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Passive Water Condenser / Fuel less bug zapper( Zika Correction)
people have problems with cost effective clean water... for human consumption.. It's over 650 Million people.... this does not include the water for sanitation. A cheap low cost product that is portable to obtain clean water from the air may alter the condition. The design above may solve the problem as
implementation for those without much money can then afford the new product.
Also as alternative to agricultural pesticides..a fuel less bug zapper that is tuned to the pitch of pest wings flap ( audio), to then not harm the beneficial insects, also providing a watering system for crops ...then we will be ingesting less poison as plants do wick the pesticides into themselves... see more than washing the food is required... it's off the rails...
These systems are also able to be produced small enough to be hidden in gardens to drip irrigate vegetable gardens. Also may be used to then fill wells and or then irrigate pasture for correct soil management and for straw hay production.....
System could be for oceanic distillation to then use the electricity produced to pump and heat / cool the water.... ( full salt / brine collection and drying ie. not to return the salt to the water..... ) the system is scalable!
This system works by drafting pneumatic pressure ( ie. causing a greater vacuum ) to then compound pneumatic pressure's velocity rate and operate a pumping system. With the design technique then using passive cooling to condense water from humid air by the using buried cooling / condensing tubes where the ground is at 58 degrees F. The cooling system may also be by forced micro refrigeration then powered by pneumatic impellers driving dynamos by vacuum produced when this mechanism is in operation.
This design is a low cost method for harvesting clean water from the air. It may be modified by addition of special filters for the air flow in environments that contain air borne pollutants including bio hazards such as sulfur dioxide / Radiological particle ( Radioactive particle ) / miscellaneous particulate matter. The system may also me modified with a pneumatic drag generator air flow impeller dynamo , multiple redundancy ie. many dynamos... ( permanent magnetic dynamo ) to then create electrical current to assist in powering the additional refrigeration system to then chill numbers 14 and number 17 by injecting cold air into tube number 16 by electric forced air blower then connected to an insert tube approximately the length of number 16 ( tube vents at system low point ) ...the cold air injection tube is then 1/2 the diameter of the tube number 16.. the excess cold air discharge may be used to cool a dwelling..... ( house / abode...etc....). Dynamos that are accelerated by pressure flow can also be placed post number 5 and before number 29 on number 7's assembly. Since this placement is higher pressure a ratio gear set connecting the pneumatic impeller driving the dynamos can be used between the pneumatic impeller and the dynamo. This yields higher electricity output current levels.
Condensation will occur in tubes 11, 18 and 13...... eventually 24 will become a mix of water and air pressure... optional addition - Pneumatic rate post number 30 drives additional impeller (that spins gear set 1:4 ratio high side to an additional air pump). Additional pneumatic air pump intake before number 31 on pneumatic flow tube 18 ,,,ie. number 6 (exterior air ). The pneumatic impeller is connected to a 1:4 ratio gear set then gear set high side spinning the additional air pump with "exterior" ambient temperature humid air then that air pump is then directed through a one way valve that vectors into the travel coil number 11, feeding number 11 a more humid mix....causing quicker filling time.... note additional pneumatic pressure venting may be required due to pressurization rate.... bottle could hover....
If the air intake is dragged through an addition intake impeller then connected to a hover propeller the water bottle might then fly. ( pre programmed referencing gps system. hahaha.. then used for miniature crop irrigation device ..( requires the forced cooling by refrigeration addition....... :) Screened and filtered intake for lifting designs bird / insect safe lifting cycle...
* Caution ! system will produce high intake suction... intake regulation restriction valve may be required as well as diffused intake ie...wide intake filter housing... into smaller intake tube..
* Note - an additional air cooling intake box may then be connected to the humidity intake on the bucket to then have a solar wick atop the insulated box... The solar "wick" ( heat draft air flow system ) will then vent hot air atop another insulated box ( small tube 1/2" connecting the "solar wick and the cold box) with the air intake into the box then passively chilled by drafting air into the cold box ( 58 degrees F). The earths temperature then pulling air through a thermally conductive air intake tube buried under about 2+ feet of soil.. The box will contain a cooling coil tube that attaches directly the humidity harvest intake ( number 6 ), of the passive water condenser "bucket" with an air filter at the air entry port. This allows for longer humidity travel causing greater condensation rate and volume of water harvested... The insulated cold box will then allow for the inner coil tube to exit the box with an air filter upon the intake end of the cold coil within the insulated box.... The opposite end of the coil tube then connecting to number 6 upon the "bucket".
* Note - Number 2 is a one way valve ( spring type retainer for resistance ) so as an addition to the tube before number 2 a pressure relief port "nipple" with attached tube then
injecting higher pneumatic pressure into the siphon causing an archimedes screw of air pressure with the injection tube venting into the siphon upon the exterior of the
bucket / bottle cap ) below the siphon intake orifice level within the bucket. This pressurizes the siphon and caused pneumatic velocity advancement of flow rate.. by
using pneumatic flow to "pump" itself.... then increasing flow rate and increasing "active" work able to be done by the flow cycle. The depiction above may need a
shorter pneumatic intake and the position of the pneumatic impeller number 29 may need to be lowered to allow the additional archimedes screw to cause the velocity
increase effect.
* Note - Additional pneumatic pressurization tube may be added from the main pressure reservoir via a pressure tube with valve then venting pneumatic pressure to the
pneumatic compressor tandem drive shaft to then counter "tilt" the incline gear set by air velocity then impaling a pneumatic impellers tandem with the air
compressor ... the pressure from the additional impeller will then vent via tube the "T " ( pipe fitting ), intersecting just before the intake to the main line / "tube" pneumatic
flow.... to then add available pressure delivery to the "main line" ( tube ) impeller connected tandem with the base of the ratio gear set......
* Note - When starting this system additional "feed" air pressure may be required ...then injecting air pressure into the fill valve upon the cap or bottle.
* Note - Gearing within number 7 may be increased ie. larger ratio also increase of gear resistance then offset by adding small pneumatic impeller driving a dynamo to generate
electricity upon siphon then powering an electric motor attached to the gearing of number 29 ( tandem with impeller number 29 ).
* Note - Before starting the system the pressure in the pneumatic travel coil is dissipated ( pressure is dumped to exterior cycle ) allowing the velocity to occur. Number 5 closed
and number 9 venting ...
* Note - Number 11 will then be composed of stainless steel then also cooled by the chilled intake air into number 6...for the water bottle cap.... number 23 ( stainless steel ) post passive
ground cooling will then wrap by coiling tube number 11 ( composed of stainless steel ) to bring the travel coil number 11, down in temperature.
Then number 1 will return to the top of the bucket and re-enter the bucket... The additional cooling coil around number 11 then causes the travel coil
to then act as a condenser causing water from humid air. to then be pumped into the bucket.
* Note - As an addition an electric motor powered by the drafting pneumatic impeller connected to a generator / dynamo can drive an electric motor connected to
an advancing gear to then power number 19 forward...pressurizing a "tilt".
* Note - at number 25 a spiraling cone will allow for a low spot for the condensing of water yet let the humid air velocity continue..the low spot is then the water pump intake
to pump to the bucket... also then the large diameter of the spiraling cone.
* Note - addition to schematic install number 2 ( for water ) at terminating end of number 23 within the bucket to prevent pneumatic pressure escaping.
* Note - number 14 will also have in addition a cooling coil within and or wrapped upon it that is fed cold air through injection tube within number 16. The
additional cold coil will also allow for the "trap" pipe number 14 to be in contact with the earth at 58 degrees F. The system can also be fed cold humid
air to speed up the condensation process then originating within the additional refrigeration system...ie draft the intake air through the cooling system then
into air intake number 6.
* Note - The whole system may also be upon a bottle cap or canteen cap... then the bucket would then be a bottle cap with threads within the open orifice base to screw
unto a water bottle that has the correct pressure rating.....the cooling tubes could then be placed in the ground at depth or in cold water stream... or cooling system
as water bottle / canteen base exterior to the pressure bottle .
* Note - A small electric motor may be added to number 29 to increase velocity rate of humid air flow with the current produced from the drafting dynamos
installed upon the flow line post (after..number 5 before number 29. Feed current regulated by voltage regulator and variable resistor then controls the
speed of the additional electric motor.
* Note - Factoring ...morning dew like mist upon the field...then quickly evaporates so the harvesting of the moisture then pooling slows evaporation...ie. / surface retention of water
also then having the fuel less capacity to pump and store the water.... so.... adhesion of surface tension of water droplets..... see? Open air flow rate may need to vary to
slow velocity to allows for more water harvest... / permeation of air through the intake filter / sponge also a louvered air intake flap system may also be used and
operated according to environmental conditions then self adjusting by electric solenoid and radio receiver... from master sensor system that monitors time of day relative
humidity / temperature etc..
* Note - For desalination...use the excess electricity from multiple "buckets" then to power a water pump from salt water or other water source ( if may require additional
filter according to the type of contamination in some location ) then to boil the salt water with the generated electricity...to increase the humidity by harvesting the
produced steam the channeled to the intake for the "bucket" intake air.. adds to final volume of clean water...Don't forget to clean the system as required...A brush will insert when safety valve removed for cleaning flush with clean water until condensate particulant is clear of the steam chamber... an electric
water distillation system may also be added to the out flow of the passive water condenser to reduce the risk of pathogens within the water. The system will plug into the
electronics board main bar/ bus power .... micro distillation system as follows before consumption;
loon... = balloon :)
note - the pump has two individual compression wheels , centrifugal compressors. One wheel for air , one for water.
note - the heater element is replaceable , a quick change plug socket / receptacle port plug.
note funnel cap baloon then has slight restriction upon exhaust to then allow the baloon to inflate..... until the safety valve "b" upon the baloon cap opens... this will vent some steam but an additional tube can cover the "b" safety valve to then direct the flow into an additional container... that allows for venting... ie does not retain pressure... ( open top 2 liter bottle if the hose is then 1/4" diameter )
Zika correction.....
***** Also if this system is used for Zika correction..the water line out flow may then be buried ( deep enough not to pool water upon the surface ) , to then feed water to the tree that the fuel less bug zapper is then suspended from and or then tubed closed loop from intake air to out flow air.... so that it just then produces fuel less electricity and not then used for humidity conversion to water.... ****** / for agricultural use then to control pest sonic detection system to determine type of insect... ie.. shuts off for bees.... and other beneficial insects allows for less pesticides sprayed upon crops.... **** A topographical study for Ozone saturation pooling of ( Ozone ) in low pooling valleys ( the systems may require sealed dynamos to power the bug zappers )... might cause a hazard so to correct the condition vertical vector electric jets ( small in scale ) may then heat the air as well to cause the Ozone aloft.. to then stratify in high altitude..
The following implementation of the pressurized "draft cycle " generator is then , in this design, intended to be implemented for mosquito control.
In the current situations regarding Zika , Malaria, Dengue fever, and other mosquito transmitted diseases , the following design can be made at low cost.. to then be suspended in the canopy of the trees or mounted upon post in swamps where the mosquito problem becomes hard to deal with.
The design does not require a battery to continue operation but the system may include one upon the optional fault indication system that will use cell phone circuits to then report that a unit has been disabled allowing the service technicians to then deal with the units. Also then being a re-chargable battery with the charging circuits then within number 25 also allowing for the "start up cycle" with the electric motor ( high side of the ratio gear set ) tandem rotating with the compressor number 7 to have a longer spin up time causing increased velocity obtained in shorter interval. The system manual control then upon the exterior surface of number 25 and are weather safe.. / water proof / protects from water from entering the circuit "bay".
Parts list.
1. suspension hoop ( allows the unit to be tied to the tree limbs / or ties to the cane shape post
2. Manual air pump ( like a bicycle tire pump ) fills the pressure bottle contains one way valves
3. pneumatic flow velocity rate control valve ( restricts velocity air flow to maintain correct system velocity rate
4. pressure tube couplings
5. Dc dynamo with pneumatic impeller and reduction gearing High air flow to the higher torque ( pneumatic impeller at 2.0:1 with the 1 then driving the dynamo ) so that the air flow
will counter "tilt" the magnetic resistance also then using the inertia of the pneumatic impeller at air
flow velocity rate to allow for the speed of the air flow to then also continue to accelerate the systems rate due the "basal" pneumatic pressure then in the pressure bottle, also
containing an rpm sensor to meter system rate then displayed upon the read out on gearing systems housing , number 25
6. Pneumatic impeller then also tandem rotating with a ratio gear set to then increase the air compressor speed ( number 7 ) to then cause high rate of rotation in the compressor to yield a
vacuum / draft acceleration to occur. This then will cause sustained rotation of the flow system and produce fuel less electricity by causing the dynamo to continually rotate )
7. air pump , high speed air compressor also connected to the top / high end of the ratio gearing system then driven by the air flow impaling the pneumatic impeller number 6. Unit
then also contains an additional electric motor then connected to the high end of the ratio gear set to then counter "tilt" the ratio gear set incline rotational rate resistance. The
electric motor in number 7 then fed a percentile of electricity derived from number 5 ( variable via potentiometer ).
* Note - The vacuum produced by the "draft" of pneumatic pressure by number 7, then to counter "tilt" the electromagnetic resistance then produced in the Dc dynamo and the gear set itself.. via volume equation.... this determines the minimal incline within the ratio gear set ie. ( 1:50+ see? ) . The ratio then to be caused to also "tilt" via available electricity level then sent / fed to the electric motor at the top end of the ratio gear then rotating tandem with the air pump/ centrifugal compressor... Slightly larger intake tube diameter into number 7 with in the final design number 7 then also being of increased diameter... except the electric motor as it will remain then a smaller diameter to cause greater incline rate at the top of the ratio gear set. this causes greater vacuum into the compressor accelerating the "wick" / draft....
A run away effect will occur in the math then regulate it by air flow restricition via valve number 3, May be manual control for the valve and or electric actuation as determined by the systems control electronics then referencing the R.P.M. sensor system. A safety fault circuit must also be contained within the system referencing pressure and also rate of system rotation to then cause an "all stop" safety function.....
8. wire power conduit - return
9. wire power conduit + send
10. pneumatic travel coil pneumatic vent valve ( the air pressure is evacuated in the "travel coil" prior to the system "starting" )
11. pneumatic one way valve
12. pneumatic tube "travel coil"
13. travel coil vent
14. multi positional pneumatic valve
15. electro static bug zapper element
16. bug attracting lamps
17. electro static element wire cage shielding ( large enough orifice to allow insects to enter the chamber yet prevent accidental contact )
18. slide post with positional locking resistance then connected to the "outer" base of the unit when the base of the bottle is pulled down it will then expose the electro static bug
zapper system and lamps
19. pre "start" valve ( dumps the "travel coil" then returns to the "run" position prior to the actuation on flow valve number 3 then allowing pressure flow to cause sustained air flow
in the cycle.
20. air pressure chamber
21. steel cords within weather proof sheath ( connected to flow valves and manual actuation lever unit number 19
22. max pressure safety valve ( vents over pressure to cause safe operating air pressure levels )
23. voltage regulator for exterior charging port ( for cell phone, music player.... etc )
24. pressure flow tube
25. R.P.M. ( revolutions per minute ) read out / rate display panel ) gear housing also contains the control regulation electronic components required for systems
operation ( circuit "bay" housing
26. Pressure bottle bottle cap / threaded with gasket the seal the bottle to allows for stable pressurization then between the base of the cap and mounting atop the pressure bottle
itself and hexagonal nut shape upon the exterior of the cap to then be able to be tightened by a wrench
The generator / dynamo ( permanent magnetic generator / Dc current ) then is actuated by pneumatic air flow and does then route the electricity via wires to the control electronics. The current send is regulated and sent to the systems components. ( the bug attracting lamp current level then from the voltage regulator upon receptacle number 23 as the lighting will require less electricity than the electro static bug zapper element.
An additional "electrical grounding wire" then twisted around the " hoop" number 1 will then be required to control the systems static electricity..as air flow builds capacitance the unit might build charge to to remedy this correctly the additional grounding wire will twist around the hoop , number 1, then be inserted directly into the earth with exposed conductor to correctly direct the static electricity that may occur. The static electricity grounding system will also be sealed with a patina prevention silicone atop a hard crimped clamp to insulate the conductor from oxidation.
*Note - The lamps then will illuminate downward, to then direct the lighting downward
* Note - A weather rubber plug then also is inserted into the charging receptacle number 23 to prevent any unnecessary water from entering the charging port.
* Note - Upon the exterior base of the design then exist opening ports that also have spring clips that will retain a " dead insect" bio hazard bag... to then catch the virus' that are
still contained in the dead insects. The bag will then be collected for correct containment of the the pathogens.
* Note - The systems may scale from trinket size thru something the size of a fire extinguisher.
* note - The system requires stainless steel compressors and impellers. The pump wheels/ impellers ( centrifugal type ) also in addition "shock " casing to prevent projectile escaping
due to component failure.
Granted license to www.Water.org... free for them to use.. :) and http://homeboyindustries.org/... copyright free for all..... enjoy.. :) please do refer to the home page for disclaimer....
Design Desk Inc.