Tilt Drive
The following magnetic drive "Tilt Drive" then is intended to demonstrate that sealed magnetism can produce force vectoring. The design is able to re-introduce produced electrical current back into it's functions. The design then using a dislocated / differentiated pressure source to produce motion. Magnetic suction causing magnetic repellent controlled by hydraulic piston assemblies causing the vessel to force vector when the design is mounted to the vehicle's hull.
Repellent equals total mass weight of the vehicle and the magnetic suction (magnetic attracting assembly), with increased variance to "wick" the repellent forward stabilized by the hydraulic piston assemblies. Numbers 42 and number 46 are fixed position electro-magnetics with numbers 44 and 48 then upon the slide rod at the center.
The unbalanced "static" in the force vector equation then achieved by the full system also factoring the "mirror lines factor", force "static" offset then by perpendicular force extraction by hydraulic fluid via the hydraulic fluid piston system also with the mirrored unit then having greater magnet pull upon the letter "J" assembly in the force vector direction. This is the "electromagnetic wick effect".
The "ring electromagnetic electromagnets" then with variable intensity to cause the system to function as intended... ie including when required the "retro" / breaking function that will change the electromagnet intensity and if required in tandem the hydraulic piston assemblies position.
The design system then may be used for navigation for course correction ( yaw, pitch, roll), and or added to the drive system for flight speed stabilization or speed incline for https://www.designdeskinc.com/cold-plasma-drive-toroid-static-compressor.html
Parts List
1. vacuum retaining pressure tank
2. vacuum level sensor
3. vacuum pump
4. brush-less drive motor dual shaft
5. large volume hydraulic fluid pump
6. brush-less electric motor dual shaft
7. air conditioner refrigeration compressor
8. brush-less electric motor dual shaft
9. 1:10 ratio gear set input tandem to the drive sprocket
10. main logic generator system control unit electronic mapping electronic logic circuit box
11. hydraulic fluid safety inlet valve system speed limiter
12. hydraulic fluid draft impeller small volume advances total system by the effect of pneumatically pressurized oil traversing while tandem rotating with the connected
drive line assemblies
13. main high voltage electricity generator
14. permanent magnet Magneto
15. 1:4 ratio gear set rotation output / high side tandem rotating with number 16
16. electromagnetic field speed break system rotational speed control
17. large 12" dia sprocket drive sprocket
18. small drive chain tension sprocket 3"dia
19. receiving sprocket 4" dia.
20. hydraulic fluid pressure pump
21. fluid and pneumatic pressure slip ring pressure transfer pressure seal
22. dual shaft brush-less electric motor
23. rotating pressure retainer for hydraulic fluid and air pressure able to re-start in zero gravity
24. pressure retaining slip ring pressure seal accepts the rotational torque from number 22 causing the pressure tank to rotate
25. generator system start valve
26. start cycle pneumatic impeller
27. r.p.m. revolutions per minute sensor connects to number 10 and adjust number 8's base idle current level
28. redundant voltage regulator system controls the field coil for the main high voltage generator
29. sprocket system drive chain
30. receiving sprocket drives the hydraulic fluid pump
31. drive chain and sprocket system oil lubrication encasement
32. multi wire "ribbon wire wire "bus" connector
33. manual actuation valve pull cable
34. electronic logic circuit box system control electronic circuit box power management system
35. hydraulic fluid control valve contains hydraulic fluid reservoir with pneumatic pressurization to allow for minor pressure / back pressure to flex piston assembly
pressure - unit contains position actuation sensor to assist in the logic circuits changing the electromagnetic level intensity when the accelerate or breaking / retro function
is instigated.
36. multi wire information wire bus clip connects to instrumentation control for manual adjustment interface
37. electrically insulated mounting system bolt and nut bore
38. hydraulic fluid driven piston system adjust electromagnetic electromagnets "proxi / distance" a "safety system" in addition to the worm gear unit depicted below
39. hydraulic fluid transfer pipes
40. slide rod guide bearing race
41. electromagnetic field insulator
42. high gain electromagnet
43. electromagnetic pick up coil and mounting bracket
44. electromagnet
45. slide rod bearing retainer (upon all three bearing guide assemblies)
46. electromagnet
47. electromagnet mounting system with coil wound electricity pick up coil
48. electromagnet
49. magnetically insulated bearing race retainer non electrically conductive
50. electrical ionizer / Argon gas flow accelerator and electricity pick up screen unit
51. venturi electro-magnetics
52. one way Argon gas fill valve
53. base gain electromagnet
54. slide rod ( electrically conductive)
55. slide rod electrically conductive circuit connector plate - one side electrically insulated to prevent electrification of number 56 - nut and bolt assembly
contains titanium center pin... the nuts and bolts are non electrically conductive exterior
56. hydraulic piston assembly force transfer bracket high strength metal
57. return electrical mount non electrically conductive to the slide rod
58. one way hydraulic fluid oil fill valve
59. one way pneumatic pressure fill valve
60. argon gas chilling radiator
61. cooling fan
62. brush-less electric cooling fan electric motor
63. electromagnet mounting system electrically conductive causes the slide rod to induce electricity
64. refrigeration system
65. internal chamber gas flow vents 360 degrees
66. electricity pick up coil
67. hydraulic fluid drive impeller a dual function unit pumping both argon and is impaled by hydraulic fluid a dual function unit
68. hydraulic fluid flow control valve
69. toroid wind electricity pick up
70. circumference wind electromagnet
71. circumference wind electromagnet
72. toroid wind electricity pick up
73. toroid wind electricity pick up
74. toroid wind electricity pick up
75. toroid wind electricity pick up
76. lubrication oil fill
77. threaded oil drain plug
78. pneumatic one way valve
79. pneumatic vacuum / air pressure safety balancer valve electrically adjusted by system parameters for safety
80. electrically non conductive divider
label letter "A" connects to letter "A"
label letter "B" connects to letter "B"
label letter "C" connects to letter "C"
label letter D" connects to letter "D"
label letter "E" connects to label letter "E"
label letter "F" connects to letter label "F"
label letter "G" connects to label letter "G"
label letter "H" connects to letter "H"
label letter "I" connects to label letter "I"
label letter "J" is attractant aligned electromagnets
label letter "K" is repulsive aligned electromagnets
Note - The Argon used in the cooling cycle then forming a Coriolis vortex in the chambers containing number 50 via the Nobel gas entry ducts and by the electromagnetic
Gauss intensity in the chamber containing number 50
Note - In addition the following a description of the hydraulic control system...... sum of two in total system each side of number 56 in diametrically opposed position also
union joined to 56 at the connection linkage with hydraulic connection to the "mirror lines" half of the design connecting to number 35 (hydraulic fluid direction valve).
The rail guides in the lower picture then hard bolted to the floor. Pressure sensor indicator to measure level of fluid pressure by fluid resistance in magnetic repellent
assembly ( a throttle feature that factors electrical current level in the toroid electromagnets used for distance calculation).
Design Desk Inc.