Oceanic Nitrate Silt Cleaning System
Currently the Gulf of Mexico has serious problems due to the annual deposition of farm run off. The compounding problem has produced a "Dead Zone" that has caused economic stress for the coastal fisheries. The design system is a multi stage tooling system involving the harvest of CO2 upon an Amine "stripper" buoy then Cracking Co2 into carbon and O2 (stripping it to O2) to then cause liquid O2 frozen embedded in the formed ice sheets upon the Gulf of Mexico's "ocean floor by a submersible.
The buoy's drag submersible is then containing a nitrogen super cooler / ambient ocean water ( Gulf water ) , cooling exchange system that drops the temperature of the water just above the ocean floor to encapsulate the sedimentation. This is incurred to then cause controlled dredging of the "under ice material" preventing "drift" of toxic runoff deposition.
There are several individual tools within the total system .
First the "Amine Stripper Buoy ( autonomous ) then also a fuel less " Active" on-board generator system , to then also produce ocean floor topography via sonar mapping and navigation equipment and infrared camera systems to the be able to locate the ice fields upon the floor of the gulf. Combined with the buoy is then the submerged cooling exchanger ( upon the drag submersible) that will guide the liquid oxygen ( small storage of O2 and liquid O2 - small hose for the liquid O2 to be transported "pumped" to the drag submersible / for safety concern- plasma "arc static electricity " dissipation unit upon the hose an pumping system.
Second a submersible dredge that will contain a vitrification system ( glass works - processed the stratified ocean floor sand . The glass dredge to then bore under the ice extract the sedimentation with pumping system / dry the sand nitrate mix ( also containing other pollutants - caution must be taken within the design system to understand the thermal reactivity when embedding the pollutant in glass to be reintroduced above the ice after cooling- "Active" testing is required in the sedimentation stratification system to detect intake of thermally reactive volatile compound.
The "glass works dredge" ( submersible) will have attached a surface floater for the filtered intake of air also used for system functioning (ie. filling the spheres with air for flotation) or with "air " inert / non flammable , then to encapsulate any radioactive material the dredge will encounter. The "glass works" dredge will form air filled glass spheres with the toxins within the glass to then float the glass balls to the surface ( 8"dia or greater according to fish size .. so ingestion will be avoided by the aquatic life), to be collected by a skimmer ship for extraction. outer surface then safe to handle with the glass as insulation for toxin or radiation.
The "glass works dredge" will also contain a cooling drag submersible that may have the capacity to cause ice upon the floor of the Gulf of Mexico to then also contain a deep water electrolysis system upon a drag unit, that will separate low level ocean water ( electro-tip automatic cleaner) under the super cool ocean water to then cause frozen ocean water with increased O2 content the hydrogen then remaining in a gas state and vented in small amounts to the ocean surface... ( this allows for , when the frozen submerged sea ice melts after the sedimentation cleaning, to yield gradual O2 enrichment of the ocean water ). The salinity will be measured in the process also during this process a maximum area of processing is also a factor. The " electrolysis drag unit " is
a ( separate unit from the "glass works dredge" and will store only minimal amounts of O2 as not to cause a hazard... The system will also implement a static electricity plasma box to de-energize the system's static electricity that might form within the pumps and hoses...
The third system then a hydroplane skimmer ship that catches the surface "float spheres.... in collection system. please view http://www.designdeskinc.com/u.s.o.-dredge2.html
With fueled systems this type project is not cost effective! Yet with the design systems upon this site the feasibility then becomes within economic reach since the human labor and fuel cost are negated. There is not much money in the correction until after the systems intention is fulfilled making it a difficult investment to fund.... as the machines complexity and cost then are initially expensive...
In the water there after bubble cup buoys will then oxygenate and filter the annual run off to continually correct the problem.
Granted the task of cleaning the floor of the Gulf of Mexico is an enormous challenge but with fuel less Autonomous submersibles the system, once in place, will require minimal maintenance cost. The situation in the gulf of Mexico is a "chicken and egg " problem.... the pay out once restored would produce the required funding to speed the process.. The effected "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico is estimated at 8000 square miles (Wiki).
The designs below are then of the the delta filtration buoy dredge ( left side depiction) with autonomous remote fuel less smaller "floor sweepers", number 27. The "floor sweepers " then prevent the Nitrate laden silt from entering the deep water of the Gulf of Mexico then with many small units having the capacity to have great range in the clean up effort . The "floor sweepers" are fuel less and work in unison (many units) placed in the river delta just before the water enters the Gulf of Mexico. The buoy may also be used as a floating fish hatchery with slight modification to the design system.
The "glass works dredge" ( The "Sea Turtle" see turtle?... then depicted to the right, is the side view ( top right) and the front view (bottom right) :).... would take 400 full cycle function in a single location for 1 mile
square ( aprox).. note the entire floor of the gulf is not frozen at one time... it would be done in smaller sections to not effect the thermal water convection currently to greatly.
Parts List
1. toxin concentrate boom crane ( buoy off loading system - fills a floating barge moved by fuel less
electric tug boat)
2. sludge hose
3. communication transmitter / receiver antenna - lamp ( lightning surge suppression system
4. pole ' antenna
5. ladder ( telescopic ) on automatic hinged lid ( allows for lamp change and lower level egress when the
door is open via radio remote control)
6. upper sludge stratification ( pumping system )
7. main uptake hose
8. return hose
9. return pipe
10. circular trough
11. spiral venturi compression flow section / pipe
12. high pressure water injection flow tube
13. sludge stratification system ( plasma box" static electricity ground system with fault interrupt "all stop
safety function also with aerosolized volatile gas sensors as a safety system fault interrupt also causes
an all stop function
14. hose guide hoop
15. water intake water filter
16. water pipes ( water pressure from number 62 ( stir water pressure")
17. rigid flotation foam
18. dual hull weighted inner balancer ( causes upright stable)
19. buoy frame
20. cable turn buckle ( tightens cable)
21. tension cables
22. ballast weight ball ( water filled - for flip if inversion occurs)
23. lower deck center connector wench cable thru port
24. electro magnet ( water safe)
25. rubber bushings
26. Ocean floor "sinker" contains fuel less water pumping system 360 degree slurry intake - from
remote "floor sweepers"
27. ocean floor "floor sweepers" fuel less self navigating with water pumping / water vacuum
28. dual disk lifter sealed propulsion systems http://www.designdeskinc.com/disk-lifter.html
29. negative pressure electric jets ( perpendicular coiled return air flow offsets static return air)
30. solid flotation ( runs length of vehicle - diameter to displace total weight of vehicle causes total
system to float - flotation may also fill all available cavitation to then force the displacement of water.
31. elevators for water vectoring ( electric hydraulic and pneumatic motivators)
32. top hatch ( rated for operational depth)
33. habitation chamber ( can separate from the rest of the submersible and cause controlled resurfacing to
prevent hypoxia ( preventing decompression illness / "the bends" ) in a controlled automatic function
with manual controls for resurfacing as redundancy
34. primary ballast tank
35. disk lifter mobile spherical positional force vectoring ( with fuel less power source center ring
position ) electric ring connector servos with through bore current transfer slip rings and positional sensors
for navigational positioning. Multi sealed force vectoring positioning systems along the length of the vessel
36. Hinged frost bar emits super cold ocean water under pressure to cause ice upon the floor of the ocean
37. bumper ( with tow package) to drag dredge - allows for submersible connectivity via power and slurry
hose to the haul a bottom less freezing and dredge system with system similar to melt bar hot water
jet, number 42 , and vacuum tube dredge intake system also operating on a hinge system. The drag
dredge( flexible union junctions), may be up to 1 mile long by 100 ' (feet wide) and will have the ability
to surface in and of itself.
38. glass works ( float sphere production and launch system)
39. material handling / stratification of slurry / radiation detection system ( giger counter)
40. aft ( rear ) spherical positional flight spheres disk lifters mobiles http://www.designdeskinc.com/disk-lifter.html
41. single unit ( disk lifter ) spherical positional mobile contains fuel less power source and is positioned within
hull casing of number 40
42. melt bar ( heats by electric resistance and hot water flow tube coil ) causes bore hole in formed ocean
floor ice to then also inject cold water to then stir the sedimentation ( hinged - positioned by hydraulic piston
system )
43. melt bar ( heats by electric resistance and hot water flow tube coil ) causes bore hole in formed ocean
floor ice to then "dredge" vacuum intake for the material handling system ( hinged - positioned by
hydraulic piston system )
44. elevation louver flaps
45. frost bar locking clamps
46. lower bumper
47. dredge pump ( and pump for the separator....)
48. powered hinge ( electric pneumatic and hydraulic actuation )
49. hydraulic lander foot ( feet) adjust to sea floor for level functioning under the cold retainer skirt
50. wave break ( turbulence guide) bow ( also ballast tanks "compressed air storage" ) in
the "separator" , number 33, two separate tanks and the tank then from the bow to the aft of the
vessel containing the blow air to then , after the water in the ballast tank has been evacuated then
fill the chamber
51. outer self sealing pressure hull carbon graphite dual hull outer heated stainless steel to keep the
under laying carbon graphite in thermal operating parameters
52. human occupation helm / Quarters / galley / detachable emergency float separator
53. sonar / camera systems/ infrared camera systems... also placed upon the bow bumper within the
wench compartment
54. lamps 360 degrees (upon bumper 37 - work lamps)
55. tow hook /wench
56. wench
57. water intake "grill"
58. aft water vents
59. inner "hull" systems processing... ( the hull is insulated )
60. atmospheric storage tanks ( air storage) storage tanks are the length of the
vessel ( redundant CO2 carbon dioxide scrubbers ) also gas processing for the material handling system,
volatile gas components only in extremely low storage ( methane "cracking" )
61. mooring hoop
62. water pumping system
63. dual cable wench ( rotated by electric motor
64. slurry pumping system ( volatile gas safety system - methane / hydrogen count) plasma "box " static
electricity ground system with fault interupt safety system with fault "all stop" function if static
electricity if forming or the plasma static electricity dissipation box is malfunctioning or if volatile
gas is at to high of concentration levels
66. main frame
67. connecting tube "hull"
68. float ball
69. main dredge uptake hose
70. wet vac... "water pump"
71. silt roller stir bar ( via electric motor)
72. silt retainer tank ( collects pesticides and fertilizer farm "run off" in the deltas- marsh lands )
73. water injection tubes
74. water intake tubes
75. hydraulic pistons ( repeating up the boom)
76. counter weight for the "boom"
77. off load barge
78. marker lamp
79. drag sea water electrolysis unit separates sea water into hydrogen and oxygen post distillation upon
a fuel less generator. The gas then stored in low volume to fill the glass spheres to then cause them to
float to the oceans surface. the gas "air" is made inert non flammable with other gases extracted from
the sedimentation
80. cold retainer "skirt" attachment ban
81. glass works dredge
82. locking system for the occupation system number 33 with manual and automatic actuation
83. rear / aft wench connects to number 79
84. super cold ocean water discharge
85. vessel hatch ( pressure rated for operational depth)
86. air lock ( with associated decompression chamber/ air and water pumping systems )
88. lower hatch ( pressure rated for the depth electric and mechanical / manual gearing)
89. pipe to the stratification system to feed the slurry to to separation system to extract sedimentation toxins
90. clean silt discharge tube ( mixed with water)
91. tow hitch
92. rubber cold skirt ( retains the super cold ice forming cold water )
93. nitrogen super cooler
95. cooling exchange system "evaporator" and forced water pumping system " electric " water pumps
multiple water pumps
96. refrigerant flow tubes
97. louver motor( hydraulic , electric , manual mechanical and pneumatic actuation
98. interior lower hatch pressure rated for operational depth
99. frame support system
100. glass float sphere launch tube ( glass contains toxic sedimentation stratification yet the contact
surface is safe ,non toxic final coating of glass and will not crack when introduced bask into the
water.. pre chilled balls
101. ballast water
102. ballast water pumping system redundant.. ( back up mechanical manual pump)
103. pipe
104. remote sweeper control electronics
Due to the nature of the material some float spheres material may form more of a hollow clay ball then encapsulating the sedimentation's toxic compounds caused by agricultural run off . The encapsulation material is not restricted to a glass alone but must go through a vitrification process ( heat ) to cause a rigid locking encapsulation making handling safe and sealing the toxin ( pesticide / fertilizer residue) then ubiquitous upon the gulf of Mexico ocean floor.
The "drag dredge" ( a similar system to the freeze system with fuel less pumping ) may then be made to direct draft the slurry up ward to subsequent pumping systems since the depth is so great. The "riser pump system" then also with fuel less pumping system for the toxic slurry. The riser pumps then is aligned in a stair case fashion with 10" (dia.) and 1000' long hose connecting to the subsequent riser pump( until reaching the barge floating upon the surface), will also have independent navigation and act as "boost pumps" ( multiple units upon the 5+ mile dredge intake tube then to fill a barge directly for quick sedimentation removal). The riser pumps then accommodating the sum of 8 hose per 20' of width 40 total across the 100' wide drag dredge. The slurry volume is then made available in a reasonable time frame....
Design Desk Inc.