Design Desk Inc.

Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Theta Class Interceptor ( a reusable Asteroid mitigation tool )

The following design system is a high speed long range craft to allow the capacity to then redirect an asteroid or comet that endangers the earth. The design system then may also serve as a ship of exploration, a mining craft or as defunct satellite retrieval system.  The design system then with slow re-entry capacity to not cause excessive heat upon the hull of the vessel due to atmospheric friction incurred by speed of flight. This lowers the total weight of the vehicle.

This vehicle is special... as the helm is then producing artificial gravity by centrifugal force allowing a more comfortable setting.

The design is then addressing a critical component of asteroid mitigation... ie... the "speed of response" / time... Currently,  addressing a NEO ( Near Earth Object / impactor ), the flight speed and power capacity to deal with the situation currently is not openly found present. This design is then using static compression and sealed flight hover motors that mimic anti gravity.. operating upon the vessel's "on board" fuel less generators to net capture a NEO with remote controlled flight disk and correct the NEO's trajectory before it could impact the Earth.

Parts List

1. gantry

2. gantry

3. "artificial" gravity helm centrifugal motion "tumbler" rotates to simulate gravity.

4. sub floor electrical plumbing system septic system - generator bay

5. thru bore current transfer slip ring (electrical transference - redundant system's wiring

    electrical communications)

6. elongation... ie... the "helm" is wider than depicted

7. helm lighting systems

8. spin entry rotating entry system... matches the helms rotation to then walk from zero gravity to the spin

    entry causing the passenger compartment to then rotate about it's center axis then to match the velocity rate

    of the helm tumbler to walk into an artificial gravity. Spin entry contains required locked in safety harness.

9. spin entry entry hall - wall mount control panel

10. atmospheric and electrical  helm feed ventilation conduit

11. second floor of the helm stair access

12. electromagnetic field ( ship shielding ) electromagnetic assembly

13. particle detection gas analyzer sensor system

14. pivot 180 degree rotation

15. sealed force vector electric propulsion engine electric jet


16. marker lamp

17. marker lamp

18. air lock ( entry / egress )

19.  access ladder

20. forward landing gear hydraulic piston system mounts to the internal structural  "frame" of the star

      craft, the hydraulic assembly then able to "tilt" mounted upon a pivot hinge to allow for correct landing

      gear deployment

21. spherical positional flight deck mobile (contains two hover motors and two static compression system

      with hydraulic draft accelerator upon the center flight deck). The spherical positional flight mobile then

      motivated by electric servos with redundant drive system and as a third system pneumatic

      impeller (centrifugal type) to then allow for the vector of the the force of the flight deck. The electric servos

      are intelligent servos then reporting by magnetic positional indication sensors their "rings" position to allow

      for data to extrapolate force vector allowing for high speed course correction. The flight mobile then

      high speed course correction navigation.

22. center "flight deck" engine mount engine system - contains two static compressors and two hover

      motor systems. Depiction listed at

23. hull elongation sensor. The hull elongation sensor then allows the length to be checked by

      micron measurement  - (hydraulic assist compression meter type) and sensor core by electrical resistance

24. forward landing hydraulic break system - disk break with lock pin tumbler that inserts into bore hole

      via solenoid and or by manual mechanical reversible ratchet

25. landing gear lock pin

26. lock pin bore

27. H.V.A.C. climate control refrigeration compressor banks each side of the craft total of eight compressors

      with system rerouting to compensate should component fail

28. water tank / force free ice tank water pumping system - note the evaporator can  "reverse" in the

      refrigeration system by the H.V.A.C. master flow switch to melt the water in the ice tank.

29. refrigeration evaporator - causes the water in the water tank to freeze better protecting the core of the

      vessel during high speed flight as a  "internal shield to trap / slow high energy particle".

30. forward landing gear  "park" safety hydraulic landing floor piston system - aids in setting the pin in the

      main forward curved landing foot also allows for level of vessel system to then cause level floor when parked

31. magnetic field forward electromagnets -  has the capacity to "launch" magnetic bubbles to act as a high

      speed electromagnetic plow

32. forward camera system

33. sensor ports / camera ports / sample ports - detector ports gas analyzer / radiation level / particle

      detection sensors used to assist in the craft's speed communicating with the navigation instrumentation

      upon the helm

34. E.M. (E.M. = electro-magnetic) field  "air foil" / flight wing (E.M. "lever")

35. refrigeration evaporator

36. toroid compressor  listed at - navigation assistant -

      radian, minute, second, pitch and yaw navigation course correction ring allows the vessel to

      change it's course in minute fashion

37. E.M. lever lift hydraulic piston system

38. lamp

39. refrigeration condenser

40.  electric hydraulic fluid pressure pump and flow direction switching system

41. atmospheric storage pressure tank

42. atmospheric storage pressure storage tank pumping system redundant flow pumping system sum of four

43. exterior marker lamp

44. "gravity spin" power plant  "bay" for letter "J" (plant bay - hydroponics / algae bio reactor)

45. "gravity spin" drive gear causes letter "J" to rotate simulating gravity

46.  atmospheric storage respiration stratification and pumping system connecting coupling

47. atmospheric storage respiration stratification - from the algae coil bio reactor

48. atmospheric processing and air quality monitoring system - atmospheric storage pressure tank

49. water holding tank - water filtration and pumping system location

50. gantry hall - chamber wall shielded from the rotating plant bay wall grab soft rubber ladder grips

51. algae bio reactor growth coils and pump cycle system - transparent with the CO2 from the sip being able

      to be scrubbed by the bio reactor algae growth coil - (algae oil extracted for hydrocarbon feed stock for

      plastic ship repair components).

52. hydroponics water pumping system

53. "ceiling" lamp ring

54. "Theta" structural frame

55. ladder

56. ladder port - allows access to the next floor

57. arc node  "frame - micro wave transmitter" mounting frame

58. particle accelerator  electron "re-entry" focus tube electron "injector"

59. microwave compression transmitter  "ring" transmitter - compresses electrons to cause  "pressure"

      internal cooling system

60. electric arc  "nodes"

61. radio / micro wave  " focus reflector"

62. primary core  micro wave transmitter (internal cooling system)

63. electron compression venturi "funnel" magnetic to then assist in channeling the random electrons

      to a pressurized flow

64. static compressor venturi "pressure" - electrical pressure sensor system meter

65. magnetic "bottle" (electro-magnetic confinement - electrically insulated) with cooling tubes to assist in

      the engine's system thermal parameter being maintained.

66. cooling tubes (coil)

67. cooling systems location redundant and back up flow re-route

68. electron absorption system - the electromagnetic "bottle" then by magnetic field causes the electron

      absorption system to produce a "low" pressure effect then allowing for the "force" in the system to

      cause "flow" at the feed pressure replacement  "rate" ie... the rate of the microwave transmitter.

69. union plate

70. negative pressure - vacuum chamber - by compound electric hyper jet - exposed flow surface electrically

      insulated from the vacuum pump motive components

71.  electron focus - particle accelerator intake focus system

72. particle accelerator - "re-injects", at high velocity, the remainder random free radical electrons in

      the system pressure flow.

      May use

73. curved landing ski - landing foot - sum of two equally spaced upon each side of the center line of the craft

      with the same mechanical operation system.

74. landing ski retraction electric motor wench and ratchet cable system

75. loading ramp

76. air lock

77. stair case (tube encased)

78. hemisphere support members

79. engine system letter "G" electric motor positional system

80. engine  letter "G" circular tumbler -

81. hull line

82. loading ramp electric ratchet wench a "trine"  three cable reel upon each side with the third cable a

      safety cable

83. primary generator "bay" multiple types of power sources...

      redundant systems

84. hull contour line

85. aft landing gear foot lock pin bore plates lock pin secures the foot uses electric solenoid and or manual ratchet

86. landing foot tension support arch steel reinforcement

87. tension rod -  ... increases the landing foot load capacity by retention

88. landing rod "park" block steel plates uses lock pin solenoid activated system and hydraulic piston

89. aft landing foot hydraulic piston union mount - *Note - sum of two equally spaced upon each side of the center

      line of the craft with the same mechanical operation system.

90. landing foot

91. gravity tumbler

92. gravity tumbler

93. gravity tumbler

94. gravity tumbler

95. septic processing

96. waste recycling trash - composting - laundry

97. rear vessel leveling foot - safety support system

98. rear servo arm

99. aft electromagnet vessel E.M. shield magnetic field electro-magnetics cover

100.  aft electromagnet vessel E.M. shield magnetic field electro-magnetics

101.  docking bay doors

102. aft lighting

103. aft toroid compressor  ( ) navigation system

104.  docking bay stairs

105. hull mounting extension for letter "E"

106.  hover motor

107. perpendicular pneumatic return tubes

108.  pneumatic return coil tube

109. electric compound jet engine

110. pneumatic coil tube

111. vacuum producing electric jet compound engine

112. negative pressure pressure sphere

113. hover motor rotational positional servo

114. center support system

115. inductance cage - controls random or induced static electricity acts as a safety system to maintain

        the integrity of the pneumatically sealed electric jet engine

116. casing hull thermal insulation non electrically conductive

117. dome cap fuel less generator encasement  - additional power supply for the electric jet engines

        contains communications engine system controls also fly by wire function hard linkage with hydraulic

        fluid pressurized by air pressure system. the dome engine  "cap" then containing a fuel less

        "back up" generator listed at

118.  elongation sensor - measures hull elongation to the micron - electric signal detector also measuring

         for vessel hull elongation - reports to the helm and ship flight controls to automatically adjust the speed

         for safety. Also detects ship hull compression for controlled slowing of the craft

119. gantry stairs

120. hull elongation sensor

121. payload bay

122. air lock and personal lift system  (internal) allows for lift to access lower deck for laundry access

123. exterior air lock lift system motor system location upon letter "D" then to also allow drive transference

        link system to unlock the separator disk / escape disk

124. external ladders above each aft gravity tumbler

125. escape disk ladder egress to air lock

126. sealed force vector escape disk hover motor and static compressor

127. acorn engine system spherical positional carriage

128. cockpit

129. power bay system

130. yolk

131. cargo lift with system as an air lock lift

132. electromagnetic lock and hard pin ramp locking system

133. ramp wench and cable system

134. E.M. lever retraction wench and cable system

135. E.M. rudder air foil / wing flight air flight stabilizer

136. air flight flap

137. disk deck gantry

138.  disk air lock

139. robotic servo arm clasp counter weight

140. inductance cage (entire hull) and self sealing gel compression - expansion material to automatically

        seal a pressure breech

141. static compressor throttle (static compressor at )

142. static compressor refrigeration system connects to the cooling system

143. park block bore plates (uses lock pin to secure position of the park block number 88

144. rubber landing grips

145. aft marker lamp

146.  disk lock (all disk)

147. ventilation system duct / wire duct / plumbing duct / plenum

148. parabolic transmitter long range transmitter / receiver

149. embedded transmitter receiver antenna

150.  external environmental sensor temperature / hull electrical charge / atmospheric pressure / gas

         analyzer port

151. exterior lamp  system / camera system to view landing foot placement

152. ladder

153. hull contour line

154. aft hydraulic landing gear piston

155. ramp multi cable lift lowering cable

156. pulley (sum of three cable tracks each side of the vessel ).

Letter labels;

Letter "A" = medical  bay ( octagonal frame for  "flat" floors factoring the centrifugal motion artificial gravity effect ),

                   with with the taper angle produced then for electrical / plumbing and ventilation) the walls of the rooms

                   then perpendicular to the floors to have a standard square room appearance

Letter "B" = tool bay ( octagonal frame for  "flat" floors factoring the centrifugal motion artificial gravity effect ),
                   with with the taper angle produced then for electrical / plumbing and ventilation) the walls of the rooms
                   then perpendicular to the floors to have a standard square room appearance

Letter "C" = lounge / commons ( octagonal frame for  "flat" floors factoring the centrifugal motion artificial

                   gravity effect ), with with the taper angle produced then for electrical / plumbing and ventilation)

                   the walls of the rooms then perpendicular to the floors to have a standard square room appearance

Letter "D" = galley ( octagonal frame for  "flat" floors factoring the centrifugal motion artificial gravity effect ),
                   with with the taper angle produced then for electrical / plumbing and ventilation) the wall of the rooms
                   then perpendicular to the floors to have a standard square room appearance

Letter "E" = hover jet assembly

Letter "F" = mid ship perpendicular tumblers port starboard vector


Letter "G" = bow stern hover motor tumblers

Letter "H" = Main retro thrust system to slowly slow the craft.... think "tensile" strength at velocity factoring rate of

                   travel with the inertia of mass. Forward hover motor assembly allowing for the two outer most

                   hover motors to then rotate  port starboard and the two inner hover motors to rotate to

                   vector discharge to the bow or  stern

Letter "I" = static compressor engine assembly four larger forward motion producing static compressors and

                  eight smaller retro vector static compressor engine systems ( retro vector controlled actuation due to

                  inertia... slow activation),

Letter "J" = plant tumbler / hydroponics bay / algae bio reactor / organic air scrubbing system

Letter "K" = separator disk / escape system / remote asteroid tow system ( asteroid net then in the aft

                   cargo docking bay under the stowed dock floor)

Letter "L" = Acorn engine system

Letter "M" = Quarters / with plumbing (lavatory), and electric in each sleeping Quarters self contained

                    septic (note- the inner gravity theta frame  "wheels" then may also be quarters only. This allows

                    a larger crew complement.

                    The "Quarters" compartments then with flat floors perpendicular to the center point of rotation to

                    produce a "normal room" feeling the tapper in wall design then hiding plumbing electrical and

                    ventilation conduit. (octagonal frame for  "flat" floors factoring the centrifugal motion artificial gravity

                    effect ), with with the taper angle produced then for electrical / plumbing and ventilation) the wall of

                    the rooms then perpendicular to the floors to have a standard square room appearance

*Note - Vessel system water pumping by

* Note - The engine system are electrically insulated and control electrically grounded to control any

              unwanted electrical inductance incurred from "flow of mass" ( static electricity). The engine systems

              are also electrically insulated from the vessels frame ie... "mounting bolt assembly contains

              "non-electrically conductive" bushings so that zero electrical transference is transferred incindintially

              to the the hull's frame


The above design system then will load a net system in the aft cargo bay "dock" bay and be able, by the flight disk, net an asteroid or comet at range to redirect an asteroid or comet earth "Impactor". The disk can be remotely driven to then not endanger the pilot when this is occurring.

Rate of travel to a detected object then also requiring particle gain such a Muons and or Neutrions within the static compressor high speed flight engine system.  ie... "particles permeate compression chambers and when traveling at high velocity the monitoring of said type of particle is critical for system safety".

*Note - The sub atomic "Quark" then being effected at high velocity a critical phenom to observe within the
            engine system as time is a factor / "rate of travel ", also energy in the bond ( strong force weak force )

Empty "space" (outer space),  also contains radiation and develops an electrical charge density encountered during high speed travel. The phenomenon  will require electrical current redirection ... directing the electrical charge gain to the force deflecting electromagnetic shielding as the craft accelerates is a circuit path of choice.

Vessel exterior hull monitoring for electrical charge inductance is required control redirected.

The exterior hull outer shape then encapsulating the system components (omitting number 34 and landing gear components to allow said components function), with the hull contour lines included in the hull's over all appearance ... please note* " in alignment positional chart components are not to scale" ... scale will follow engine capacity performance dynamic and service requirement. The "ship" frame of laminate plastics also able to be grown in the algae bio reactor.... The ramp, number 75, is tandem with the vessel's center line

By the shape of the vessel the system would then be water buoyant,  ie.... "able to float or land in water by the volume of displacement vs. weight of the vessel".

Unused hollow cavitation then filled with thermal rigid flotation foam to prevent the vessel from sinking should it inadvertently "take water" / become flooded. The flotation foam also acting as thermal insulation and radiation shielding.

Due to the temperature of outer space the ship's hull integrity is paramount. Thermal cycles ( hot to cold and cold to hot ) fatigue hull composition material. This design will then be a dual outer hull with a cavitation between the two barriers. The outer most surface a tight weave with electrically conductive filament  above a thermal insulator that is also acting as an electrical insulator.

The interior of the insulator then mated to  a net grid weave, "screen with depth" of the screen. The water ice slurry of  synthetic fiber derived from the algae bio reactor, to then be injected to the force chilled cavitation between the hulls. This increases the total hull system hull strength by freezing the outer surface of the inner hull by "heat exchange" using the ambient cold temperature of outer space. The screen and filling the void between the solid inner hull and the screen outer net hull causing a thick hull effect. This enables the craft to then resist high speed micro meteorite.

The thermal barrier is, also an electrical insulator, to then  thermally insulate the temperature extremes encountered in space with the outer surface as a tight weave ( containing conductive filament ). This prevents the ice from melting in high temperature starlight.....

The inner hull then with the capacity to also self seal ( pressurized gel between two inner hull layers). The inner hull then has and outer panel that will be able to be chilled by the forced air exchanger accommodating fittings to fill the cavitation between the hulls with the water ice slurry - contains fittings for...; water drain (wet vac ports) water and steam injectors that will be able to pump the water containing fiber slurry (causing hull ice) and slurry of micro synthetic fiber into the cavitation between the inner hull and the fine screen outer hull.

The increased hull impact strength is incurred in this method and is required due to the speed capacity of the vehicle. The chamber is forced cooled (air cycle) prior to water slurry injection. Using an ice core hull with micro fiber then increases the impact strength of the hull. The outer "plate" upon the inner hull then with plenum channel to cause the cooling keeping the ice frozen using the force cooling system. The said "plate" then with fixed protrusion to lock the ice that is formed within cavitation in place. The protrusion then cold conductive to assist in thermal stability of the ice slurry. The "cold conductive protrusion" then assisting in supporting the outer weave and insulator when cold cycling the cavitation... stabilizes the "height" of the cavitation allowing air flow when force freezing the water ice fiber slurry.

This allows for hull repair with out having to exit the craft. Within the outer hull tight weave of electrically conductive filament synthetic fiber above the thermal and electrical insulation layer before the fiber screen, with the outer weave then containing electrically conductive filament to de-energize the hull electrically. This is required to dissipate the possible induced outer hull electricity being incurred when traveling through empty space at high velocity. The thermal insulator just below the tight weave then is also then acting as an electrical insulator.

The hull then a structural i-beam with retaining locking clasp to then allow for the "block" who's outer surface the the compressed expansion gel dual encasement with the hull contour then upon the outer surface. The hull block" then constructed of skew directional multi ply laminate to shatter force if impales. The composition material then a carbon and synthetic composite containing high strength epoxy cured in enclave.

The individual "hull block" then able to be exchanged if damaged with out losing large amounts of internal atmosphere granted the ice re-freeze process is incurred first and if the hull breech is small..  The "hull block" then clasp to the structural vessel frame. The "frame" i-beam will the have a larger out flat causing the shape of a  "T" when "square shape" by the additional laminate then inserted into the I-beam cavitation.

The laminate composite then also a skew structural laminate composite who's indent cavitation is then with additional flat laminate to cause a square beam structural member able to then be bolted together with rivet compression upon the terminal end of the bolt to compress the nut in place. The "T" beams then of strait construction with the mounting  "hull blocks" of different height and outer contour to then cause the exterior shape hull contour of the vessel. Modular vessel hull construction. The laminate will also provide radiation shielding if "doped" with non hazardous metal particle.

The ship will have an "on board" capacity to manufacture the components for hull repair utilizing the algae bio reactor for feed stock hydrocarbons.

The ship will also contain "on-board" electrolysis systems to then liberate O2 (oxygen) from water to then recover atmospheric O2.

The design then being a high speed flight vessel will require an additional  "hard cap" nose of the craft then initially lifted by the disk and assembled in space prior to high speed flight. The "nose" hard cap then pyramidal in shape and of sufficient strength to then preform it's intended function at operational parameter. The "hard cap" impact shield  will also contain elongation detection sensor to assist in static compressor engine speed regulation.

Upon the corners at length there are then four fold out beam that contain electro-magnetics to then assist in amplification of the vessels E.M. shielding system and compression transmitter   ie... to augment the magnetic bubble launchers effect as a magnetic field plow. The hard cap impact shield then hard lock docked to the craft - allows for umbilical multi wire connections. The apex of the pyramidal impact shield "hard cap" then the leading point and the angle of the pyramidal structure then the angled deflector..

The impact shield will also have the capacity to control electrical inductance (capacitance of electricity to "de-energize" the hull / external surfaces).  The design system may incorporate where required for additional lift or force vectoring.
