Geoengineering - Climate Change Mitigation

Design Desk Inc.

Yellowstone Volcano Suppression System

The daunting challenge then to mitigate an advent of a super volcano is in and of itself a difficult problem. The shear force of magnitude requires massive movement with, and improvement in, the industrial processes and reduction of said associated cost of production of the mitigation system.

The design grows the structural components...... also then with funding from other designs upon this site to then cause the financial availability to produce, in massive number, the pyramids with connected vacuum filled decompression domes connected via tubes. The force deflection pyramids are then with water pumping systems  connected to directional distributors that will cause volcanic vertical discharge interference. The horizontal water jets active will reduce volcano discharge eruptions vector by converting the vertical discharge to horizontal force under water with the assistance of the "grid net" assembly..

The total design system then acting as a hydraulic piston with pneumatic dampener / "volcanic gas control" to then discharge a Lahar  controlling the volcanic ash venting wet ash via water gate.... The rotator injection pyramid production system may then also produce storm shelters or housing at low cost once the project is complete to then aid in the financial income to maintain the system. The rotator injection pyramid may also be used for other vessel like boats that contain fixed flotation so that they upright and will not sink due to the volume of rigid foam float ballast.

The design system will alter a Mass Extinction advent due to the result of a super volcano eruption.

Parts List

1.  discharge gate hinge

2. overflow louver gate valve actuator ( causes pressurized gate open slight flow restriction taper / when

    full on parallel alignment causes the main gate launcher to actuate also actuates water pumping

    into the diffusion "grid net" of deflection pyramids).

3. water seal gasket

4. gate door water Lahar discharge gate - door system then earth berm - reduces volume and cost of

    concrete for the structure . Earth moving then via fuel less earth moving heavy equipment and flight

    drone dump craft. there are multiple doors about the perimeter where the topography allows determined

    by the systems requirement after mapping the probable discharge zones under the ground. This

    also determines the shape of the ice contour manifold. then discharge "field then a controlled

    zone" as it is a hazard zone

5. hydraulic pneumatic door launcher ( causes open flap) piston system

6. Lahar gate system  ( places about the Culdera where the topography allows safely directing the discharge)

7. ice ring / base ice cap water retainer and securing system

8. plastic rise wall able to be flight drone assembled and or wall ridge printer then having the drones

    fill the construction material to the wall printer....

9. stain less steel cable anchor system

10.  back fill vertical lock retainer ( resist vertical motion )

11. wall segment base form... shape of an inverted "T" placed to level tide to adjacent piece by wall track

     splice sonic welded so that the wall printer can travel upon the top of the joined wall base segments

12. spiral drilled bore anchor lock placed prior to base ice retainer formation   / lock ties to the plastic grid

      embedded within the base ice cap prior to freezing

13. pivot / hinge (stainless steel)

14.  base ice cap lock tie plastic carbon graphite laminate composite structural "I" Beam with connector

      upon the terminal ends

15. total height if the base ice ring to then cause total system level / wall height varies but the base

      ice cap then level

16. plastic reinforcement grid place and connected "tied"  together wire twist by servo arm by flight drone

17. base ice Culdera cap with Pycrete reinforcement - system remains frozen by submersible with sensor

      system  via un manned version of the thermohaline stabilizer listed


18. pump pyramid water discharge port sum of four ( water from the adjacent lake so that only filtered water

      exits the inverted pyramid)

19.  systems anchor / tie mooring hoop locks the individual pyramids together to from a "grid net".

20.  draft accelerating hydro ( water pump) generates electricity and motors via circumference electric motor

       to the attain ultra high speed water pumping

21. generating transonic / compressor water pump ( produces high voltage electricity in motion to then

      be fed / directed to the electric motor upon the proceeding water impeller this cayuses a "draft effect

      allowing greater rotation rate of total discharge.

22. hydraulic ( water ) impeller drive electric motor

23. water inlet coupling

24. water inlet mounting system rigid pipe connects to "flex pipe"

25. systems anchor / tie mooring hoop locks the individual pyramids together to from a "grid net".

26.  impact wave guide retainer ban

27.  system electronics  "bay" system mapping logic

28.  inertia stabilizers keeps the system stable motivator system then causing rotation of a flywheel

       motivator listed at

29. systems main power plant / cross pump generator system listed


30.  perpendicular pneumatic flow return system offsets sealed electric compound

       jet "force static" so that intended vector is attained.

31. dual counter rotating inertia stabilizers keeps the system stable motivator system then causing

      rotation of a flywheel motivator listed at

32. is the "letter "A" the is the pump pyramid

33. system level sonar and blast apex ( apex in the inverted position ) communications transmitter

      receiver/ antennas

34. pressure sphere

35.  pump pyramid ( multiple reinforce laminate composite )

36. inertia stabilizers keeps the system stable motivator system then causing rotation of a flywheel
      motivator listed at

37. inverted hover motor  ( schematic listed at ) air

      pressure regulator and fill control valve / bi- directional contains air compressor

38. pneumatic flow pipe ( high pressure capacity)

39. pneumatic pressure tank  contains one way valve and pressure level sensor

40. 1:10 ratio gear set high side of the ratio gear set then tandem to the generator transonic water

      compressor / water pump / contain electric assist in the gear set tandem locked rotating with the

      high side of the gear set assist in causing the "draft effect " causing inclined rotational rate.

41. tower break away sensor system / sensor transmits also causes inverted water pumping

      to actuate and hover motors to activate.

42. tower guide wires ( stainless steel ) stabilized the vertical position of the tower.

43.  is the total tower assembly

44.  rise tower  "resembles a standard radio tower  ( stainless steel composition )

45.  rise tower anchor block / concrete encapsulated in plastic with insulation and stainless steel

       final outer encasement / buried by the base ice cap adds to lift resistance

46.  tower guide wire anchor / same composition as number 45

47. Pycrete with plastic grid reinforcement

48.  mooring locking hoop stainless steel "grid net" connector hoop

49.  dual counter rotating inertia stabilizers keeps the system stable motivator system then causing
      rotation of a flywheel motivator listed at

50. communications / electronics bay

51. water intake - ballast port for water flow filtered

52. external lamp / assist in finding problem component grid net  "number locator" underwater beacon

53. flow exhaust web reinforcement support system

54. "dumb pyramid " ballast pumping system / electric water pumping electric pneumatic pumping

55. communications transmitter communications receiver antennas

56. pneumatic pressure tank

57. "dumb pyramid" ballast tank

58. dual counter rotating inertia stabilizers keeps the system stable motivator system then causing

      rotation of a flywheel motivator listed at

59. system electronics  "bay" system mapping logic

60. "dumb pyramid" initial "float height" water line caused by float ring level position

61. systems anchor / tie mooring hoop locks the individual pyramids together to from a "grid net".

62.  float ring level / height position lock tube / uses bore holes - thru pins and cotter

       pins - stainless steel construction

63. rigid foam rubber wrapped flotation  "float ring" causes system to float  volume determined by

      system final weight factoring the ballast system capacity.

64. large debris filter grid allows flow but blocks larger objects that would clog the water direction force diffuser

65. float ring adjustment tubes  base square about the perimeter every corner and spaced with

      multiple components at 2' (2 feet apart)

66.  up force water discharge tubes from round to oval in the horizontal plane to cause up flow of the

       volcano to cause the horizontal flow of water yielding eruption interference.

67.  plastic inlay grid within the ice contour manifold / assist in eruption discharge flow deflection

68.  base ice cap with pycrete anchor

69. stainless steel cord anchor tie

70. rigid pipe adjacent lake in flow water chilled - causes post pump pyramid horizontal volcano

      eruption force interference high velocity flow

71. flex pipe high pressure capacity

72. low  / negative pressure compound electric jets produces negative pressure upon the force vector

      discharge end and pumps / compresses the pneumatic pressure back to the pressure sphere,

      number 34,  faster than the pressure from number 34 is used by the electric jet contained within

      the hover motor.

* The "u" shaped insert then lock together by tie connectors locking the plastic reinforcement grid assembles by flight drone , while the top ice cap is being frozen. the "U" arch shapes then of laminate composite plastic and distributed about the circumference of the base of the domes. then inverted arch will then act as a structural retension spring system once frozen within the Pycrete.

* The extreme top side of the top ice cap then with cold air envelope using a thin mil plastic  with heat deflection... the outer surface then propped up by pole upon a suction cup to accept the plastic... to later receive heavier deposition of  spray on , deposited by flight drone.  The plastic and an outer light color to implement the Albedo effect assisting in the cold air space atop the top ice cap to then remain cold and use less air distillation  freeze floats yielding Nitrogen to cool the upper surface under the plastic The air distillation systems then use fuel less generators to produce ( N2)  then cause forced cold air transference. The  mechanism  rides atop the top ice cap when the system is being frozen.

* Note - The natural environmental heat discharge that exist in the geysers is then dry dome capped and fed cold air by forced air blower fan with an external waterproof heat insulation material. The connected piping then venting at a distance out side of the project perimeter. The heat discharge system is also heat insulated by water proof insulator.

* Note the exposed upper surface of the ice cap under the thin mil cold retainer plastic then injected with cold air by the air stratifier system located at - the air stratifiers will also chill the outer surface of the unmanned submersible to add ice to the ice contour manifold and the base ice cap.

"Print Wheel" (Rotisserie Injection Mold Machine)

* note- all individual components are then upon each of the the four pyramid print forms yet with the system function then in different quadrant points

top position 90 degree  plastic injection

180 degree position position then  forced plastic part cooling

270 degree location chop fiber resin laminate application part discharge ( unto the conveyor - edge trim system)

zero position optical inspection check via cameras and cooling of the inner compression mold shape

Parts List

1. electric motor assembly drives the extruder screw for the plastic pump

2. electric motor gear rotation transference assembly

3. plastic feed tube

4. plastic melter electric resistance heater

5. plastic injection assembly "head" ( system lifts and lowers when the wheel is rotating

    unto the next injection mold form).

6. plastic injection "head" pneumatic elevator system

7. plastic compression screw

8. refrigeration condenser

9. inner injection mold hydraulic compression piston

10. refrigeration refrigerant pressure tank

11. refrigeration switching valves ( electric positioning )

12. electric refrigeration compressor

13. print form interior evaporator ( rides atop the thermally conductive mold plate )

14. hydraulic pump ( electric)

15. electric logic (receiver for communications) and electric valve to then actuate the pneumatic

      mold blow air pressure to then separate the printed part away from the mold when the system is

      positioned in the 270 degree position. refrigeration system to then cool the discharge air and Internal

      wheel power supply electricity generator for all components

      that require electrical current within the wheel generator system located at

16. re-tension coil springs aligns the hydraulic piston allowing slight flex to then balance the hot

      plastic spread upon the print for mold form

17. hydraulic piston actuation valve (electric ) wires to the main communications logic

      processor "system mapping" so that all function ids then in sequence for correct intended operation

     of the total design system. All hard wire components also wire to the communications transmitter receiver.

18. pneumatic pressure discharge ports ( causes the separation of the printed part then falling unto the

      conveyor in the 270 degree position- air is discharging when the mold is being used prevents the

      blow ports from being clogged

19. hydraulic fluid reservoir

20. pneumatic max pressure safety valve ( vents over pressure contains sensor assist in

      pneumatic compressor actuation)

21. air cooled air compressor ( electric motor driven)

22. piston type air compressor air intake air filter

23. piston type air compressor electric motor

24. print wheel spokes

25. outer pyramid print mold door motor opens so that the part can be ejected unto the

     conveyor - note " the leading door  then opening in processional sequence first to

     allow for clearance of the conveyor when the wheel is in motion.

26. "print wheel main bearings" dual sets - redundant allows for exchange with the wheel in place sum

       of four per axle shaft union to rotation assembly retainer contains level sensor upon the end hub

       cap to then micro adjust total level of the system via hydraulic stabilizers

27. structural frame ( "I beam" frame)

28. extraction conveyor ( mounts upon a hydraulic piston system assist in extraction travel

      distance ( dual hydraulic piston each side)

29. print wheel motivator roller wheel / causes the print wheel to rotate sum of two systems upon the

      print wheel upon each side of the spool shape

30. drive chain sprocket tension adjustment sprocket / contains re-tension coil spring

31. power plant room ( )

32. feed plastic control room

33. chop strand and resin control room

34. vacuum / blower  plastic kernel hopper systems  "B" and  "C" then also are heated via wrapped

     electric resistance heat elements so that the inflow to the extruder is at the correct temperature

35. systems vertical stabilizer hydraulic piston ( sum of six upon the total system / lowers lateral

      horizontal stabilizer with locking foot anchor bolts into footer resist wind load )

36. hinge

37. upper hydraulic piston mounting assembly

38. pyramid print form outer hard case

39. print form evaporator ( chills the plastic part by cooling the inner mold plate that interfaces with the

      plastic between the surface)

40. pressurized hydraulic fluid couplings / feeds hydraulic fluid pressure to the horizontal

      stabilizers hydraulic pistons

41. strut expansion spring

42. axle coupling / strut mounting

43. rail wheel rail / guides the retractable off load conveyor

44. rail wheel

45. print form off load bushings connected to the retractable conveyor to the stabilize the plastic

      pyramid when unloading it to the" laminate stacker"

46. strut connecting rod

47. rail wheel cart axle shaft

48. outer mold door ( hinges) contains electromagnet locking system to control door

49. stairs ( to main drive motor motor deck)

50. systems logic power  ribbon wire multi wire bus" connector ( connects lower tension functions)

51. electricity generator control electronics

52. low tension generator

53. hydraulic pump control electronics ( voltage regulation)

54. structural frame anchor mounts bolts frame to concrete footer of sufficient depth to then withstand

      system loading weight and at depth to then prevent heav from freezing

55. "laminate stacker" hydraulic control system

56. hydraulic pump "laminate stacker"

57. valve position solenoid

58. outer frame mount conveyor hydraulic piston assembly causes the inner hydraulic piston then

      extend directly under the laminate stacker so that the flap lift can in tandem with the hydraulic lift

      system upon the laminate stacker lift the pyramids to then stack then together for a strong

      composite laminate.

59. pyramid lift flap ( motorized hinges and contacts the pyramid to then stabilize the lifting of the pyramid

60. electric motor and gear reduction  also acting as a safety system for the hydraulic system ) as the

      motorized crawler system is then climbing up a linear gear track.  The reduction gear system then

     also s a ratchet with directional rotation and safety locking controlled by electric solenoid.

61. "stacker hydraulic piston" sum of four total ( front and back )

62. level position sensor (measures the height of the laminate stack" and counts the number of laminate

      by height to then determine full stack and then causes the off load of the composite laminate to the system

      off load conveyor number 92.

63. hydraulic fluid selection valve hydraulic pressure balancer dampener valve - distributes equal hydraulic

      fluid pressure to all four hydraulic pistons

64. stain less steel lighting suppressors connects to separate earth electrical ground

65. tower beacon lamp air craft warning lamp

66. inner i - beam guide wheel

67. gear interlocks to linear gear along the interior of the i - beam / internal ratchet and solenoid selection

      switch so that if hydraulic failure occurs the system will not drop the printed laminate composite pyramid

      as the object is heavy and would inhibit continual production of the assembly line.

68. ratchet solenoid mounting with fault sensor indicator circuit

69. main internal guide wheel

70. gear interlocks to linear gear along the interior of the i - beam / internal ratchet and solenoid selection
      switch so that if hydraulic failure occurs the system will not drop the printed laminate composite pyramid
      as the object is heavy and would inhibit continual production of the assembly line.

71. hydraulic fluid filter and safety sensor ( electric ) to confirm that hydraulic fluid is present within the flow pipe

72. pressurized hydraulic oil flow distributor

73. hydraulic fluid pressure tank

74. outer track linear gear and ratchet safety system contains solenoid and fault safety sensor to

      indicate if the solenoid is in the correct position

75. hydraulic piston rod for number 28 conveyor

76. H.V.A.C. systems for ventilation for the resin chamber / vapor null hazard chemical inert

      process to clean vapor- ventilation intake upon number 79

77. rubber bushing stabilizer "arm " foot base weather resistant bushing

78. connecting pin with retainer cotter pin bore holes ( upon each stabilizer connects bracket tandem

      with the stabilizer arm to the hydraulic piston head then at the terminal end of the hydraulic piston.

79. ventilation grid - square and resin injection manifold along with chop

       strand "non-decompositional ( synthetic fiber)

80. system instrumentation "control room"lavatory and septic with fuel less

     remote de-humidification water collection system

81. conveyor slide track /  slide track door

82. foam insulation keeps the cool side internal upon the outer mold form and the outer shell

      ambient temperature

83. structural frame connection "i - beam" angle piece

84. hydraulic fluid safety valve allows for oil flow bypass

85. mounting points for the suspension / stabilization of the outer mold connects to the square mounting

      frame that rides atop the core axle shaft housing

86. retractable conveyor electric drive motor with reduction gearing

87. perimeter motion sensor and illumination safety lamp ( multiple units upon all vertical structural

      frame / can be wired to alarm system and or system all stop if unauthorized motion within the

      operational zone of the system).

88. pyramid print wheel is the shape of a spool  with the print functions then contained between

      the "wheels" sum of two) causes 40 foot square base pyramids then stacked in a laminate alignment

      with endothermic reaction to "cure" the resin embedding the chop strand fiber for strength.

89. structural member circular tie mounting port with bushing ( mounts to the structural frame),  "to then

      allow the plastic injection head to make contact with the outer surface of the pyramid mold".

90. access ladder ( heated with lock on safety hoops).

91. lightning suppressor pole mount / mount has hinge that locks to then make exchange of the

      lightning suppressor easy

92. completed laminate pyramid off load conveyor " telescoping" - the part then travels to the internal

      component installation unit to then install the internal components with a rigid frame of carbon

      graphite composite that has been cured within an encalve oven.

93. chop strand and resin transport system / multiple piping as the resin is a multiple component resin

94. plastic pyramid edge trimmer ( upon all four sides -  cuts and drops excess plastic then allows

      the trimmed waste to fall unto the lower waste conveyor number  103 for collection / recycling / reuse

      to then minimize any wast from the system

95. pneumatic pressure tank ( air pressure tank )

96. guide wire hoop connects to anchor footers to assist in system vertical integrity

97. guide track structural support (rivet / bolt)

98. weather tent.. heated exterior surface from the depicted connection points to the ground anchored

      about the perimeter via semi permanent anchor augers.

99. lower chamber H.V.A.C. system air conditioner and heating / ventilation for the office space

100. safety lighting / lamps

101. air compression system / air compressor / electric fuel less

        generator listed at

102. linear gear

103. waste conveyor

104. print head vertical travel guide tubes contains coil spring resistance low compression resistance

105. communications antenna

106.  horizontal structural steel i beam "cross tie" rivet unioned

107. horizontal structural steel i beam "cross tie" rivet unioned

108. hydraulic fluid hose ( high pressure )

109. vertical stabilizer assembly -

Below  is the "print" pyramid also a plastic injection system / plastic extruder so that the design will produce the special parts of the system.

The Pycrete ( Pycrete is wood fiber in ice),  with plastic reinforcement grid to give added strength may be the best method first also then, before the lake is filled, be installed directly upon the dry ground of the volcano's Culdera prior to filling the lake so that the  "base ice bed" then will also stabilize the land mass while filling the lake.  The "base ice bed" then also with mooring security linkages far enough away from the main project and past the perimeter of the lake retainer wall  ( also locking to the lake retainer wall, so that the wall with locking securing ribs  resisting vertical motion ( locks to the back fill dirt), will also add to the comppressive weight of the "base ice bed".

Plastic fiber sheet grid ( 3/8" diameter rod 6" square derived from the growth of algae), will be used in the Pycrete water "ice base cap" and top water ice Pycrete cap, The wood fiber and plastic rod grid within the cap deposition to increase it's  shear strength at 2' depth repeating.....  The ice cap deposition will contain wood fiber as well "distributed into the ice when the ice cap is being frozen" by flight drone. This increases it's strength! The underside to the top ice cap with wood fiber must then be tapered with contour to guide the up force from the volcanic eruption assisting the direction of flow  called the "ice manifold contour".

The system would have to produce  aprox. 6000 pyramids at 40' (foot ) square base. Multiple injection molding plastic form tools wheels can be used....The design may implement used Ferris wheels for the rotator housing the injection molding system for "thin forms later to be laminate compressed with resin stacked together. The Ferris  wheels may also be used  for object towing.. "to move the laminate pyramids to a components installation assembler for installation of the internal components then to place the completed form in place ready to launched into the lake.

The rotisserie style injection molding machine then to cause the forms production at the top quadrant position , cooling in the 180 degree quadrant location , fiber chop strand and resin application in the 270 degree

location  ( pyramid apex toward the ground), then unto release and on to  insert retainer  that is able to lift the form inverted and insert the resin wet form into the next wet pyramid. 

Powered ventilation of the resin vapor required and if hot air injection is used to speed the tac drying process the heating elements must be a safe distance  ( upon the exterior of the building) to only have hot air force blowing into the wet pyramid.  Any volatile vapor from the resin must be sequestered and treated to then be come non flammable. The mechanism is called the  "stacker assembler" and  will then be able to insert multiple pyramid forms together. The compressed  laminate with increased strength will then be "cured" under pressure moving upon the conveyor to the enclave oven. This causes an improved structural system with greater strength..  The base floats are installed post component assembly.

The pyramid forms  to then be off loaded and moved to the float zone....

After multi stack compression assembly and component installation the the Ferris wheel "roller" will transport the pyramid to an enclave for curing then the roller will transport the hard form to  the internal components assembly station.  Next the rollers position the pyramids upon the "base ice layer within the culdera.  The base ice is slightly wet so that the cable will rotate around a wet launch pulley causing the forms to be dragged into the lake at float depth and automatically disengage from the tow cable.  A flight drone will then connect to a tow hoop to then drag the completed floating forms to their final location for interlinking and "grid net" assembly. 

The air stratifiers / air distillation systems  are then in placed in the lake bed and are powered  by fuel less  generator systems. The air distillation system ( cooling exchangers the causing cold air outflow freezing the surface water until it form ice. The distillation stratifiers - cold air emitters then are distilling N2 and freezing the water year round. They are able to float up  ward as the lake is filled above the Volcano's culdera.

A rolling assembler ( offsite continual grid production ) plastic grid  producer for the deposition of the ice reinforcement as a time saver may be used along with," autonomous self guiding flight drones", that install the grid reinforcement in sections and have the ability to twist their tie wires together.  The flight drones may also distribute by air to then be encapsulated in the pycrete for the "base ice" and the top "ice cap" atop the water... The connection linkages then form a floating beam to then be of laminate compression construction with carbon graphite in alternating sheets mixed with stainless steel core sheet that couples the tumbler to accept the linkage connecting lock pin.

An additional water holding lake with high capacity pumping / recycle system / refrigeration systems - redundant), will be required at a distance from the main project to then be able to fill the main project zone also then additional flight able air distillation system to the re freeze the ice should it crack apart during a primary volcanic blast....

The pyramids then are of two type... distributed like a chess board  then a "dumb" pyramid and a "pump pyramid". The pump pyramid then with an altered cap insert, (vertical pipe coupling) and containing high speed water pumping within the feed tube to the distributor fed by fresh water from the off site lake...

The water derived from the off site lake to then be actuated causing high out flow and simultaneously allows the main projects water out let system to open.  The system actuation prior to the advent of a large eruption. The "grid" as the submerged connected pyramids are corner connected by connection cables and hard linkage causing the pyramid "net" to remain secure.

Final position assembly position of the pump pyramids are then in the inverted position  (apex aligned to the ground), causing up force deflected horizontally be the exterior shape of the pump pyramid. The pyramid " grid net" may also be multiple tier. ( ie... many interlinked systems multiple "grid net" at different water depth).  A refrigeration system to chill the adjacent off site lake water inflow / outflow, may be required to maintain project lake temperature as a management function also able to cycle the water for cooling.

The "print pyramid" to then produce similar shapes then placed across the entire Caldera causing the explosive force of the volcanic eruption to be directed horizontally under water under force frozen ice cap. The print pyramid then placed at several locations outside of the perimeter of the project to reduce the time interval of positioning the "dumb" pyramids that are produced upon the "print pyramid". The assembled base form moved by heavy lift flight drones powered by fuel less systems.

The "dumb" pyramids  aligned apex to the surface of the lake  also contain float ballast tanks and required pumping systems and are then also with open base and unobstructed horizontal discharge ports - the flow distributor is not upon the dumb pyramids so that water enters the base with up force and discharges

horizontally ( contains internal flow guide manifold /  - side ways discharge the tube exit then slightly wider  oval orifice.

The connection linkage then connecting both types together in a chess board like system altering the pattern black  square and white square so that the same is true of the pattern for the "pump pyramids" and the "dumb pyramids"... The surfaces that encounter high force loads ( due to the eruption) will be covered by high impact strength carbon graphite that has been embedded in thermo-setting epoxy ( derived from the algae) and cured within an enclave. the impact shielding the bolted to the both types of pyramids where the "incident force" required the structural strength.

There is a bit of spacing between the pyramid types. The hard linkage is then  25' to 50' ( linkage & cable 25 - 50 foot hard linkage safety cable / coil wound),  and hard secured by locking hoop.  This is so that upon the net grid  the force deflection system works correctly not to close together..... referring to the pump pyramids and the dumb pyramids.

The final tower mount force submerged force deflection pyramids then with multiple discharge venting to the circular displacement distributors, will then cause horizontal interference force vectoring of the water that they are submerged within.... the towers that the shapes are mounted upon the 50' to 75' tall at the pyramids apex.

Due to the nature of such upheaval the "dumb" force deflection pyramids  and "pump pyramids" are also be able to force vector as the new sea floor then may fall away during an eruption allowing a tower break away mechanism to engage then activating the system high velocity inertia system causing massive down ward vectored  ( may rotate 180 degrees), stabilization force with sealed force vector

system (

High inertia horizontal and vertical stabilization attained by using centrifugal motion to stabilize the system placement for correct function. The horizontal and vertical stabilizers in the "dumb" pyramids and "pump pyramids"  are then containing a mass ring fly wheel driven by with the ring flywheel at greater diameter.

Directly under and within  the ice capping system then are air filled decompression domes (multiple tier) then to control vent gas with discharge piping  (flexing and stretchable) to processing system for safe removal of gases such as sulfur dioxide. The domes then are of a resilient plastic  ( first formed by balloon method - using ice deposition and rigid polyurethane foam with ice atop..), with the mechanical properties to endure their specific function.  The domes, with venting plumbing, may also be embedded within the permanent ice cap as  "gas decompression chambers / shock absorption chambers.  The ice cap kept frozen year round by using fuel less high voltage to distill the air then implementing the cooling effect of Nitrogen to chill the surface of the perma ice cap. Later the interior surface of the domes then receive a plastic deposition by crawler robot to better insulate and retain the structural integrity of the top ice cap base. The base of the domes may also union to flotation foam then encapsulated in rubber.

The fresh water for the system may be derived, via fuel less oceanic desalination / distillation "bubble steamer" system with the electricity made available from fuel less generator systems. The total system with fuel less earth moving and the speed available from flying dirt moving drone air craft may make the experience less extenuating.

The inland seawall require berm wall and earthen fill  with the fuel cost of the project avoided , implementing overunity generators it's within reach...

The print production pyramid then able to construct the pyramid required components including the distributor parts and tubes and side walls upon the tray the system then upon all four sides and then hinged up ward to then be joined upon the seams. Sonic welding and plastic rivet of large diameter then melt compresses. This saves massive amounts in the cost of construction. A linear gear track will accept the sonic welder automatic rivet system also the with lift hoop at the top position....  ie... to lift the base form off the mandrel.

The shape's wall rather thin 1/2 inch to reduce the lift off weight as the base structure will lift off of the mandrel print pyramid to then be placed within the perimeter of the  towers upon the corner points. The towers will contain a rise slide track system so that when the water is allowed to inundate the area the form floats yet locked to the towers.

The capped form is mated with the tower when the water level is as adequate height as the shape will be able to float.  Massive use of cellulose derived from hemp or corn stalk will then act as the algae derived plastic reinforcement  random fiber mat embedded within the plastic. The first shape within the tray is a linear gear for the automatic rivet  fastener and sonic welder to climb when the assembly is placed in the up right position.

The form once in place is also made stronger with additional  recycled engineering  plastic ( post recycling ?) so that the base form receives an insert cap that also is the the "diffuser" to cause horizontal pipe fitting then channeling the force to the distributor assembly. The distributor is tension secured to the base form  via cable recovered from recycled tires if required.... also coated plastic refined to stainless steel and multi cord ...twist.

The insert cap then also with decompression venting to allow the system to discharge some pressure up ward then referencing the sealed force vectoring flight system that the base form contains. This is required to maintain internal safe pressures. The cap insert vent may also be force vectored discharge via stabilizers and powered propulsion water jet to then add down force and or stabilize the base form.

The domes atop ( embedded in the lake ice capping system ), are then  connected, via walk able tubes, as the ice is produced and with communications within the domes.... additional human safety equipment.  Air circulation also as the system will cycle air within the embedded chambers with the domes able to vent the gas from the volcano in controlled fashion..

The  40' - 80' dia. (diameter) domes then constructed by the coil dome system  (an automatic dome builder) and may be done in place atop the water as the land is inundated. They too (the domes), will then be able to float to their final height as the estimated total system resistance of the eruption will required factoring the weight of water / water depth / and ice weight as blast resistance factoring horizontal discharge of water when the eruption process is in action. 

Subsequent dome layers in "strata" then by mechanism producing 10 domes in two rows of five by balloon forming with the ice frost method. The ice forms ( domes), then later to be sprayed  with algae derived plastic by autonomous system from the interior to cause melt resistance. 

The spacing between the domes upon the base layer then insulated by a thermal protection insulator to resist the melting effect.

* - Alternatively using extra thick weather balloons 40'+ diameter..., then to be left in place can then be distributed across the newly formed lake and  then coating the total surface in rapid fashion with polyurethane rigid foam then topped with pycrete deposition in successive layers. The last mentioned method is  the fastest method... once level surface is attained the reinforcement grid then placed before the next dome strata is constructed.

Grid vertical spacing at 6" vertical for 3' of pycrete height, horizontal grid is also vertically tied by stainless steel wire.... function preformed by flight drone. polyurethane rigid foam is also deposited by flight drone as well as the placement of the ice cap pycrete reinforcement " grid". Since the domes require venting in the final design the plumbing will cause a water receiving station then for the drones for fill and distribute the water  for the ice cap deposition. The wood fiber is also done by flight drones as an automated system.  This reduces labor cost and increases the speed of installation.

A system of stack freezing  each decompression dome layer then producing another strata layer atop freezing again.. repeating until the shock discharge can be dampened to then be controlled. Vertical small plumbing then from top of each dome also to control the Sulfur dioxide and will aid in total system decompression. The domes will retain  negative air pressure.

Air distillation systems to derive Nitrogen (N2) to then use the cooling properties to continually chill the air above the ice capping system with a  fuel less generator powering the distillation systems. This then permanently affixed to the ice capping system to constantly freeze the  water ice  24 / 7 365.25 days a year.....They also ride the lake fill upward....

Project perimeter walls  ( lake retainer), then constructed of algae plastic square "rod able to be bent to contour and assembles as a horizontal laminate.. and back filled with earth at greater distance than is required by the natural force load. The perimeter wall then flight drone assembled.

Additional water holding lake with high capacity pumping will be required at a distance from the main project to then be able to fill the main project zone also then additional flight able air distillation system to then "re-freeze" the ice should it crack apart during a primary volcanic blast....

Ice capping repair upon the under side of the system then by autonomous submersibles able to use liquid N2 to via cooling exchanger re freeze the ice cap underside. The submersibles then dock in the low domes.

Personal flight systems are required for personnel when in the construction zone...

The design will produce Lahars during an eruption that upon the edge of the system  ( discharge via safety gate valve ), can be controlled discharged.

The intention then to control the gaseous emission containing carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. As within the environment the cooling effect of sulfur dioxide will cause an  effect similar to nuclear winter and when the falling out off the dimming effect the added CO2 discharge may reveal an incline global warming effect within the atmosphere.... a chain reaction in sequence that might cause Methane CH4 hydrate compound release and incline water vapor reactivity....

The system then will also control the volcanic ash so dangerous to plants and people


More to come...

The algae bio reactor then may also be able to produce carbon thread used then as the non biodegradable fiber strand within the plastic rods. The thread is then in short length to then not encumber the extrusion process.