Design Desk Inc.

Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Perpetual Motion Automotive Motor ( A "zero emission vehicle" - No Battery Required!)

In the years and decades to come oil will become exceedingly expensive as the oil was not grown for industrial use but rather harvested from earth's deposits. The following design system is a "draft accelerator" perpetual motion "Active" electric power plant using two types of pressure to then "continually" produce electricity for an electric automobile. The system uses hydraulic fluid  ( silicone oil ) and pneumatic ( "air" ) pressure to motivate the power plant.  It is important to understand the system does not burn the oil. The system replaces the air pressure automatically.

So many automobile manufacturing companies have built into their business model  a less refined product for more money. Correct engineering  also accommodates ease of maintenance . What we've been sold is residual payment and an inclined cost of repair upon out dated technology.  Sometimes superior engineering is more simple. Old systems are failing and so many corners are cut in the scope of the total process involving compromising safety for increased  miles per gallon effecting so many.  We are here to alter it. These design alter the public's "work equity"  $ "burn" as gasoline... by implementing fuel less electricity for an electric car at an affordable cost to the general public. Function not flash...

The design being a zero emission vehicle then, by it's use, will correct the CO2 (carbon dioxide), / Global Warming / Climate Change problem produced from fossil fuels in multiple ways. The above design will also be able assist in clean air processing of internal combustion engine systems speeding the environmental clean up... until conversion to these type of systems becomes the predominant vehicle motor platform.

Parts List

1.  Drive shaft cup

2. Automotive automatic transmission rotated by number 55

3. Pulley and drive belt system causes rotation for numbers 5, 7 ,8, 9, rotational input torque by

    pulley upon extending drive shaft  from number 55 tandem rotation with the armature of number 55.

4. Drive belt

5. Air pump ( contains electric clutch)

6. Air filter

7. Power steering pump / and power break pump ( a dual pump component ) with unit failure

    crossover plumbing and fault indicator sensor to illuminate upon the dash board warning the driver of

    low fluid in either of the pumps

8. Air conditioner compressor ( contains electric clutch)

9. 12v alternator

10. Torque converter

11.  A "throttle ( potentiometer / variable resistor ( dual coil spring retention to the zero out put electricity

       position) operates in tandem with number 43.

12. Electric motor ( "advancer electric motor" ) - electrical power to the unit compensates for the inclined

      resistance encountered by the magnetic field within the main high voltage generator when increased

      vehicle speed is incurred by the electrification of number  55 ( electrical load compensating / "makes the 

      generator  "baug"  resistant").

      The applied magnetic pressure from the electric  motor, number 12, is then causing advancement of the

      system, factored atop the drive belt pulley incline and "hydraulic draft"  ( fluid suction ) compounding

      oil velocity rate. The oil pressure traversing across the hydraulic impeller causes higher rotation in the

      oil pump.

      The electric "advancer motor", number 12,  would then effectively produce higher

      motor rotation capacity than a 10 Hp electric motor. The "counter tilted" gear incline ( ratio gear set

      and drive belt and pulley drive system),  effectively is then increasing the rotational rate (r.p.m.) of  the

      motor then advancing the  "launch" point of "magnetic pressure" causing increased electric motor speed

      at the Hp rating.

13. Hydraulic pump

14. Logic processing "systems mapping" electronic system speed control electronic circuit "box" contains

      water inundation  "all stop" cut off safety switch sensor so that if the car encounters high water

      the generator will shut off.

15. R.P.M. sensor ( revolutions per minute sensor)

16.  A "counter tilt" electric motor tandem rotating with the high side of the ratio gear set number 17. Counter

       acts upon the gear set's mechanical resistance. The unit also containing an electrical "drag" function

       used when shutting off the system to act as an electromagnetic field break system to then slow the

       total assemblies rotation down.

17. Ratio gear set ratio at 1:10 input rotation tandem rotated by number 18's internal pneumatic

      impeller  "wheel" and pulley, number 21 union tandem  via drive shaft. The  ratio gear set's out put

      rotation tandem with number 16's armature that also is tandem with armature of number 12 and

      the hydraulic pump internal "pump wheel" of the hydraulic pump, number 13.

18. Pneumatic impeller ( piston type impeller )  "rotary type" impeller contains electric clutch hydraulic

      locking to then position the clutch in disengaged or engaged position. The internal clutch system

      then actuated "throw out" type weighted pressure plate and secured via a "lock out" solenoid. The

      solenoid is connected via wire to the systems logic processing system / mapping control

      electronics, number 14 via multi  wire connector 51, to then cause automatic functioning of the clutch.

      The internal clutch will then be in the engaged position at  "Start Up" and dis-engaged position when

      the system is in the  "run" mode. The clutch system upon shutting the total system down, will then

      be returned to the engaged position for subsequent system  "re-start".

19. Exhaust air filter ( may be augmented with a electric resistance heating element to then activate

      a catalytic converter to process other peoples internal combustion engine automotive exhaust)

20. Pneumatic flow pipe coupling

21. Pulley 4" dia ( diameter)

22. Drive belt

23. Counter tilt electric motor variable resistor / circuit controlled potentiometer

24. Voltage regulator

25. Tension pulley ( adjust the drive belt tension) 3"dia ( diameter)

26. Pneumatic impeller ( centrifugal type ) also acts as an air pump when the air pressure from

      the dual component pressure  tank is shut off then pulling external "air" from the environment via base

      intake air filter upon number 39.

27. Magneto - generator p.m. permanent magnet generator - feeds electricity to the stator / field coil

      of number 28- Contains "roller wheel contact brushes"- internal commutator

28. Main high voltage generator contains roller "wheel brushes" redundant off set failure rate indicates upon

      the car's dashboard when failure has occurred of if a fault is detected... ie... if the current transmission

      has encountered  failure. The  contact "brush" roller wheel brushes, are then of high hardness with

      sealed lubricated bearings

29. Hydraulic impeller "rotates by the hydraulic draft effect of a pneumatically pressurized oil" and causes

      the generator armature and magneto's armature to rotate by hydraulic suction and by pneumatically

      pressurized oil .  The hydraulic impeller is connected, via drive shaft, to the armature of the generator

      and commutator within, number 28, and magneto's armature / commutator, number 27. The hydraulic

      impeller is also rotating, via internal drive shaft , the large pulley, number  44 and number 26's internal

      pneumatic impeller "wheel".

30. Oil flow rate regulator valve -  redundant solenoid control - coil spring dampener  "opens" under (by) high
      suction  - solenoid  "pushes" the valve closed "restricts" oil flow. The valves inner "tumbler" then allowing

      interval / gradian  of oil flow does not completely close

31. Dual component pressure storage tank  non flammable non electrically conductive hydraulic oil

      under pneumatic ( air ) pressure.. air pressure causes oil pressure

32. Oil drain

33. One way valve ( oil / hydraulic fluid )

34. Oil filter ( diaphragm type) so that the oil is directed thru the filter for the first ten seconds of oil flow

      when starting the system then the coil spring tension valve plate diaphragm will open due to oil

      pressure and velocity of oil  then allowing the diaphragm plate to open flow of oil not to then be

      encumbered by the oil filter.

35. Oil return coupling

36. One way valve ( pneumatic ) air pressure re-pressurization flow tube

37. Pneumatic pressure pipe / tubing / hose

38. Pneumatic fitting

39. Pneumatic "Start valve" ( is also a "breather valve" so that when the system is in the "run" mode the air

      from the combined component pressure storage tank is then shut off and the valve  "breathes" via an

     air intake air filter retained upon it's base.

40. Circuit controlled variable resistor / circuit controlled potentiometer

41. Solenoid

42. Plasma box ( controls and dissipates unwanted system static electricity / static electricity control

      acts as an electricity electrical ground)

43. Potentiometer / variable resistor ( may work in unison with the system "throttle", number 11, to then

      cause  "baug" resistant power ban incline)

44. Large pulley 12"dia (diameter)

45. Pneumatic return coupling / pipe fitting

46. Flow system shut off valve

47. Oil flow pipe

48. Pneumatic high pressure flow pipe / pressure hose

49. Over pressure max pressure system safety valve ( vents pneumatic over pressure) - contains one

       way manual pneumatic fill valve ( allows for manual pneumatic pressurization for initial

       start up / operating pneumatic pressure)

50. Pneumatic pressure sensor  controls air "re-pack" air pump number 5, to keep the pneumatic pressure

      full in the dual component pressure storage tank

51. Multi wire "ribbon wire" bus connector  wire connector instrumentation wire connector

52. Plasma box (controls and dissipates unwanted system static electricity / static electricity control
      acts as an electricity electrical ground)

53. Manual pneumatic fill valve one way fill valve

54. Oil fill pressure cap with wire security retainer clip . The threaded screw on cap then is also with a

      pneumatic "decompression" valve used when changing the pressure tank's oil. The pressure rated screw

      cap also contains a redundant over pressure pneumatic pressure safety valve then rated at the system

      operating pneumatic pressure to allow for decompressing of pneumatic pressure (vents "over pressure").

55. Main electric automotive motor  (rotates the torque converter and automatic automotive transmission)

56. oil inlet safety valve / coil spring  run away effect prevention dampener valve (insures the

      structural integrity of the flow pipe),  and flow cycle "electric actuation valve",  that then regulates

      the available oil to the hydraulic pump, number 13. This then is able to "control" the system

      speed by direction of oil pressure then by-passing the hydraulic draft impeller, number 29. The logic

      circuit board then uses the r.p.m. sensor information to set the valve position via electronic

      solenoid to cause the system "run" settings to operate correctly...

     The "electric valve assembly" flow valve then retained by internal coil spring to the oil

      flow "by-pass position" to allow valve failure to then default to the "open flow" position "by-passing" the

      hydraulic impeller, number 29.

      This is a critical safety feature!

      Electrification of the said valve then having increment "adjustable current level" and oil

      pressure / volume flow variance, then determined to obtain system speed, "base idle", referencing the drive

      line's assemblies r.p.m. sensor then extrapolating the current level required by the electronic circuits

      within number 14.


The design, then only displacing pneumatic pressure at  "Start Up" with the ability to replace the air pressure automatically. The air pressure is replaced by the systems "on-board" air pump. The design cycles hydraulic pressure to produce electricity. It does not burn the oil. The "working fluid" then a "non electrically conductive" - "non flammable oil" being  Siloxane ( silicone oil ).

The design then will allow for an unlimited range electric vehicle with "on demand" service

(*  no battery required ! ).

Since this electric car requires no battery the manufacturing cost is then lowered thus reducing the final retail cost of the product or allowing for more crash safety at comparable cost making the final product a more attractive purchase.

The above design system is an "Active" electrical generator (an A.E.G. motor) automotive motor platform that allows for  unlimited range on-demand service 24/7.  The design uses sealed generator / magneto  and motor system to then control low level Ozone. The system uses  a drive belt, number 22 but may be made with a vented, "oil encased" lubrication system with a chain and sprocket system to then last a bit longer the pulley numbers 21, 25, and number 44 would then become sprockets and number 22 would then become a drive chain within a vented oil lubricated encasement with threaded magnetic drain plug.

The design system only dissipates the pneumatic pressure at "Start Up". ( ie... the discharge of air pressure  from the dual component pressure storage tank).  When the design is in the run "mode" the air pressure from the combined component pressure storage tank is shut off. This reduces fatigue upon the systems air pump only working for a short time to replenish the air pressure in the dual component pressure storage tank, number 31.

When number 13, hydraulic pump, is at high velocity the oil traversing across number 29 is then causing the main high voltage generator to then accelerate. The large pulley, number 44, then in tandem rotation with the hydraulic impeller, number 29, so that the receiving pulley, number 21, is then at greater rate of rotation creating a compound incline in rate of rotation.

The basal ( base ) pneumatic pressure within the combined component / dual component pressure storage tank, number 31, is then greater slightly to include the  required "start pneumatic pressure displacement" requirement added to the generators "run" p.s.i. (pounds per square inch),  pressure requirement. The "run" p.s.i.  then  maintained by the air pressure sensor referencing  the dual component air pressure within number 31 then actuating, via electronic circuit, the electric clutch in the system air pump number 5.

When the oil is returning to the combined component pressure storage tank, the return coupling is then atop the pressure tank so that the oil is injecting into the decreasing pneumatic pressure. The oil returns faster than the discharge due to the oil being displaced unto the hydraulic impeller with the velocity increased by the hydraulic pump.  The return of oil at greater rate then will increase the pneumatic pressure allowing for a greater oil pressure displacement pressure and provide more  "work" capacity as the system speeds up..

It is important to understand this works due to the "states" of matter.  Air pressure  "flexes" and hydraulic oil acts as a  "solid". In addition the  "draft effect" is incurred using a "suction effect"  ie...  "pulling" hydraulic fluid in confinement to then incur a system speed incline in tandem with a "counter tilted" speed incline gear set while advancing the application point of magnetic  "pressure" via electric motor to then have the

magnetic  "pressure" ( electricity inducing magnetism ) then to cause the horse power of the electric motor applied atop the fluid velocity rate.

The dual component pressure tank, number 31 ( air pressure atop oil causing oil pressure ) pressure tank then will only allow safe levels of pneumatic pressure as the max pressure safety vent will then allow for decompression of pneumatic pressure should the level become to high. The over pressure / max pressure safety valve, number  49, will also include a fault sensor to indicate that the valve is working correctly.. a critical component such as this will also require a safety circuit to then cause a system "all stop" function should

it  ( safety valve, number 49 ), become encumbered. The "all stop" function then will close the valve, number 30 and reduce the electricity feed current to the potentiometer, number 23, via electric circuit.

The magneto then energizes the stator / field coil of the generator post voltage regulator to then produce electricity by the hydraulic pump implementing the draft effect. ( ie... pulling pressurized oil in confinement - "within the pipe" ), This allows valve number 30 to open producing a syringe effect drafting pressurized fluid across the hydraulic impeller, number 29,  by the hydraulic pump, number 13, to accelerate the generator assembly while the drive belt side of the system then also advances the hydraulic pump to greater rotational rate upon the adjacent assembly causing the "work transference fluid" (silicone oil) to then return to the dual component pressure storage tank faster than the hydraulic fluid (silicone oil) is discharged. This produces constant motion and sustained electricity production.

The "counter tilt" electric motor,  number 16, then "zero's" the resistance in the ratio gear set, to then, with the counter tilt electric motor energized, cause a system speed incline and stable "idle" also causing the hydraulic pump to advance at greater rate. This allows for a percentile of the generated electricity  to be reintroduced to the "counter tilt" electric motor  ( ie... from the generator number 28 to number 16 and number 12 ), to cause sufficient levels of rotation for the generator's remainder out put electricity to electrify the main electric motor, number 55, that propels the automobile via automotive automatic transmission.

The electricity producing power plant is electrically insulated from the chassis and it's final encasement can be made water proof ( requires additional  cooling coil from the car's air conditioning system inert sealed gas filled chamber - zero water vapor in system ) so that even if encountering high flood the system will remain dry within the design encasement with the cooling coils then cooling the power system ( electric motors and generators). 

If a vented version of the final encasement is used the system will be able to heat dissipate by electric blower fan & thermostat, but be a water safe design so that even if submerged in water the system will not cause the water conductive electrically. The generator system and electric motor drive system final casing is then also with an inductance cage to prevent internal or external disruption by electro-magentic pulse ( e.m.p. ). The inductance cage shields sensitive electronics.

The automotive automatic transmission is also electrically insulated from the main electric drive motor.. The system uses non electrically conductive motor mounts  for the generator system and the electric motor automotive automatic transmission system.  The drive shafts also contain a electricity insulator coupler to then prevent any stray electricity from reaching the drive shaft's exposed drive shaft cup.

  The main electric motor, power plant ( generator), and automotive transmission system are not electrically grounded to the chassis.  There are two "plasma box" to harvest "recycle" any static electricity produced from the flow of pneumatic displacement or the motion of hydraulic oil ( silicone oil ) the plasma box then acting as an electrical ground also reporting to the system mapping electronics / control circuits, number 14. The plasma box is an "artificial electrical ground" that must dissipate any electrical inductance to prevent any electrical shock hazard.

* Note - The circles upon the drive shaft,  connecting components, then represent sealed lubricated

             bearings that stabilize the drive shaft's rotation.

* Note - Air pressure hose - flow tube / pipe terminal ends are then connected to the system

             valve / components with pressure  rated couplings to then also assist in drive belt change

             ease of access. The oil piping flow system uses pressure rated metal  pipe of stainless steel 

             and the pneumatic  hoses may be of pressure rated plastic or flex hose.

            Stain less steel will also be the material selection of choice for all rotating high speed components

            to reduce the chance of failure incident due to rust. High speed components then contained within

            a shock casing to then mitigate the chance of manufacturing defect causing a projectile


            All pressure fittings that join the flow pipes or connection pressure hoses then of stainless

            steel also. The flow pipes are then electrically insulated upon the exterior of the pipe and encased

            in a "shock casing" ( impact shield ) to  reduce chance of injury should the pipe become damaged 

            or fails due to manufacturing defect.

* Note - The system is able to scale according to the application then serving is unique  function so the ratings for different applications regarding Hp ( horse power ) and electricity production out put, will also then be adjusted in accordance. An electric automobile then requiring an electric drive motor (number 55),  of

about 60 Hp and a generating capacity of  80Kw  for a system such as this will allow the electric motors upon the high side of the ratio gear then to both be rated at 10 hp equivalent. 

By using fuel less electricity for steel refinement the cost of production of stainless steel is greatly reduced yielding a mechanically superior product with increased longevity. An example of small scale advanced furnace listed at

The above design system may be adapted for air flight then to act as a secondary air craft safety system to "hover" and airliner  to then reference avionics is the pilots error has been detected to then automatically adjust the air craft to stable position. Currently hovering a passenger liner would consume lots of fuel. This motor / generator platform then will allow for the required energy density vs. weight of mechanism to provide the energy to rotate vertical vector discharge compound electric jets.  Vertical landing a plus in inclement weather.

Also if used for air craft, the drive shaft bearings then with additional electromagnetic "field bearings". The magnetic field bearings  then used to avoid a sealed bearing wear out condition. The sealed bearings will slightly lift to center when the field bearing is energized. The sealed bearing then will tandem rotate with the drive shaft when the electromagnetic field bearings are energized.

The vertical hover / vertical landing electric transonic jet then a compound accelerator with two jet fans that will cause speed incline upon the aft fan ( pneumatic impeller ) producing higher intake compression and rate of rotation for the intake jet fan ( air compression jet fan ). The advanced flight engine system may also be used for horizontal flight then to lower ticket price and reduce the consumption of high altitude oxygen that forms Ozone.

Also the system components centrifugal elongation can be "counter acted upon" also by the addition of electromagnets "to then increase the tensile strength of the the rotating components".
