric motor

81. out put shaft "mechanical shear" protective casing - will not throw shatter"

82. plasma box" static electricity electrical ground

83. grid gate ( air or water discharge  grid screen )

84. aft port exhaust dampener hydraulic piston also assist in water travel  direction  via moving the shutter flap

85. inductance cage protected electric motor

86. insulated from the internal wires inductance flex mesh to control  induced electrical current from power

      surge due to E.M. P. (electromagnetic pulse)

87. aft port close flap causes air pressure in the aft of the engine forcing the discharge through the grid

      number 83 and fills pressure into the pressure collector number 88 to then be directed to the pneumatic

      impeller number 90 thus accelerating upon engine system displacement keeping the electrical current

      feed at lower electricity levels.

88. air pressure intake  "ring"

89. air feed pipe

90. pneumatic impeller

91. transonic compressor jet fan

92. 1:50 ratio gear set high side ( output ) rotation tandem rotating with number 91, input rotation tandem

      rotating with the transonic impeller , number 93 and the armature of the electric motor , number 85

93. transonic impeller

94. flotation foam

95. vacuum jet exhaust manifold  the vacuum jet injects air into the return coil tube

96. super cooler condenser blower fan propeller

97. super cooler condenser blower fan propeller's electric motor

98. engine circumference  "ring" horizontal rotation circumference

99. carbon particles collect upon a magnetic auger screw and are blown out of the vessel via this valve

      number 99 the valve is electric actuation also causing the auger to rotate

100. air jet discharge venturi

101.  instrumentation multi wire  "ribbon wire" bus - wire bus connects systems sensors to the logic electronics

         in number 102.

102. system logic  / mapping computer - inductance cage shielding

103.  baffle tank drain

104. water injection coupling

105. hydraulic flow tubes

106. electric jet  horizontal flight engine base support ( also swivels 360 degrees)

107. hinge

108. adjustable air elevator ( flaps )

109. super heater max pressure over pressure safety vent valve - contains actuation sensor

        psi ( pounds per square inch) sensor and temperature sensor - also a gas analyzer to then control gas type

        in the heater to also be able to direct vent  if required venting N2, H  or other gas to aid in the system

        preforming it's function correctly. The unit vents at number 13 to then also be correct remix air safe

        for environmental discharge also monitoring for carbon monoxide and Nitrogen oxides (nitrous or nitric oxide).

110. lock nut with rivet tab  tab contains bore hole to lock the nut with a rivet

111. hydraulic piston elevator control hydraulic pistons

112. heat exchanger heats the air jet bubbler for the distillation system via the internal electric furnace, number 25

* Note - The above design system may also assist in "lost at sea" rescues if the stranded person then signals a satellite to then cause the buoy to travel to their location.  A quick First Responder rescue system.


This design systems "re-sets" the oceans CO2 "buffer zone"  ( buffer zone = carbon sink - carbon dioxide absorption capacity), then also producing the ability for the water to be oxygen enriched increasing Aquatic life health.

The above design system is then a multi function tool to restore the Earth's oceans. The design system will distill ocean water upon a mobile flight system also then with fuel less propulsion ( air water or space). The design system then a factory producing diamond to then pay for the tool in increase numbers increasing the ubiquitous implementation to correct climate change due to carbon dioxide saturation having caused oceanic Anoxic.

Ocean Anoxic causes incline levels of CO2 and CH4 discharge from a dead ocean possibly effecting Ozone sluff off. This increases the Oceans capacity to absorb CO2 if then being cleaned to "sink" the atmospheric CO2... the design cleans the CO2 "absorption zone" to then safety  and stabilize the ocean's ph ( acidity level ).

System function sequence;

The Ocean Buoy then cycles salt water saturated with carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) / Methane ( CH4) and from within the system injects hot air under pressure  ( with the Nitrogen removed ) to cause water steam also containing other gases. The steam is further heated to then become water vapor and trace gases . The trace gases ( also referred to as  "compound vapor" ) thermal barrier not to be exceeded so that any explosion hazard is avoided.

The compound vapor then entering the cooling exchanger "inter change" ( drops the gases temperature)  then directed to the liquefaction compression system. The liquefaction compression system then chilled by super cooler to then  "stratify" ( separate the gas types in layers). The gas analyzers then control the flow of and level of discharge "height" within the liquefaction chamber via their electric position control valves.

The stratified gas is directed to the design processing functions. The carbon dioxide then directed to the ionizer to be converted to Ozone and carbon particle. The ozone gas then directed to mix chamber to form (2) O2 then injected into the heavy salt laden water at the base of the primary desalination system, number 36.  The other gases within the liquefaction system then directed to their direction... the system forms clean water able to be pumped away from the buoy to then aid in disaster relief where fresh water has become a problem due to natural disaster.

The flight system within the buoy is powered by fuel less generators then redundant ie... more than one system. The heating ventilation and air handling system also is equipped with atmospheric monitoring system to control occupied space for carbon dioxide or other gas saturation to then control for correct atmosphere for the occupants.

Notes regarding engine system number 34;

When intending flight or hover... then volume and displacement of electric compound jets , numbers 29 and number 30 are then at greater rate and volume of dislacement of air pressure to produce vacuum when referencing the rate and displacement of number 34. Number s 29 and 30 move more air then number 34 discharges in the same time interval. This maintains air pressure atop the electric jet number 34 and vacuum in the displacement

chamber  and vacuum sphere, number 78.

"A" = transonic generator with circumference inducer gauss electromagnet ( can gauss greater magnetism

         yielding more electrical out put from the generator

"B" = main high velocity air compression transonic propeller  (circumference) electric motor stator rotates

         at 20 times the velocity of letter "A" then assisted by the electric motor number 80

"C" = fly wheel electric motor transonic impeller the impeller transonic then tandem to the input rotation of

         number 68 and output shaft then at ten times the rotation to letter "A" . The rotation rate of number 65 then

         at twenty times the rotational velocity is then causing letter "B" to cause pneumatic draft accelerating

         the "zero point " - launch point of the magnetic pressure of the electric motor number 80. The system

         then inclined reaction in velocity rate.

The design concept then counter acts the force static in air flow by coil perpendicular return of the air flow then obtaining pressure upon the top of the system contained within the pressure sphere, number 12 and constant vacuum in the lower sphere in number 78.

Number 48 then may also mount additional tool functions for wild fire fire fighting equipment implementing the air stratifier's ( listed at ) Nitrogen production to then displace the O2 in wild fire advents. Within the system the injection of hot air then will produce N2 ( Nitrogen at first ) though, from number 27 to number 28 can then cycle "air" ( ozone / oxygen ) into the heat exchange system to then bubble into the salt water hot  O2 and or O3 reducing the N2 within the liquefaction tank. Since the system is also able to cycle "open air" the gas analyzers that are toward the top of the liquefaction tank will also contain an "atmospheric mixer" to then vent the correct remix to the "open air atmosphere" in correct

proportion ( N2 and O2 ), minus the carbon dioxide.

* Note - When processing atmospheric CO2 the flow cycle is a bit different... The system then takes in air from the filtered air inlet , number 8 then with valve , number 9 positioned to vent to the pressure sphere , number 12.. at the  "base" of the lift engine the vacuum sphere, number 78 has pipe then connecting number 78 to the liquefaction system to feed the air compression system in number 46 air stratification mix. The Nitrogen will not be directed to the bubbler within the desalination system  as that would cause an increased Ph problem.

When doing this the Nitrogen obtained will also cycle thru the ionizer to then be channeled through the magnetic auger and flow up the pipe to the discharge port where the gas is able to be vented to open air post O2 remix system so that correct proportion is then in the vicinity of the advanced Oceanic Anoxic Reversal Buoy. ( lower case letter "c" then is for the "carbon particle discharge port with the chamber then able to vent within the hull also so that the Nitrogen is mixed with in the hull with O2. From lower case letter "c" then a screened carbon granule / particle vent directs to ( contains vacuum feed system ).

  * Note - The Allotropes of carbon ( diamond ) then pays for additional total systems if sold for gems, tool

                or industrial applications

* Note - The desalination system to the also contain a heated  "top ring" electric resistance heating element

             upon the steam cavity to then increase the heat upon the top in the inner surface of the  "steam chamber". 


             The water exiting the desalination system then will also have the capacity to then be force returned to

             the ambient ocean temperature so that the aquatic thermal effect does not effect existing



             The desalination system a dual channel unit so that the intake of salt water becomes then

             a constant flow and circulation occurs with the injection of hot Oxygen & Ozone air bubbles to then

             also allow the heavy laden salt water to be mixed with distilled water recovered from the liquefaction

             tank to cause the return water then at the same salinity level. The return water is then also oxygen enriched.

* Note - The systems electricity flow may be Ac ( alternating current)  or Dc ( direct current ) platforms

* Note - the buoy system then will also have the capacity to direct pump CO2 ( carbon dioxide ) to the shore

             to then be processed by land based systems via connection hose with flotation and hose coupling

             auto eject  fitting (used if and when an "at sea rescue" is required) . The buoy may also out pump

             CO2 to float barge equipped  with dry ice processing systems.

* Note - all electronic components communicate to the system's main logic processor to then ensure

             correct functioning.
