Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Design Desk Inc.

Venus Atmospheric Repair Satellite

The following satellite design system will transmit a resonance signal into the atmosphere of the planet Venus to cause vibratory separation of Carbon Dioxide while also dimming solar gain by transmitted electron upon a carrier wave to reduce in coming solar radiation. The system will ionize the random carbon causing  the formed magnetically tilted molecules  "heavy" to then ash out to the ground. Increased high altitude sulfur dioxide will form reducing the total solar gain in the process. The system then used also to

 control re-enter de-funct satellites or clean space debris autonomously.

The remaining free radical Oxygen molecule will naturally then form ozone via intersection with ultraviolet light. The ionization transmitter then with 90 degree fold out  (upon all 10 hexagonal hull), to cause electron upon  diffused carrier wave to yield the atmospheric Sulfur dioxide and random loose carbon atom to "heavy re-combinate" compound with magnetic tilt into greater temperature and pressure by the resonance transmitter that emits loose electron, then causing the compound to ash out at higher temperature at lower altitude via lightning. The atmosphere on Venus is effectively a scrambled ocean chemically speaking. Using resonance to wiggle apart Sulfuric Acid / Sulfur Dioxide and Carbon Dioxide can yield loose Oxygen and loose Hydrogen to form water... and yes heavy in ph as the rain then acidic.... yet with dropping temperature organisms micro organisms (bacteria), can increase the ph. The process will form atmospheric Hydrogen Peroxide that will naturally decompose into loose Oxygen and water. Atmospheric Nitrogen then liberated by the ground strike lightning.

The design day side orbital distance then able to effect total planetary hemisphere while in operation. The process will increase atmospheric lightning yielding "plasma destruction" and slight vitrification of the sulfur compounds while "ashing" out the carbon also sequestered within the vitrification composite. The vitrification composite then a "heavy" molecule / compound that falls to the surface of the planet effectively "cleaning" the atmosphere. It may require multiple satellites to see results in a timely fashion.

The particle accelerator then super cooled and with external magnetic permeable electromagnetic wrapping upon the toroid "ring" to cause magnetic field shielding for the internal electronics from high level radiation while obtaining safe magnetic level exposure for the internal of the craft. The magnetic poles upon the mirror line produced / adjacent particle accelerator "ring" electromagnet then magnetically aligned with opposite poles to cause dual magnetic field shield.  (ie... controlled inductance with capacitance discharge static electricity low level electrical current dissipation system). Internal electrical system will use an artificial electrical ground  (controlled electrical dissipation), to safety all electrical systems! Electrical systems will also use electricity surge suppression to safety the electrical components.

This effort then requiring ultra high levels of electrical production. To obtain this to function, the Inert Noble gas drive is then positioned so that a force static is obtained ie... "placed" so that the displacement vector then counter acts upon the displacement of the electric sealed force vectoring "lift jets" (letter "B"), to then compound the current in Letter "B" to maintain altitude / gimbal while being assisted to maintain positional "static" by the mobile sealed oil jets, number 18".  The electricity production level that is then harvested from both the "lift jets" and the spherical position center "gas drive", letter "F", then feeding regulated current, at levels as per required for the system to operate as intended for the respective functions ie... systems transmitters, systems emitters, avionics (including engine speed / throttle control),  and communications. The design "re-introduces" produced electrical current to increase total electrical output applied to work potential (thrust) and or governance "control electronics". The under carriage mount main electrical generator then producing electricity to electrify the designs systems at required energy levels.

The system's application sequence is critical for safety.  Inducing massive lightning upon a planet causes additional heat so first the base temperature MUST drop to not cause atmospheric uplift that produces atmospheric departure from the planet.... The resonance systems then applied to first separate CO2 into loose C (Carbon) and Loose O2 (Oxygen). The on-board vessel system will monitor the conversions. Water vapor and O3 (Ozone) will form reducing Ultraviolet light from the Sun's light and the result of Sulfuric Acid being resonated will yield Sulfur Dioxide a "reflective" gas to assist in lowering the Sun thermal effect. The solar gain diffuser will operate in tandem with the resonance systems. The atmospheric induction system then to be used when the planets parameters allow..... so that.... the additional heat produced from lightning does not cause adverse conditions. The satellite will monitor / report information.

Parts List.

​1. electric servo, "positional servo" with dual electricity transfer thru bore current transfer slip ring with positional  sensor

2. oil jet sealed force vectoring navigation system 

3. mounting system

4.  magnetic gimbal / (tilt drive vector gimbal, or oil jet flow system listed at  

5. high pressure pressure tank gravity spin dual component via electric motor contains fluid transfer slip ring used for zero gravity start function connects to number 4 via

    flow pipe valve system for high pressure fluid pressure number 4

6. high pressure pressure tank high pneumatic pressure used for number 4, connects via pressure rated pipe with control valve system

7.  Sulfur Dioxide resonance decomposition transmitter - transmits a pulsing vibration to wiggle apart the bond between Sulfur and the Oxygen molecule to cause thru the

     ionization process a "recombined compound" then correcting the "thermal retention"  and Ph (acidic), properties of the Sulfur Dioxide.

8.  "Carbon Dioxide" resonance decomposition transmitter hinged lid. 

9. hydraulic piston assembly "opens / closes" the shutter protecting the "Carbon Dioxide" resonance decomposition transmitter. 

10. Carbon Dioxide resonance decomposition transmitter sum of six in 360 degrees left endpoint polar array

11. Sulfur Dioxide resonance transmitter sum of six in 360 degrees left endpoint polar array

12. combine particle accelerator and electromagnetic toroid electromagnet vessel shielding system

13.  union mounting bolt plate assembly for both letter "A" and letter "C"

14.  inert Nobel gas (Argon), filled ring pressure tanks used to fill or de-pressurize the "lift jets" letter "B" used for both letter "A" and letter "C". Component hard bolts

       to the hull of the vessel

15. electron emitter -  sum of 6 about 360 degrees, used to induce lightning within the atmosphere of Venus to cause lightning induce "plasma destruction" to increase

      the sequestration of  Sulfur by means of vitrification also then forming high level Ozone (O3) via the Ultraviolet light produced by the lightning itself. 

16. electric motorized angular positional system for the electron emitter contains positional sensor and connection linkage.

17. internal induction protection (protects from induced current or radiation) for the system electronic control circuits temperature maintained includes chilling system contains

      circuit controlled avionics / helm control - flight controls servo robot accessible, electrical relay system, circuit breaker system for vessel systems

18. oil jet mobile avionics trajectory vector unit also used to maintain orbital "static" while the vessel is in operation. Sum of four total units

19. oil jet and mounting system

20.  frequency focus reflector bounces the transmitters signal

21. landing gear hydraulic piston system 

22. ​landing gear leg beam

23. landing gear foot positional hydraulic piston stabilizer

24. landing gear foot positional hydraulic piston stabilizer

​25. landing gear pivot

​26. rubber landing gear foot tread - and electromagnet  that hull contact's to a permanent magnet upon the hull's outer surface or used to stabilize and or the "grab" objects

      intended to re-enter

27. particle accelerator electron emitter unit contains 12 electron injectors that feed velocity to the electron emitters, number 15, to "sink" to low altitude to cause

      cloud based lightning to arc to the surface of the ground of Venus. This is required to cause the ground to act as an electrical ground.

28. internal servo robot arm maintenance services system - The unit can replace components do minor system functions adjustments uses an inter change grip (multi tool),  to

      then use multiple tool that are stowed number 29.

29. multi tool stow

​30. servo robot accessible electronics bay redundancy avionics secondary

31. vessel hydraulic fluid pumping system, servo robot accessible 

32. Carbon Dioxide resonance focus diffuser to "spread" the diffused transmission wave to cover wide swaths of the the atmosphere (total day side hemisphere)

33. "lift jet" injection manifold - unit contains 8 main pressure rated channel

34. high speed travel electromagnetic locking electromagnet - when in high speed transit the Ionization transmitter power hinge tilts the transmitter to lock the

      transmitter and  sensor bank to monitor active function / infrared / optical  camera / spectrometer - sum of ten ( each surface), about 360 degrees so that the landing gear

      is able to operate.

35. brushless generator transonic impeller (mid speed of the vacuum system that causes negative "pressure" in the lower half of the "lift jet" engine system).

36.  brushless electric motor "compressor" transonic jet fan

37. high speed brushless electric motor "compressor" transonic jet fan

38. brushless generator transonic impeller causes increased mechanical speed in the compressor jet assembly, number 37

39. ratio gear system sealed chilled lubricant (silicone oil)  cause alignment to increase speed of the rotating compressor number 35 (gear system at 1:4)

​40. ratio gear system sealed chilled lubricant (silicone oil)  cause alignment to increase speed of the rotating compressor number 35 (gear system at 1:4)

41. electric and hydraulic fluid actuated "lift jet" throttle valve unit controls the Argon flow speed exiting the system compression venturi

​42. coil return tube - vacuum system causes low / negative pressure post "after" the venturi  returning the gas at lower pressure to the thrust chamber providing constant

      discharge pressure into vacuum causing vessel lift via sealed flow system. A mechanical balloon.... of sorts

43. vacuum flow manifold

44. electric drive motor for the base vacuum transonic electric compound hyper jet contains mechanical drive pneumatic impeller for mechanical running with 1:50 ratio gear

      system to advance the compression vacuum jet fan system in addition to the electric motor drive system.  Air pressure (Nobel gas pressure) obtained from the safety

      regulator valve upon the "lift jet" venturi over pressure safety valve. The "50" of the ratio gear set then tandem to the input rotation of the "impeller" jet fan. The discharge

      pneumatic pressure from the unit then enters the coil return flow pipe. Additional flow pipe (air pressure) 49 to 44. the impeller a dual inlet gate valve to pull air from vacuum

      jet as well as the "re-directed" pressure flow from number 49. A dual stage impeller primary intake from vacuum jet flow second stage only when venturi pressure is at

      specified pressure range. The second stage acting as a flow cycle mechanical engine speed  "regulator".

45. revolutions per minute sensor  (R.P.M. sensor) - used to "regulate" the electric motors speed and input electricity level

46. high speed compressor temperature sensor

47. high speed compressor

48. vacuum jet impeller drives the compressor fasted by argon velocity flow speed

​49. "lift jet" overpressure safety vent valve electric actuation sensor information/ signal will auto adjust to slow system "lift jets" speed settings for safety

50. small receiving sprocket  (2.5" dia.), drive air / vacuum producing pump

51. electric clutch references pressure and or vacuum pressure tanks levels for the zero gravity generator to operate correctly

​52.  air / vacuum producing pump 

53. dual shaft electric motor drive shaft connects to mid size receiving sprocket (4" dia.)

54. 1:10 ratio gear set driven by the electric motor and receiving sprocket to produce 10 times the rotation speed to the hydraulic fluid pump number 55

55. high volume hydraulic fluid pump -induces system speed advancement via the "hydraulic draft effect" of a pressurized fluid pressurizing a tilt to then harvest angular

      momentum as electricity while retaining the cyclical work potential as air pressure. Yielding sustained high voltage electricity production.

56.  hydraulic impeller - the impeller is caused to produce rotation connected to the Magneto (electricity generator voltage regulated) and main high voltage

       generator system internal speed limiter oil flow by-pass valve for the structural integrity of the connecting flow pipes to remain within their operating parameters

57. high voltage generator

58. permanent magnet magneto

59. large encased sprocket (12" dia.), drive sprocket via the retained work potential pneumatic pressure within the fluid  (hydraulic fluid oil  oil tumbler number 65).

60. generator system r.p.m. revolutions per minute sensor - information / signal used to adjust the generator stable speed

61. hydraulic fluid control valve - electric actuation valve contains system safety all stop function will prevent fluid lock

62. generator system vacuum tank

63. vacuum regulator valve with electric sensor to report actuation requirement / level / and temperature

64. dual component oil and air pressure "oil tumbler" electric "spin up" electric motor

​65. dual component oil and air pressure "oil tumbler" pressure retaining pressure tank

66. pneumatic pressure  pressure tank

67. pneumatic control valve electric "start system" valve - vents air pressure into the vacuum tank to cause the dual component oil tumbler

      to rotate - required for zero gravity conditions

68. pneumatic impeller causes the oil tumbler to rotate via connecting hard bolt connection system (all generator components are "end drive shaft bearing

      supported -sealed lubrication  bearings with mounting housing for component stable placement)

69. radiation resistant hull - may use exterior "insulated balloons" with electric heat resistors filled with carbon graphite granule causing a water ice slurry for impact

      resistance. Interior in hull water storage and pump system

70. Hinged impact safety shield Pv (photovoltaic),  "solar panel" (inner surface), connects to systems electrical storage battery assist in system, "re-boot" tertiary "re-boot"

      system functions sum of six panels upon the exterior surfaces upon the vessel end. Pv panels produce electrical current when the vessel is aligned toward the Sun when

      impact shutters are positioned in the open position by electric hinge servo electric motors the electrical charging system for the battery bank fed electricity from the solar

      panel also implements a piezoelectric solid state unit with battery charging capacity and an additional back up piezoelectric unit for systems clocks / inductance cage shielded. 

71. one way valve

72. "gas jet" particle accelerator causes "return" inert noble gas to also cool as the speed is increased by "fluid stretching" the gas in increments similar to what an air

       conditioner does in the evaporation cycle.

73. electrical and thermal insulation

​74. venturi overpressure safety valves

75. gas jet venturi cause argon / refrigerant to increase in flow speed and discharge pressure

76. inert Nobel gas injector system sum of four in 360 degrees

77. throttle "head unit" a particle accelerator that will produce thrust from discharge injection unto linear flow of the flow cycle run speed of the inert Nobel gas

78.  thermal cooling exchange system with electrical ground within letter "T" to "keep" the internal current "static electricity" within electrical load level for material selection

       service parameter. Unit encasement of non-electrically conductive material electrically insulated from the structural mounting points.

79. control electronics "bay" servo robot service capacity

80. oil tumbler thru bore slip ring allows oil pressure discharge while maintaining pneumatic pressure

​81. ionization transmitter hydraulic piston system position control mechanics

82. 1:50 ratio gear set input rotation via vacuum jet impeller (sealed lubrication)

83. landing foot hinge sum of four upon each quadrant

84. pressure rated vacuum hatch / entry hatch locking

85.  refrigeration condenser

86. refrigeration evaporator

87. total hull embedded inductance "cage" prevents unwanted electric induction from disrupting sensitive electronics

88. circumference electric motor for the system draft compressor - a brushless electric motor to also be able to be used as a brushless electricity generator to feed current

      to the internal coil particle accelerator

89. internal "throttle speed head" gas intake unit

90.  six tube emitter "guide"

​Label letter "A" = particle accelerator "ring" with wound electromagnet for magnetic shielding

​Label letter "B" =  lift jet - carbon graphite laminate composite with epoxy-  high compression capacity for "pressurization" (perpendicular and circumference layering), as a

                             start pressure the pounds per square inch (p.s.i.) range the "lift jet" then pressurized to 1/2 the weight of the total vehicle with an inert non electrically

                             conductive Nobel gas such as Argon. Engine encased within a "shock casing" to protect from projectile and within an electrically grounded encasement.

                             One way gas (Argon), fill valve upon the pipe coupling.

​Label letter "C" = particle accelerator for the solar diffuser system transmitters

​Label letter "D" = Sulfur Dioxide resonance destruction emitter

​Label letter "E" = electron emitter

​Label letter "F" =  spherical positional internal "gas jet system" . Total system electrical grounding / safe to the touch thermal and electrical. Interior electrically /

                            magnetically polarized surface repellant pole to prevent surface material etching by high speed gas flow within the engine system. The venturi exhaust gate

                            valves sum of two prevent "gas flow lock" whereas, the "shutter valve" / throttle" is then the main valve to accelerate the gas flow discharge. This feature

                            compensates for the compound vacuum electric jet  suction preventing structural collapse of the main flow discharge chamber at velocity rate.  A safety

                            feature for structural integrity.

​Label letter "G" = solar gain diffusion transmitter system

​Label letter "H" = sensor bank communications and avionics system, camera, proximity altimeter (landing system) 

​Label letter "I" = positional electric motor driven servo with thru bore current transfer slip ring and position sensor with avionics link via electric wire contains bearing

                           system (sealed lubrication)

​Label letter "J" = gas jet bearing system

​Label letter "K" = positional electric motor driven servo with thru bore current transfer slip ring and position sensor with avionics link via electric wire contains bearing
                           system (sealed lubrication)

​Label letter "L" = left

​Label letter "M" = core mounting system solid floor to roof pole

​Label letter "N" = north polarity electromagnet "solar flare safety system" able to guide the flow and safely dissipate... to prevent damage from solar flare in sequence

                            shut off a magnetic pole to short the induction causes the flare to flip around

​Label letter "O" = bearing system (sealed lubrication)

​Label letter "P" = "gas jet" refrigeration system "refrigeration bay"

​Label letter "Q" = electric magneto an Ac  (alternating current), electricity generator also acting as a "drag break" to slow the compressor / impeller fans while producing

                            more electricity by the increased electricity level fed to the field coil of the unit causing rotational speed to slow "break baug". This keeps the centrifugal

                            elongation by rotation within the material selection service parameter.

​Label letter "R" = right

​Label letter "S" = south magnetic pole

​Label letter "T" = "gas jet"  gas / refrigerant injector electric discharges angular to cause step propulsion emitting  360 degree angular 30 degree toward center line flow

​Label letter "U" = speed head particle accelerator able to within the unit can cause cyclical flow within itself to obtain extreme velocity causing high velocity

                            discharge unto center line flow yielding  draft intake from return flow. The open center is a linear particle accelerator separate from the cyclical speed

                            head particle coil within the same unit. The cyclical speed head is pressure regulated with redundant valve (mechanical and electrical), with information

                            sensor reporting actuation level.

                            The "speed head" then discharges unto the center line gas flow using magnetic field dampener valve ie...  "the internal

                            wound electromagnetic field changes strength to "guide" the gas flow speed either to the center line discharge or back into the coil that is then increasing

                            it's cyclical gas flow speed". High magnetic field = re-introduction / low magnetic field = discharge cycle to main line flow ie... "injects" high speed gas flow

                            to the center linear particle accelerator discharge plume.

​Label letter "V" = venturi flow compressor

​Label letter "W" = flare flow diffuser electromagnetic spread  decompresses the gas flow by a spreading effect.

​Label letter "X" = drive "input impeller" with thru center flow channel also a brushless electric motor. A brushless electric motor to also be able to be used as a brushless

                           electricity generator to feed current to the internal coil particle accelerator

​Label letter "Y" =​ center input shaft gear system (automatic gear selection transmission) outer shaft then with greater rotational speed 1:150. The 150 of the

                            ratio then tandem with the transonic fan number 88. Center shaft tandem with the unit's dual shaft brushless electric motor who's opposite side output shaft

                            is then tandem rotating with letter "Q". The unit's electric motor then contains r.p.m. sensor (revolutions per minute sensor), and it's used to set the system

                            vacuum throttle.

Label letter "Z" = throttle system gate and shutter valve

* Note - The hydraulic draft generator system then twice within the vessel also using battery electricity to assist in start up via electrification of system drive electric

              motor, number 53

* Note- The label letter "F" is then a depiction of the "gas drive" system. The component then requires an in depth description to assist in comprehension of it's function. Due

            to the nature of the "gas drive" system... electricity produced from the flow cycle will need to be controlled as moving "fluid" / gas then produces static

            electricity. The static electricity is harvested in letter "T" and directed to the electrical control unit number 79.


            The electrical current level then conditioned (voltage regulated / and overload protected - waste current level dissipation injection speed discharge valve

            position refrigerant flow speed / cold side refrigeration cycle speed) and directed to the master electronic / electricity management system within number 79, to "electrify"

            the internal refrigeration system. 

            Letter "T" connecting coupling from the system  thermal / cooling exchange system then is also an external port (one way valve with pressure level gauge), to "fill" the

            "gas jet" with the required gas pressure / refrigerant level.  Any excess electrical current that the design produces then is routed through the positional servo via thru

            bore electricity transfer slip rings and directed to the vessel master power block number 30 where it (electricity) is directed to other vessel functions.

            The "gas jet" speed head then a particle accelerator that can also use the static electricity harvest to cause cyclical (unto itself) internal speed advancement...  producing

            an increased speed of the inert Nobel gas within the unit. This allows for a "thrust" capacity to discharge as a "throttle" system increasing the speed of internal main

            line center thrust  flow until the venturi regulation over pressure sensors causes internal flow cycle speed limit, factoring venturi pressure level as a critical safety fault

            within the system. 

            Letter "T's" system then contains a "run" speed flow cycle vent exhaust pressure dampener valve "set at discharge pressure level" while number 74 is feeding gas

            pressure to the cooling exchangers. Number 74's "return" flow cycle then implements a pressure tank acting as a pressure "volume" sink (volume retainer), required for

            the "speed pressure rate" to be maintained when accelerating the system with increase of the cold injectors, letter "T"

            The discharge pressure valve of letter "T" will also be assisted by maximum  pressure safety valve that vents a "run speed" level  (base idle speed) ie...  also

            containing an information sensor to act as "level of actuation"  of the  valve to then communicate with avionics main logic "mapping electronics" to "govern" system

            function. Vents unit "overpressure" into the venturi with the main  valve open or closed. Collected information then reduces and extrapolates information via electronic

            circuit to determine gas flow cycle speed producing a close estimate of velocity rate effect for the vessel's avionics information also displayed upon video screen placed

            above servo robot base rotation servo with mechanical meter display (secondary avionics).

            The electromagnets within the "return cycle" flow cycle use metal wire windings as the electrically conductive synthetic fiber has a thermal problem at required run rates...

*Note- The aft "decompression chamber in letter "F" then implements an over pressure safety valve that may be end point polar arrayed to then be in greater

            number ie... the sum of 12 about 360 degrees to allow for greater chamber decompression. This becomes required to not encumber the flow speed within

            the "gas jet" engine design. The aft transonic impeller compressor then has a speed limit factor (centrifugal elongation) and is regulated by the level magnetic

            field coil strength in letter "Q" to act as a drag break yielding higher levels of output electricity production able to be directed to the internal particle accelerator in letter "F".

            Material selection for letter "Q" is a critical factor ie... to be of ultra high tensile strength. The vacuum compound transonic draft electric jet within the aft of the

            letter "F" is then able to induce greater magnetic levels within  the circumference magnets (permanent magnets that are wound wire "pick ups),  due to the static

            electricity in the system internal gas flow. The electrical regulation system will be made to compensate for the effect. Produced electrical current then able to

            be "re-introduced " to increase system gas flow speed in letter "F".

* Note - Between the landing gear mounted upon the hull resides the crafts main electrical generator system listed

             at then assisting in the power level for the particle accelerators / emitters / transmitters/ and

             flight engines.  The main generator scaled to mate to the hull also shielded in the same fashion that the hull is. This feature produces a "natural pendulum" by weight.

             The design then able to meet the required load ( electrical ) requirement. The main generator then a "thin-line" version of the Magneto that is brushless for this

             design. Motivated by the hydraulic draft effect of a pressurized fluid. The "hatch" number 84 is the service port for the generator as the hull is then bolt sealed

             at it's mid- line. The voltage regulator can compound  current  or circuit switch voltage variable level to condition the electrical current for the components within the

             vessel. Compounding current ie... to increase the field coils resistance by higher electrical current levels yielding increased total electrical output. Material selection

             critical tensile strength a critical factor (elongation due to centrifugal motion). The main generator then implements a thru bore current transfer slip ring to direct

             electrical current to the start / run electric motor also brushless. A dual generator system in one unit.


The particle accelerator system will accelerate electron derived from free energy using the pneumatically pressurized draft of a rotating hydraulic fluid to then off set mechanical resistance while harvesting  angular momentum converting it to electrical energy as electricity. The particle accelerator system will also feed electron at high velocity to the solar gain diffusion transmitter / watt per square meter reduction transmitter (also transmitting loose electron),  and to the ionization transmitter system (also transmitting loose electron). Ground communications when in use uses a radio relay communications system due to the vessels placement ie... the day side of Venus. 

The electron emission from both emitter systems then of "tight / narrow" diameter to induce electrical charge within the atmosphere causing lightning, while the "carrier wave" /  ie... "the resonance decomposition "signal" a wider diameter. The ring particle accelerators are connected "so that", the bank of 12 electron injectors, number 27, feed electron to both particle accelerators letter "A" and letter "C". The particle accelerators may work linked or at differentiated speeds to increase total velocity of the emitted electron.


The inert Nobel gas (Argon), pressurized sealed electric pneumatic lift jet then similar to a mechanical balloon cycling high pressure to then discharge the force vectoring capacity into mechanically produce vacuum, causing sealed lift. The bank of two electric gas jet are mounted upon rotator carriage (spherical positional system), to then change the flight vector also assisted by multiple compound sealed fluid rhomboid fluid propulsion to assist in flight gimbal vector in a spherical fashion (mobile mounting  spherical positional system). The gas jet system force vector displacement  angle adjust by rotating in tandem or independently to cause vessel roll. Avionics fault safety to prevent overstress of the mechanical properties of the vessel ie... vessel speed dynamics limit trajectory correction (gas jet vector displacement), for systems safety. The oil jet system then used also to slowly slow high speed travel... as a retro trajectory function.

The solar gain reduction transmitter then not to in advertently affect (gauss) the asteroid belt or magnetize asteroids in the solar system disk plane. 

The resonance transmitter to cause the bond between the carbon and oxygen molecules to vibrate apart yielding re-combinate sulfur compounds and atmospheric ozone. The ionized carbon will bond with the atmospheric sulfur compounds that are also present in the atmosphere. Carbon Monoxide will also form but can be cycled out after duration of system function. Atmospheric Nitrogen can be mechanically liberated from rock to increase the stability of the atmosphere over time or as an option the resonance system might be able to convert Carbon and Hydrogen to Nitrogen ion yielding Nitrogen.

Hull composite material selection then of metalized plastic whereas the dipped plastic is then coated with a metalized material that will allow for the thermal conductivity acting as an electric resistor to keep the plastic within service operating parameters. This reduces vehicle weight and embrittlement. The electromagnetics then are also of alternative material using an electrically conductive synthetic fiber to reduce weight. The scale of total system 20%-30% larger than a modern golf cart to allow for the power delivery vs. weight of mechanism to operate correctly. Metal is used in vehicle hull construction or only where required in components that service parameter demand it.

This is a cost effective method to, within a reasonable time frame, adjust the planetary atmosphere. If lift mechanism is used as a shuttle craft requiring an occupant the servo robot then also as a flight control yolk and safety locking upon the spherical positional "gas jet" system when in use. Internal atmospheric system within the electronics unit, number 17.

The vessel can be used as an asteroid capture vehicle then tethering a large net with multiple vehicle used.  A cost effective "quick" response time method.

The Solar Gain Reduction system (solar gain diffuser) then may be good for re-directing an Earth bound solar flare and or to prevent a  solar  C.M.E. (Coronal Mass Ejection),  Earth impalement advent. The vessel may also be used to compensate for the "Solar Dimming Effect" that will occur when switching off fossil fuels as the albedo effect feedback changes when atmospheric pollution particle falls out of Earth's atmosphere increasing the carbon dioxide's greenhouse effect intensity requiring a shorter response time frame.

* Note - Venus has low to no Magnetic field that does cause an atmospheric gas loss scenario ...a rare occurrence in postulate ... Massive solar flare / Coronal Mass Ejection

             from the Sun then causing impalement with the planet Venus causing massive atmospheric gas loss then bleeding the Global Warming gas into outer space... if

             the Earth is in the wrong location Earth gas gain might occur... yielding decades of fossil fuel emission equivalent CO2 gain in a very short time. As an option placement

             of geomagnetic field satellites placed around the planet Venus listed at  then will cause less of effect

             solar flare / coronal mass ejection  intensity reducing the possible phenom.

* Note - the satellite has application for elemental conversion post resonance separation to cause water from the Hydrogen in the sulfur and the liberated Oxygen

             if correct resonance sequence is applied. The  Venusian atmosphere is an ocean if rearranged by resonance transmitter.  Ph and particulate will stratify in deep pool

             and can be force corrected to produce potable water using free energy with sufficient electrical power density applied using gravity as motive force. Motive

             function via

* Note - The design might have application regarding the Ozone hole above Antarctica "to resonate" CO2 causing free radical Oxygen to recombine into O3 (Ozone).

* Note - pilot entry egress (air lock) then a hatch mounted to the top center solar diffuser panel using a telescoping slide (diagonal travel motion), compartment large enough

             to seat a person in a space suit.

* Note - The design will adjust final parameter once weights and measure is taken of system components ie... throttle valve gate orifice (wider diameter + dampener gate

              valve for safety).

* Note - External hull mount magnetic gimbal (tilt drive mobile) may be added to the system placed between the particle accelerator ring and the hexagonal hull to assist in launch.

